Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

For some reason, Donald Trump has felt it imperative that the American people not have any knowledge of his involvement with Russia or Russian money.

I think it has more to do with mob money than Putin wanting him to win an election.

Could be both.

But there was mob money behind Trump SoHo.

Trump is such a pathological liar that the very name Trump SoHo is a lie. That building is nowhere near SoHo. He just wanted the prestige attached.

Just like he added ten imaginary stories to Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.

The guy is one giant illusion from top to bottom. A giant turd with a thin layer of gold plating.

I doubt there is a single building in NYC that doesn't have mob money behind it so meh.

And besides the DNC itself is a crime syndicate.
Ah. The "everybody does it" gambit. That was the chief defense used by Nixon defenders, too.

So you have no moral legs to stand on.

I'm not the one trying to stand on morals sir, You are. Is Trump dirty? Probably in one form or another, but so is everyone IN DC
Thank you for at least admitting that whole "drain the swamp" chant was yet another hoax.

Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Trump has enlarged the swamp. He had no intention of draining it. He planned on branding it.

For some reason, Donald Trump has felt it imperative that the American people not have any knowledge of his involvement with Russia or Russian money.

I think it has more to do with mob money than Putin wanting him to win an election.

Could be both.

But there was mob money behind Trump SoHo.

Trump is such a pathological liar that the very name Trump SoHo is a lie. That building is nowhere near SoHo. He just wanted the prestige attached.

Just like he added ten imaginary stories to Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.

The guy is one giant illusion from top to bottom. A giant turd with a thin layer of gold plating.
Oligarchs never do anything for free. They made Trump loans to build casinos. That's proven, though a complete list of casinos is unknown, and most likely the Oligarchs made loans on stuff never completed. The question is what to the oligarchs get. Trump is hardly the only casino operator to get Oligarch loans, just as the old mob bankrolled Atlantic City. The mob gets the "vig" on the loan, and if the borrower can't "make the vig" they get "the nut," or the casino. Back when legit bankers made loans to Trump, it was not much different.

Whether Putin directed the Oligarchs to help Trump with any aim to Trump going into politics ..... I agree that seems far fetched.

But separately we have the former KGB leading a cyber campaign for Trump, when he really didn't have any social media research of his own, which was what Team Obama pioneered in 08 and expanded in 12. We don't know how closely Trump and his campaign were allied to the former KGB in sharing and coordinating actions. And we don't know what Putin expected to get.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

Let's say, yes, he did do this.

What was it about, do you know?

What did he ask Cohen to lie about?
it doesn't matter. the mere fact is that if anyone asks someone to lie in front of congress, then it's obstruction. even if they tell them to plead the 5th. of course Unless you are obammy, hitlery, comey, Loretta momma, or any fking filthy ass lying demoloser. just remember that. bleach bit vagina.

Well, it goes to the question of what Barr has said is obstruction, and what is not. Perhaps this, out of Trump's own foolishness does qualify. Yet what was he trying to cover up? Was it actually connected to anything? Is there any proof of that beyond circumstantial? Or was it, as is always the case with Trump, just about money and image? Most of these clowns posting this stuff can only repeat what the MSM tell them, and have no ability to do any critical thinking. The question was aimed at them, not you. They, in the end, have no idea what any of it is about. Just BAD ORANGE MAN FORCED SOMEONE TO VIOLATE CONGRESSIONAL RULES, AND IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW. WE HAVE PROOOF!!!!!! :booze:


On top of this, if folks were familiar with what he was doing and why, and what it is all about, then they would gauge whether this is a political witch hunt, where folks are using the apparatus of the bureaucracy to their advantage in the matter of process crimes to try to nail him.

Is this really worth allowing the elites in the bureaucracy to subvert the will of the electorate?

That is what they do in banana republics and Eastern block nations.

If the American right weren't so lazy and apathetic, drinking beer, hunting and watching footballs, I could imagine them marching on D.C. over such nasty elite shenanigans.
definition of witch hunt is looking for a crime where one doesn't exist.
William Barr disagrees with all of you. He says Mueller's investigation is not a witch hunt.
You are sniffing glue. Not one person has been convicted and sentenced in relation to anything Russia.
You poor thing. I guess your propagandists have kept you in the dark, eh?

