Buttigieg takes break from months long maternity leave to announce he is inept.

Do you asslicking Trump traitortots ever get tired of crying over Biden beating 45's ass?

I thought you clowns wanted "big gubmint" to stay out of the way of private business & let our capitalist system work?
Don’t you Xiden dick suckers get tired of showing how dumb you are? It’s Buttplug and his departments JOB to handle these things moron. Oh that’s right, you clowns would rather sit home and be paid to not work than actually do anything. Back under your bridge with your welfare check troll.
Don’t you Xiden dick suckers get tired of showing how dumb you are? It’s Buttplug and his departments JOB to handle these things moron. Oh that’s right, you clowns would rather sit home and be paid to not work than actually do anything. Back under your bridge with your welfare check troll.
Where was your boy last year, dickweed? Think this problem just cropped up overnight, Trump asseater?
What you just said has nothing to do with my point about paternity leave. I know I’ve won the argument when you have nothing to say other than a profanity-laced insult.

Why anyone would want to cast their lot with liberals, given how nasty they are to anyone who disagrees, is beyond me. Now….bye-bye.
Burns your ass don't it that Biden appointed a gay male to a cabinet post, right, Trump asslicker? As usual you right wing retards talk shit about anyone who doesn't conform to your own so called moral authority.

Screw you.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
The next anticipated step from those who contend that you can be any sex you feel like is that men can carry, gestate and deliver babies. Anyone who disagrees is an “ist” of some form
Up until the last 5 or 6 years I'd never even heard of a man taking maternity leave anyway. Seems to have not been needed so far in human history very much.

I mean I get it. My neighbor took it for 2 weeks while his wife healed up, and he entertained the other kid so his wife could rest and break in the newborn. It was a big help to his wife. But then he went back to work. He didn't take off multiple months.

And Pete is gay, it isn't like he had a real wife that even had to recover from giving birth that needed help or anything.
'Maternity Leave'?! I heard he ASKED for 'Maternity Leave' but found out he wasn't pregnant - it was just Hemorrhoids.

It includes politics. Infrastructure upgrades could include port facilities.
There is nothing wrong with the ports. This crisis is another Biden self-inflicted wound. Democrats / Biden paying people not to work, paying monthly child tax credit money, etc....plus tyrannically, Un-Constitutionally, illegally pushing his vaccine mandate have a massive shortage of workers to unload the ships, load the trucks, truck drivers to deliver the goods, and workers to unload the trucks.
The Supply Chain crisis has nothing to do with a lack of automation.

Buddah has already declared the crisis Biden has created will continue into next summer.
A lack of automation has a lot to do with our supply chain crisis.

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