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Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

Thatā€™s also nothing but speculation on your part. We donā€™t know what Muellerā€™s evidence is or how advanced his investigation is. Itā€™s possible he has something on trump but is not yet ready to inform Congress; since as we all know, the moment he sends anything to Congress, we all learn what it is since few in Congress can keep their mouth shut.

Itā€™s also entirely possible, maybe even probable, he has nothing on Trump, and can show nothing more than some around Trump had connections with Russians. After all, Mueller did say he wasnā€™t investigating Trump.

Well, according to Adam Schiff and Eric Swallwell , Mueller showed them information that directly incriminates Trump over 2 years ago.
Weā€™ll find out eventually. Itā€™s also possible Mueller is lying when he says trump is not under investigation, so trump is less defensive. My feeling is he will eventually produce something more along the lines of a process crime committed during the investigation; then he will from proving a direct connection between Trump and the Kremlin from before the investigation.

My feeling is that Bob is honest and he's not gonna be a bird dog for Democrats who want to impeach Trump, meaning he's following current Justice Dept policy and since the POTUS can't be indicted, there is no reason to investigate criminal activity. All this "Mueller is investigating Trump for this crime or that crime" is bullshit. Bob is investigating Russia and what they did in terms of our 2016 election, and any crimes he uncovers while conducting that investigation.

As I"ve said, Democrats are going to be sorely disappointed when he wraps up his investigation. And in fact, Democrats in Congress already know this, that is why they are moving on to "Congress MUST investigate this" which of course Congressional investigations are the most useless waste of time in the history of mankind. I"ve testified before Congress several times and those people are idiots.
I agree that his focus is in determining Russiaā€™s involvement in the election. But of course he has to investigate for criminality, if there is any evidence leading him in that direction. He canā€™t just tell Congress I think Trump conspired with Russia to hack the election, now go ahead and impeach him. He has to present evidence, otherwise the Senate will absolutely acquit Trump. And to present evidence, Mueller has to investigate. Not to mention, any findings from such an investigation could also be used against Trump once heā€™s out of office. And itā€™s also not a certainty trump canā€™t be indicted if it can be proven he was involved with Russia. Though it was a civil case and not a criminal case, Paula Jones was allowed to file suit against a sitting president. Constitutional scholars and lawyers offer mixed opinions on that question.

It is an absolute certainty that he can't be indicted while in office. There is NO chance that the Justice Department reverses course on that Faun

As for impeachment. Bob wasn't hired to investigate Trump for impeachment and in fact that isn't the Justice Department's job AT ALL.

Congress has their own investigative abilities and they can do what they want, without the Justice Department.
Prove itā€™s a certainty......
It is an absolute certainty that he can't be indicted while in office. There is NO chance that the Justice Depart
Well, kinda. They can just indict him under seal and then wait until he is out of office to unseal. In this way, trump cannot slither out from under the indictments using either his office or the statute of limitations.
It is an absolute certainty that he can't be indicted while in office. There is NO chance that the Justice Depart
Well, kinda. They can just indict him under seal and then wait until he is out of office to unseal. In this way, trump cannot slither out from under the indictments using either his office or the statute of limitations.
Can the President Be Indicted? A Long-Hidden Legal Memo Says Yes

The 56-page memo, locked in the National Archives for nearly two decades and obtained by The New York Times under the Freedom of Information Act, amounts to the most thorough government-commissioned analysis rejecting a generally held view that presidents are immune from prosecution while in office.

ā€œIt is proper, constitutional, and legal for a federal grand jury to indict a sitting president for serious criminal acts that are not part of, and are contrary to, the presidentā€™s official duties,ā€ the Starr office memo concludes. ā€œIn this country, no one, even President Clinton, is above the law.ā€
Buzzfeed bullshit is funny as hell....but watching them have to can 15% of their employees....priceless.....
Well, this claim didn't age well:


Still love Cohen?
That is not how a Mafia boss works....a wink and a nod will do it....Cohen knew that.
the left is still trying to take away our vote. Voter suppression still ongoing. called Hoax
So let's review:

Trump lied to americans. Putin was in on the lie.

Very unbecoming.
I have a sense that the Russian Collusion Truthers are not persuadable by the complete lack of evidence for the criminal conspiracies you claim occurred.