For example, how is it possible you don't know Flynn was convicted for lying about his conversations with Russians?

So again you are telling lies? You just said right now that Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador about subverting the 2016 election. You just made that implication.
Where did he say anything thing about subverting the 2016 election in regards to Flynn’s conviction? :cuckoo:
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

All nations helps America's candidates based on their interests and wants

Always happens and is normal.

If mueller tries that trick the men will rise up and stop this crookedness
Got a list of nations carrying out social media campaigns on Americans in American elections?

Any arguments of "they all do that" is a sign of a weak mind and no information.
You poor thing. I guess your propagandists have kept you in the dark, eh?

For example, how is it possible you don't know Flynn was convicted for lying about his conversations with Russians?

So again you are telling lies? You just said right now that Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador about subverting the 2016 election. You just made that implication.
Where did he say anything thing about subverting the 2016 election in regards to Flynn’s conviction? :cuckoo:
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

All nations helps America's candidates based on their interests and wants

Always happens and is normal.

If mueller tries that trick the men will rise up and stop this crookedness
Got a list of nations carrying out social media campaigns on Americans in American elections?

Any arguments of "they all do that" is a sign of a weak mind and no information.
The implication is that they all do it, so it's okay.

Never once do you see the slightest anger directed at interference by a hostile foreign power. And that speaks volumes about their character and their total lack of love of country.
the Russian Trump Tower project would've given Trump's company a $4 million upfront fee, no upfront costs, a percentage of the sales and control over marketing and design. The deal also included an opportunity to name the hotel spa after Ivanka Trump.

no way Trump knew about any of that ....

Trump told the Rube Herd he had no dealings with Russia. As I've said many times, the only way someone can lie so brazenly and willfully is they must have total contempt for the rubes.

Total. Contempt.

Trump pisses in their faces, and they fight each other for a sip.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

Let's say, yes, he did do this.

What was it about, do you know?

What did he ask Cohen to lie about?
it doesn't matter. the mere fact is that if anyone asks someone to lie in front of congress, then it's obstruction. even if they tell them to plead the 5th. of course Unless you are obammy, hitlery, comey, Loretta momma, or any fking filthy ass lying demoloser. just remember that. bleach bit vagina.

Well, it goes to the question of what Barr has said is obstruction, and what is not. Perhaps this, out of Trump's own foolishness does qualify. Yet what was he trying to cover up? Was it actually connected to anything? Is there any proof of that beyond circumstantial? Or was it, as is always the case with Trump, just about money and image? Most of these clowns posting this stuff can only repeat what the MSM tell them, and have no ability to do any critical thinking. The question was aimed at them, not you. They, in the end, have no idea what any of it is about. Just BAD ORANGE MAN FORCED SOMEONE TO VIOLATE CONGRESSIONAL RULES, AND IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW. WE HAVE PROOOF!!!!!! :booze:


On top of this, if folks were familiar with what he was doing and why, and what it is all about, then they would gauge whether this is a political witch hunt, where folks are using the apparatus of the bureaucracy to their advantage in the matter of process crimes to try to nail him.

Is this really worth allowing the elites in the bureaucracy to subvert the will of the electorate?

That is what they do in banana republics and Eastern block nations.

If the American right weren't so lazy and apathetic, drinking beer, hunting and watching footballs, I could imagine them marching on D.C. over such nasty elite shenanigans.
definition of witch hunt is looking for a crime where one doesn't exist.

They are trying to accuse him of being a Manchurian candidate for Russia.

All he ever did was business in Russia.

When it appeared he might actually have a shot at nomination and the oval office, he had his attorney lie about when he stopped negotiating a hotel deal. It has nothing to do with collusion.

Thank you for pointing that out.

Trump has made a couple tweets since the story broke.


The second one: AMERICA FIRST!

How...eerily robotic.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

Let's say, yes, he did do this.

What was it about, do you know?

