Buttigieg takes break from months long maternity leave to announce he is inept.

Bottle feeding takes two people?

Basically this guy is advertising that it takes a minimum of two queers to do the job of one straight woman.
We already knew how Fascim gets started. And our assumtions were confirmed on 1/6 when the orange blob got up there & incited his mob to riot & stop the certification, 45 asslicker.

The problem we have now is that jerkoffs like you want everyone to believe it didn't happen so you can whitewash it, traitor.
Once again, Dimmers are the part of slavery, the KKK, fascism which turned into the Nazi party...and so on. The only destroyer of ACTUAL history is looking back at you in the mirror. Also, people carrying flags to protest differ from mobs carrying guns, matches, and stolen tvs while setting fire to businesses and murdering the owners. So speaking of jerkoffs who want everyone to believe things that they are not responsible for......
NO, no it does NOT.

The owner of the dock and other experts have made it clear that 1) the Biden administration and other experts saw this coming for months - lockdowns, Un-Constitutional mandates, paying Americans NOT to come to work, monthly child tax credit checks, higher social program pay-outs, monthly rent moratoriums, Un-Constitutional mandates, etc... resulted in massive WORKER shortages.

Cargo ships have been anchored off-shore for MONTHS waiting to be able to come into port, waiting for workers to off-load cargo, waiting for workers to load cargo onto semi-trucks, waiting for truckers to drive the trucks to deliver the goods, waiting for workers to unload the trucks.

There is a reported 1+ MILLION cargo containers just sitting on the docks in California because there aren't enough workers and trucks / truck drivers to move the cargo off the docks, onto trucks, and delivered.

There is a reported several hundred thousand containers on ships at the docks unable to be loaded because there is no room on the docks to off-load more containers.

There is another reported 1 MILLION PLUS containers on cargo ships that have been anchored off-shore for MONTHS waiting for their turn to come into port to off-load their cargo.

Proving they have no f*ing clue what they are talking about, the Biden administration called on the owner of the Ca port to open the port 24/7 to off-load and mover the containers faster.
- The port owner complied, opening the port up for 24/7 operations; however, he responded to the request by stressing the problem with the crisis is not limited hours of operations at the port.

Unless you have robots that can / will drive trucks 24/7....unless you have robots that can move the 1MILLION containers sitting on the docks and get more cargo ships in and off-loaded, more automation is NOT going to do anything to solve this crisis.
Upgrade could have addressed all of those issues.
Upgrade could have addressed all of those issues.

Good grief, stop with the lie!

Again, the economic decisions and illegal mandates made by this President have created this problem. Again, unless you have robots that can off-load the ships, load the trucks, and that can drive the trucks automation would not have prevented and will not fix this crisis.
Fewer individuals manning more automation could be better "bubble-wrapped".
People need a purpose-----------putting them in small apartments and having the government take care of them as they use the government money to buy Amazon products is an open invitation for trouble.
Burns your ass don't it that Biden appointed a gay male to a cabinet post, right, Trump asslicker? As usual you right wing retards talk shit about anyone who doesn't conform to your own so called moral authority.

Screw you.
More lovely tolerance from the left. Thank G-d I saw the light early and stopped voting for Dems more than a decade ago.
People need a purpose-----------putting them in small apartments and having the government take care of them as they use the government money to buy Amazon products is an open invitation for trouble.
That is your assumption not your reason.
Good grief, stop with the lie!

Again, the economic decisions and illegal mandates made by this President have created this problem. Again, unless you have robots that can off-load the ships, load the trucks, and that can drive the trucks automation would not have prevented and will not fix this crisis.
I'm shocked he hasn't claimed this could all be solved by upgrading Ellis Island into a world class research facility. :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo:
Once again, Dimmers are the part of slavery, the KKK, fascism which turned into the Nazi party...and so on. The only destroyer of ACTUAL history is looking back at you in the mirror. Also, people carrying flags to protest differ from mobs carrying guns, matches, and stolen tvs while setting fire to businesses and murdering the owners. So speaking of jerkoffs who want everyone to believe things that they are not responsible for......
You mean your filthy mob carrying flags when not using them to beat cops over the head with one? It's not surprising that a jerkoff like you would equate looting with a violent mob attempting to disrupt the certification of a presidential election & getting people killed in the bargain. Just fun & games, right Trumptard?
It was just revealed ol Pete has been on maternity leave since mid August while the country's supply chain falls apart. He was shamed into making a statement, and all he can say is he doesn't know WTF to do.

That describes Trump supporters. Fox business news is as big a joke as Fox News is.
I feel SO

sorry for that child!

You mean you would be uncomfortable as a teenager having your buddies point out how you were sucking on a plastic tit of a dude when you were toddler and having a pic of that used by your "dad" and posted for all the world to see
Where was your boy last year, dickweed? Think this problem just cropped up overnight, Trump asseater?
Hey dumbfuck, Trump didn’t have these issues. This is Xiden’s problem alone. Epic fail. Projecting your homosexuality onto others again. Just sad.
That describes Trump supporters. Fox business news is as big a joke as Fox News is.
Really? You support the Secretary of Transportation sitting home for 2 months with strap-on boobies while the nation faces a transportation crisis? Are you stupid or something Forrest???
It is funny watching the usual loons here blame Trump after Buttplug comes out, says he has no clue about anything, then leaves for more vacation.
Blaming Trump is all the left has had since 2016

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