Here's your problem:

You and official DC blew 2015 when you laughed at Trump coming down the escalator. Then when he secured the nomination, officials did a very bad thing. They decided that they needed a "insurance policy" in case he won. That is, they needed a "insurance policy" against the US Electorate.

1.) When did the FBI first learn that Steeleā€™s dossier was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party and written by a partisan who, by his own admission, was desperate to defeat Trump? Documents and testimony show senior DOJ official Bruce Ohr first told his colleagues about Steeleā€™s bias and connections to Clinton in late summer 2016. A string of FBI emails ā€” some before the bureau secured its first surveillance warrant ā€” raised concerns about Steeleā€™s motive, employer and credibility.

2.) How much evidence of innocence did the FBI possess against two of its early targets, Trump campaign advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page? There are indications that agents secured evidence of the innocence of both men from informants, intercepts and other techniques that was never disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judges in the case. Further there are also hints that learning exactly the sort of surveillance used on Page also may surprise some people.

3.) Why was the Steele dossier used as primary evidence in the FISA warrant against Page when it had not been corroborated? FBI testimony shows agents had just begun checking out the dossier when its elements were used as supporting evidence, and that spreadsheets kept by the bureau during the verification process validated only small pieces of the dossier while concluding other parts were false or unprovable. And, of course, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page admitted that, after nine months of investigation, the dossierā€™s core allegation of Trump-Russia collusion could not be substantiated.

Click on over to review additional questions:

Ten post-Mueller questions that could turn the tables on Russia collusion investigators
So let's review:

Trump lied to americans. Putin was in on the lie.

Very unbecoming.
I have a sense that the Russian Collusion Truthers are not persuadable by the complete lack of evidence for the criminal conspiracies you claim occurred.

Here's your problem:

You and official DC blew 2015 when you laughed at Trump coming down the escalator. Then when he secured the nomination, officials did a very bad thing. They decided something dark and evil, that they needed a "insurance policy" in case he won. That is, they needed a "insurance policy" against the US Electorate.

Then the folks that blew 2015, blew 2016 and Trump was elected. Rather than question themselves and their assumption, they then decided that something untoward had occurred, because, how could them be wrong? Why we were "tricked"! By the Ruskies, no less!

Now these morons blew another 2.5 years before finally admitting what was obvious all along. Trump won and they are ignorant dummies carried away with their own sense of self-importance.

Now comes the very difficult consequences of their dark actions. How many crimes were committed by who in weaponizing the US Intelligence Agencies against a domestic political opponent?

Why were Steeleā€™s biases and his ties to the Clinton campaign ā€” as well as evidence of innocence and flaws in the FISA evidence ā€” never disclosed to the FISA court, as required by law and court practice?

Why did FBI and U.S. intelligence officials leak stories about evidence in the emerging Russia probe before they corroborated collusion, and were any of those leaks designed to ā€œcreateā€ evidence that could be cited in the courts of law and public opinion to justify the continuation of a flawed investigation?

Did Comey improperly handle classified information when he distributed memos of his private conversations with Trump to his lawyers and a friend and ordered a leak that he hoped would cause the appointment of a special counsel after his firing as FBI director?

Ten post-Mueller questions that could turn the tables on Russia collusion investigators

I do not expect Democrats to be smart enough to shut up and walkaway. Now that its clear that Trump beat them fair and square and that even after whitewashing Hillary's espionage that they launched a scorched earth witch hunt on Trump and cannot show any probable cause courtroom level evidence of a single crime by him, that patience with Democrats and the Collusion Truthers is going to drop through the floor. Their continued carping is going to keep visibility on them as evidence of very serious and ACTUAL crimes becomes harder and harder to ignore.

If it becomes clear that some of them gave false statements under oath or mishandled classified information, I think some of them are going to end up behind bars.

Remember, in our system THE GOVERNMENT swears a solemn oath that they have been completely truthful and transparent in every sense, on every warrant applications. These FISA warrant applications are going to really get careful scrutiny to determine how our Intelligence Community was misdirected against a domestic political opponent.
So let's review:

Trump lied to americans. Putin was in on the lie.

Very unbecoming.
I have a sense that the Russian Collusion Truthers are not persuadable by the complete lack of evidence for the criminal conspiracies you claim occurred.