What did he ask Cohen to lie about?
it doesn't matter. the mere fact is that if anyone asks someone to lie in front of congress, then it's obstruction. even if they tell them to plead the 5th. of course Unless you are obammy, hitlery, comey, Loretta momma, or any fking filthy ass lying demoloser. just remember that. bleach bit vagina.

Well, it goes to the question of what Barr has said is obstruction, and what is not. Perhaps this, out of Trump's own foolishness does qualify. Yet what was he trying to cover up? Was it actually connected to anything? Is there any proof of that beyond circumstantial? Or was it, as is always the case with Trump, just about money and image? Most of these clowns posting this stuff can only repeat what the MSM tell them, and have no ability to do any critical thinking. The question was aimed at them, not you. They, in the end, have no idea what any of it is about. Just BAD ORANGE MAN FORCED SOMEONE TO VIOLATE CONGRESSIONAL RULES, AND IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW. WE HAVE PROOOF!!!!!! :booze:


On top of this, if folks were familiar with what he was doing and why, and what it is all about, then they would gauge whether this is a political witch hunt, where folks are using the apparatus of the bureaucracy to their advantage in the matter of process crimes to try to nail him.

Is this really worth allowing the elites in the bureaucracy to subvert the will of the electorate?

That is what they do in banana republics and Eastern block nations.

If the American right weren't so lazy and apathetic, drinking beer, hunting and watching footballs, I could imagine them marching on D.C. over such nasty elite shenanigans.
definition of witch hunt is looking for a crime where one doesn't exist.
William Barr disagrees with all of you. He says Mueller's investigation is not a witch hunt.

Oh, so now you like the wonderful upstanding credential of, "pardon all the criminals," Barr huh?

Whomever advised Trump to make THAT appointment either outplayed him, or Trump is a stooge.

We'll find out if, indeed, Trump ever gets impeached.

Triumph of Conventional Wisdom: AP Expunges Iran/Contra Pardons from Barr’s Record
Triumph of Conventional Wisdom: AP Expunges Iran/Contra Pardons from Barr’s Record
"Seems like Mueller has evidence. Tangible evidence of obstruction of justice. On top of that he has Cohen. This is absolutely terrible, bad and no good for Trump."
he does? based on what exactly do you make such a stupid false statement?
based on we all know he's a liar so there must be much evidence to prove he's telling the truth now AND if there is such evidence will you still have your head up trumps ass??
Trump has made a couple tweets since the story broke.


The second one: AMERICA FIRST!

How...eerily robotic.

stroking his drones to keep their chubby up
Let's say, yes, he did do this.

What was it about, do you know?

What did he ask Cohen to lie about?
it doesn't matter. the mere fact is that if anyone asks someone to lie in front of congress, then it's obstruction. even if they tell them to plead the 5th. of course Unless you are obammy, hitlery, comey, Loretta momma, or any fking filthy ass lying demoloser. just remember that. bleach bit vagina.

Well, it goes to the question of what Barr has said is obstruction, and what is not. Perhaps this, out of Trump's own foolishness does qualify. Yet what was he trying to cover up? Was it actually connected to anything? Is there any proof of that beyond circumstantial? Or was it, as is always the case with Trump, just about money and image? Most of these clowns posting this stuff can only repeat what the MSM tell them, and have no ability to do any critical thinking. The question was aimed at them, not you. They, in the end, have no idea what any of it is about. Just BAD ORANGE MAN FORCED SOMEONE TO VIOLATE CONGRESSIONAL RULES, AND IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW. WE HAVE PROOOF!!!!!! :booze:


On top of this, if folks were familiar with what he was doing and why, and what it is all about, then they would gauge whether this is a political witch hunt, where folks are using the apparatus of the bureaucracy to their advantage in the matter of process crimes to try to nail him.

Is this really worth allowing the elites in the bureaucracy to subvert the will of the electorate?

That is what they do in banana republics and Eastern block nations.

