Buttigieg big new plan to shake up retirement system, promises to protect Social Security "forever"!

SS is the same for everyone. Buttplug's new plan has some people "more equal" than others.
If SS isn't broke don't fix it.
True it needs more funding past 2037, and there are simple fixes to address that without Buttplug's new system.
SSI sucks...its a ponzi scheme that doesn't help anyone retire...they keep moving the age goal post....I want a plan that doesn't include anything like SSI...long term stock market investments would be a better way to give people the gift of retirement...
from WaPost:

"Mayor Pete Buttigieg has delivered a provocative response in recent days to those who challenge his empathy with black Americans: His experience as a gay man helps him relate to the struggles of African Americans. That has angered some African Americans, who view it as an attempt by a privileged white man to claim a type of victimhood that is distinct from the black experience in America, even while others take the comments more favorably. Buttigieg has shot to the top of the polls in Iowa and is gaining strength in New Hampshire, two largely white states — but he trails badly in South Carolina, the first primary state with a sizable African American population. A recent poll gave him less than 1 percent support among black Democrats there. The mayor’s current efforts to find common ground are prompting raw feelings, including his comments at the last Democratic debate when the question of race arose."
sorry but i cannot have a president who looks like his mom left him in the car while she ran into Walmart
Buttigieg thinks that if your combined household income is more than $100k/yr you can be lumped in rhetorically with billionaires and should be cut out of the free public college pool

A combined household income of $100k isn’t even “children of millionaires” territory. That’s two parents making $50k/each. Does that sound rich to you? It’s not. It’s a working family. And just as tuition-free K-12 public school was an option, tuition-free K-16 should be too.

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