Here's your problem:

You and official DC blew 2015 when you laughed at Trump coming down the escalator. Then when he secured the nomination, officials did a very bad thing. They decided that they needed a "insurance policy" in case he won. That is, they needed a "insurance policy" against the US Electorate.
So let's review:

Trump lied to americans. Putin was in on the lie.

Very unbecoming.
Did the CIA, FBI or Obama White House engage in activities ā€” such as the activation of intelligence sources or electronic surveillance ā€” before the opening of an official counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016?

Did U.S. intelligence, the FBI or the Obama administration use or encourage friendly spy agencies in Great Britain, Australia, Ukraine, Italy or elsewhere to gather evidence on the Trump campaign, leak evidence, or get around U.S. restrictions on spying on Americans?

Did the CIA or Obama intelligence apparatus try to lure or pressure the FBI into opening a Trump collusion probe or acknowledge its existence before the election? Text messages between alleged FBI lovebirds Strzok and Page raised concerns about ā€œpressureā€ from the White House, the ā€œAgency BS game,ā€ DOJ leaks and the need for an FBI ā€œinsurance policy.ā€ And, as Strzok texted at one point in August 2016, quoting a colleague: ā€œThe White House is running this.ā€
So let's review:

Trump lied to americans. Putin was in on the lie.

Very unbecoming.
I have a sense that the Russian Collusion Truthers are not persuadable by the complete lack of evidence for the criminal conspiracies you claim occurred.

Here's your problem:

You and official DC blew 2015 when you laughed at Trump coming down the escalator. Then when he secured the nomination, officials did a very bad thing. They decided that they needed a "insurance policy" in case he won. That is, they needed a "insurance policy" against the US Electorate.
So let's review:

Trump lied to americans. Putin was in on the lie.

Very unbecoming.
Did the CIA, FBI or Obama White House engage in activities ā€” such as the activation of intelligence sources or electronic surveillance ā€” before the opening of an official counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016?

Did U.S. intelligence, the FBI or the Obama administration use or encourage friendly spy agencies in Great Britain, Australia, Ukraine, Italy or elsewhere to gather evidence on the Trump campaign, leak evidence, or get around U.S. restrictions on spying on Americans?

Did the CIA or Obama intelligence apparatus try to lure or pressure the FBI into opening a Trump collusion probe or acknowledge its existence before the election? Text messages between alleged FBI lovebirds Strzok and Page raised concerns about ā€œpressureā€ from the White House, the ā€œAgency BS game,ā€ DOJ leaks and the need for an FBI ā€œinsurance policy.ā€ And, as Strzok texted at one point in August 2016, quoting a colleague: ā€œThe White House is running this.ā€
Well the real big obstruction was when hitlery had her people bleach bit her PC and phones under subpoena. Now that is obstruction with intent. Yet, these fks stay quiet and look at trump at no obstruction and claim he did. too fking funny.
I have a sense that the Russian Collusion Truthers are not persuadable by the complete lack of evidence for the criminal conspiracies you claim occurred.
Sorry,not an appropriate response to my post.
You cut a lot out of it.

Here's your problem:

You and official DC blew 2015 when you laughed at Trump coming down the escalator. Then when he secured the nomination, officials did a very bad thing. They decided that they needed a "insurance policy" in case he won. That is, they needed a "insurance policy" against the US Electorate.

Did the CIA, FBI or Obama White House engage in activities ā€” such as the activation of intelligence sources or electronic surveillance ā€” before the opening of an official counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016?

Did U.S. intelligence, the FBI or the Obama administration use or encourage friendly spy agencies in Great Britain, Australia, Ukraine, Italy or elsewhere to gather evidence on the Trump campaign, leak evidence, or get around U.S. restrictions on spying on Americans?

Did the CIA or Obama intelligence apparatus try to lure or pressure the FBI into opening a Trump collusion probe or acknowledge its existence before the election? Text messages between alleged FBI lovebirds Strzok and Page raised concerns about ā€œpressureā€ from the White House, the ā€œAgency BS game,ā€ DOJ leaks and the need for an FBI ā€œinsurance policy.ā€ And, as Strzok texted at one point in August 2016, quoting a colleague: ā€œThe White House is running this.ā€

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