If the American right weren't so lazy and apathetic, drinking beer, hunting and watching footballs, I could imagine them marching on D.C. over such nasty elite shenanigans.
definition of witch hunt is looking for a crime where one doesn't exist.
William Barr disagrees with all of you. He says Mueller's investigation is not a witch hunt.

Oh, so now you like the wonderful upstanding credential of, "pardon all the criminals," Barr huh?

Whomever advised Trump to make THAT appointment either outplayed him, or Trump is a stooge.

We'll find out if, indeed, Trump ever gets impeached.

Triumph of Conventional Wisdom: AP Expunges Iran/Contra Pardons from Barr’s Record
Triumph of Conventional Wisdom: AP Expunges Iran/Contra Pardons from Barr’s Record
Here is what I posted in a topic announcing Barr's nomination:

William Barr?

Holy smokes. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a coon's age.

I hope he is smart enough to turn the job down. Seems like everyone who goes to work for Trump ends up horribly regretting it.

You are sniffing glue. Not one person has been convicted and sentenced in relation to anything Russia.
You poor thing. I guess your propagandists have kept you in the dark, eh?

For example, how is it possible you don't know Flynn was convicted for lying about his conversations with Russians?

So again you are telling lies? You just said right now that Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador about subverting the 2016 election. You just made that implication.
Where did he say anything thing about subverting the 2016 election in regards to Flynn’s conviction? :cuckoo:
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

What a load of shit. Mueller is not investigating whether Putin helped Trump win an election in exchange for anything.

You people are stupid, and in for a pretty sad surprise when the Mueller report finally drops and you see that Trump was not being investigated by him for anything.

The media has said as much. At best it will be a report confirming what everyone already knows, Trumps an asshole. As far as the Russia investigation go’s, I’m curious to see how the other criminal investigations are going as well as what the situation with Comey, McCabe and all them turns out.
So again you are telling lies? You just said right now that Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador about subverting the 2016 election. You just made that implication.
Where did he say anything thing about subverting the 2016 election in regards to Flynn’s conviction? :cuckoo:
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

All nations helps America's candidates based on their interests and wants

Always happens and is normal.

If mueller tries that trick the men will rise up and stop this crookedness
Got a list of nations carrying out social media campaigns on Americans in American elections?

Any arguments of "they all do that" is a sign of a weak mind and no information.
The implication is that they all do it, so it's okay.

Never once do you see the slightest anger directed at interference by a hostile foreign power. And that speaks volumes about their character and their total lack of love of country.


Equal justice is a nations foundation

All nations works for certain candidates

Equal justice must stay equal.

So no problem at all
Putin didn't help Trump win the election you fool..
Sorry, but it is indisputable at this point that Putin did indeed give Trump a leg up.

Your willful blindness is astonishing.

Bullshit. they bought a few hundred thousand dollars in FB ads LOL

I bet Google swayed more votes Hillary's way than Russia swayed Trump's way..
Russia did far more than that.

You really need to open your eyes.

You need to open your eyes friend. I work in DC and deal with the assholes in Congress on a fairly regular basis. The amount of foreign money these fuckers take is eye popping and guess what ? Russia isn't even close to being one of the worst offenders.

This whole consideration is a fucking joke. Trump has hurt Russian interests, he's literally ordered the death of Russian soldiers, US/Russian relations are at their lowest since the Cold War and you nimrods who frankly know NOTHING just go alone with whatever the media and Dems both of whom have been proven to be full of shit liars tell you.
After the 2016 election, we heard a new way Hillary could replace Trump as president every week. Finally that died. We have heard the same with Mueller's probe, except it will take month's to die.
Oh, so now you like the wonderful upstanding credential of, "pardon all the criminals," Barr huh?

Whomever advised Trump to make THAT appointment either outplayed him, or Trump is a stooge.

We'll find out if, indeed, Trump ever gets impeached.

Triumph of Conventional Wisdom: AP Expunges Iran/Contra Pardons from Barr’s Record
Triumph of Conventional Wisdom: AP Expunges Iran/Contra Pardons from Barr’s Record
He's another one who's kookier than the birthers.

As far as Barr goes, he stunk of swamp to me from the moment he was named as the nominee.

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