Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

It is reasonably obvious that Nancy Pelosi will handle this bruhaha fairly.
Oh look, a catheter. Donald, front and center, please (-:
So again you are telling lies? You just said right now that Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador about subverting the 2016 election. You just made that implication.
Where did he say anything thing about subverting the 2016 election in regards to Flynn’s conviction? :cuckoo:
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

All nations helps America's candidates based on their interests and wants

Always happens and is normal.

If mueller tries that trick the men will rise up and stop this crookedness
Got a list of nations carrying out social media campaigns on Americans in American elections?

Any arguments of "they all do that" is a sign of a weak mind and no information.
The implication is that they all do it, so it's okay.

Never once do you see the slightest anger directed at interference by a hostile foreign power. And that speaks volumes about their character and their total lack of love of country.
Back to the Nixon analogy. I recall people saying about the breakins and spying "they all do it." And at the time, I thought ... maybe so. My emotions were involved because I wasn't happy with either LBJ or Nixon telling me to buck up for SE Asia and land mines. LOL

but then, as it turned out, LBJ overstepped surveillance looking for domestic terrorists. I admit I'm one of those not too outraged by W's and Obama's oversteps on that. The concern is more that the govt will use information found to punish things like child porn, which are awful, but generally reachable without warrantless spying.

Nixon was a whole other animal. His view was the entire weight of State security and police were proper tools for hiding what his administration was doing to gain, and then stay, in power.

The problem is, Trump seems much closer to the latter than the former.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
One way or another, we're going to get to the bottom of it.

However, what we know already is damning.

Russia, russia, russia. Lol.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
One way or another, we're going to get to the bottom of it.

However, what we know already is damning.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
Are you itching for a civil war?......
Where did he say anything thing about subverting the 2016 election in regards to Flynn’s conviction? :cuckoo:
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

All nations helps America's candidates based on their interests and wants

Always happens and is normal.

If mueller tries that trick the men will rise up and stop this crookedness
Got a list of nations carrying out social media campaigns on Americans in American elections?

Any arguments of "they all do that" is a sign of a weak mind and no information.
The implication is that they all do it, so it's okay.

Never once do you see the slightest anger directed at interference by a hostile foreign power. And that speaks volumes about their character and their total lack of love of country.


Equal justice is a nations foundation

All nations works for certain candidates

Equal justice must stay equal.

So no problem at all
WTF are you babbling about? LOL

Are you attempting to equate the US with Russia?

And Obama was very wrong for interfering in Israel. We shouldn't mess with elections in countries that have a free press and fair elections.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
One way or another, we're going to get to the bottom of it.

However, what we know already is damning.
View attachment 240807

How long's it been? Five years now?
many people and governments work America's politicians all the time

We also work for certain candidates of other nations

The main thing is bringing unequal Justice which will destroy a nation

If one nations people works deals then all nations can

That is equal justice
Won't it be hilarious if he is booted from office for a lying related incident?
will be even more hilarious when this comes back to the dems and their next "liar" is impeached cause we've set the bar low now.

what you demand done to trump for whatever reason becomes fair play to all. libs keep forgetting that.
many people and governments work America's politicians all the time

We also work for certain candidates of other nations

The main thing is bringing unequal Justice which will destroy a nation

If one nations people works deals then all nations can

That is equal justice
WTF is this "unequal justice" and are you even an American?
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

All nations helps America's candidates based on their interests and wants

Always happens and is normal.

If mueller tries that trick the men will rise up and stop this crookedness
Got a list of nations carrying out social media campaigns on Americans in American elections?

Any arguments of "they all do that" is a sign of a weak mind and no information.
The implication is that they all do it, so it's okay.

Never once do you see the slightest anger directed at interference by a hostile foreign power. And that speaks volumes about their character and their total lack of love of country.


Equal justice is a nations foundation

All nations works for certain candidates

Equal justice must stay equal.

So no problem at all
WTF are you babbling about? LOL

Are you attempting to equate the US with Russia?

And Obama was very wrong for interfering in Israel. We shouldn't mess with elections in countries that have a free press and fair elections.

If Obama was not stopped then trump must not be stopped

Unequal Justice destroys nations
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
One way or another, we're going to get to the bottom of it.

However, what we know already is damning.
View attachment 240807

How long's it been? Five years now?

Let me ask you a question about her though

Did Hillary break the law? Yes or no

Of course she did, James Comey eevn said so. That's right, go back and watch the press conference he held and see it for yourself. He said she broke the law but there was no intent (though the law doesn't require intent , a reasonable person must concede prosecutor discretion exists) so no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.

So get the fuck out of here with your "Trump broke the law and we must have the law obeyed" bullshit liberals, it's beyond obvious that you don't actually give a shit about who broke the law.

Shit , a major Democrat donor just got away with murdering a second gay black hooker and no one cares.
It is reasonably obvious that Nancy Pelosi will handle this bruhaha fairly.
Oh look, a catheter. Donald, front and center, please (-:
Where did he say anything thing about subverting the 2016 election in regards to Flynn’s conviction? :cuckoo:
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

All nations helps America's candidates based on their interests and wants

Always happens and is normal.

If mueller tries that trick the men will rise up and stop this crookedness
Got a list of nations carrying out social media campaigns on Americans in American elections?

Any arguments of "they all do that" is a sign of a weak mind and no information.
The implication is that they all do it, so it's okay.

Never once do you see the slightest anger directed at interference by a hostile foreign power. And that speaks volumes about their character and their total lack of love of country.
Back to the Nixon analogy. I recall people saying about the breakins and spying "they all do it." And at the time, I thought ... maybe so. My emotions were involved because I wasn't happy with either LBJ or Nixon telling me to buck up for SE Asia and land mines. LOL

but then, as it turned out, LBJ overstepped surveillance looking for domestic terrorists. I admit I'm one of those not too outraged by W's and Obama's oversteps on that. The concern is more that the govt will use information found to punish things like child porn, which are awful, but generally reachable without warrantless spying.

Nixon was a whole other animal. His view was the entire weight of State security and police were proper tools for hiding what his administration was doing to gain, and then stay, in power.

The problem is, Trump seems much closer to the latter than the former.

Nixon was caught on tape - he HAD TO GO

If Cohen has Trump on tape he goes too, otherwise its a slobber swap back and fourth...
Won't it be hilarious if he is booted from office for a lying related incident?
will be even more hilarious when this comes back to the dems and their next "liar" is impeached cause we've set the bar low now.

what you demand done to trump for whatever reason becomes fair play to all. libs keep forgetting that.

Cuz liberals are stupid.

Just like when Obama was usurping power and doing shit with EOs they LOVED it ," fuck Congress if they won't act Obama will" and now they scream bloody fucking murder every time Trump does ANYTHING.

Liberals are little children who should not be placed in ANY position of powre.
You poor thing. I guess your propagandists have kept you in the dark, eh?

For example, how is it possible you don't know Flynn was convicted for lying about his conversations with Russians?

So again you are telling lies? You just said right now that Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador about subverting the 2016 election. You just made that implication.
Where did he say anything thing about subverting the 2016 election in regards to Flynn’s conviction? :cuckoo:
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

What a load of shit. Mueller is not investigating whether Putin helped Trump win an election in exchange for anything.

You people are stupid, and in for a pretty sad surprise when the Mueller report finally drops and you see that Trump was not being investigated by him for anything.
Of course Mueller has no investigation going into shared polling data with Russia and Russian intelligence aiming social media and false reporting to likely Trump voters. This is all a fantasy. And Mueller has not investigated any other things of value, such as loans or land deals, Putin may have offered Trump

Expert on NY real estate I see

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