BWAHAHAHAA! Unions Lose in Wis!

Feel the heartbreak!


Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

After tens of millions of dollars spent by outside interest groups, dozens of attack ads and exhaustive get-out-the-vote efforts, Democrats on Tuesday fell short of their goal of taking control of the state Senate and stopping the agenda of Gov. Scott Walker.

Republicans won four of six recall races, meaning the party still holds a narrow 17-16 majority in the Senate — at least until next week, when Sens. Robert Wirch, D-Pleasant Prairie, and Jim Holperin, D-Conover face their own recall elections. A third Democrat, Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, easily survived a recall attempt last month.
Read more: Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

IN OTHER WORDS, the elections of 2010 were NOT an abberation. They were WHAT the voters wanted, and the VOTERS again made that clear.

All that outside money and the GOP held onto power. The Gov held onto his majority.

Read it and weep liberals. 2012 is coming, and the voters HAVEN'T changed their minds, after all.


That's a real positive way to spin losing 2 seats.

Sorry, but I've never had to interview for a job after I was already hired.
Feel the heartbreak!


Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

After tens of millions of dollars spent by outside interest groups, dozens of attack ads and exhaustive get-out-the-vote efforts, Democrats on Tuesday fell short of their goal of taking control of the state Senate and stopping the agenda of Gov. Scott Walker.

Republicans won four of six recall races, meaning the party still holds a narrow 17-16 majority in the Senate — at least until next week, when Sens. Robert Wirch, D-Pleasant Prairie, and Jim Holperin, D-Conover face their own recall elections. A third Democrat, Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, easily survived a recall attempt last month.
Read more: Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

IN OTHER WORDS, the elections of 2010 were NOT an abberation. They were WHAT the voters wanted, and the VOTERS again made that clear.

All that outside money and the GOP held onto power. The Gov held onto his majority.

Read it and weep liberals. 2012 is coming, and the voters HAVEN'T changed their minds, after all.


That's a real positive way to spin losing 2 seats.

Sorry, but I've never had to interview for a job after I was already hired.

Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections

Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections - politics - More politics -

We all know MSNBC is a hard rightwing site, right?
Feel the heartbreak!


Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

After tens of millions of dollars spent by outside interest groups, dozens of attack ads and exhaustive get-out-the-vote efforts, Democrats on Tuesday fell short of their goal of taking control of the state Senate and stopping the agenda of Gov. Scott Walker.

Republicans won four of six recall races, meaning the party still holds a narrow 17-16 majority in the Senate — at least until next week, when Sens. Robert Wirch, D-Pleasant Prairie, and Jim Holperin, D-Conover face their own recall elections. A third Democrat, Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, easily survived a recall attempt last month.
Read more: Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

IN OTHER WORDS, the elections of 2010 were NOT an abberation. They were WHAT the voters wanted, and the VOTERS again made that clear.

All that outside money and the GOP held onto power. The Gov held onto his majority.

Read it and weep liberals. 2012 is coming, and the voters HAVEN'T changed their minds, after all.


That's a real positive way to spin losing 2 seats.

Sorry, but I've never had to interview for a job after I was already hired.

The number 4 is larger than the number 2.

That's not simple math, it's counting.

You may want to hunt down your K teacher and beat the fuck outta him or her for letting you continue on to 1st grade.
Feel the heartbreak!


Read more: Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

IN OTHER WORDS, the elections of 2010 were NOT an abberation. They were WHAT the voters wanted, and the VOTERS again made that clear.

All that outside money and the GOP held onto power. The Gov held onto his majority.

Read it and weep liberals. 2012 is coming, and the voters HAVEN'T changed their minds, after all.


That's a real positive way to spin losing 2 seats.

Sorry, but I've never had to interview for a job after I was already hired.

Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections

Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections - politics - More politics -

We all know MSNBC is a hard rightwing site, right?

Fall short of taking back the Senate. That's what that headline means. It doesn't mean they've fallen short in every single one of their life endeavors.

How many seats did the Republicans gain?

Jesus Christ you people are a like a bunch of retarded children on PEZ.
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That's a real positive way to spin losing 2 seats.

Sorry, but I've never had to interview for a job after I was already hired.

Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections

Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections - politics - More politics -

We all know MSNBC is a hard rightwing site, right?

Fall short of taking back the Senate. That's what that headline means. It doesn't mean they've fallen short in every single one of their life endeavors.

How many seats did the Republicans gain?

Jesus Christ you people are a like a bunch of retarded children on PEZ.

Still two fleebaggers facing recall.
Because the only "working" people in this country work for unions, right?




Dont let your husband fool you. If he doesnt beloing to a union he is not working hard at all.

By the a business planner/human resources solutions consultant with clients that are both unionized and not unionized?

Our findings?

Those that have unions have a workforce where the level of work ethic and dedication is based on the LEAST acceptable...for example...ALL sick days are used by ALL employees of our unionized clients...(actually, the figure is 99.3%)

Only 58.2% of employees of our non unionized clients use ALL of their sick days per year.

My Dad was a supervisor and Manager on the B-1A and B-1B (and supervisor on the Apoll 11).

The man under him were union.

He had to take all the doors off the stalls in the men's restroom because the men would go in there, pull up their feet and sleep in the stalls.

I forget what he had to do about the men carrying lunch. He had a problem with men being drunk after lunch.

He discovered that they were taking oranges in their lunches in which they were injecting vodka into a frozen orange. So, they were having an vodka and orange with their lunch.

He would complain to me, about the fact the union men got paid twice what he ever got paid in a non management job, yet worked half as hard.

The idea of calling union people "working people," AS IF THEY ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT WORK IN THIS COUNTRY, is an insult to the working men and women of this country that really rankles me.

Trust me, my dad in management worked twice the hours the union people did, and half that time was in cleaning up the union workers, MESSES!


WC Fields use to do that..

I love it. Fuck a bunch of union thugs. The only people who give a shit about the unions are the union thugs who think they are the ones who rule the world. The best thing that could happen to America would be to ban all unions.
Feel the heartbreak!


Read more: Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

IN OTHER WORDS, the elections of 2010 were NOT an abberation. They were WHAT the voters wanted, and the VOTERS again made that clear.

All that outside money and the GOP held onto power. The Gov held onto his majority.

Read it and weep liberals. 2012 is coming, and the voters HAVEN'T changed their minds, after all.


That's a real positive way to spin losing 2 seats.

Sorry, but I've never had to interview for a job after I was already hired.

The number 4 is larger than the number 2.

That's not simple math, it's counting.

You may want to hunt down your K teacher and beat the fuck outta him or her for letting you continue on to 1st grade.

Don't confuse obamabots with arithmetic. They spent K12 reading books about gay penguins and obscure black poets.
Feel the heartbreak!


Read more: Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

IN OTHER WORDS, the elections of 2010 were NOT an abberation. They were WHAT the voters wanted, and the VOTERS again made that clear.

All that outside money and the GOP held onto power. The Gov held onto his majority.

Read it and weep liberals. 2012 is coming, and the voters HAVEN'T changed their minds, after all.


That's a real positive way to spin losing 2 seats.

Sorry, but I've never had to interview for a job after I was already hired.

The number 4 is larger than the number 2.

That's not simple math, it's counting.

You may want to hunt down your K teacher and beat the fuck outta him or her for letting you continue on to 1st grade.

So how many seats did the Republicans gain?
The bottom line is that the recall process worked and Wi. has spoken. The rest is just partisan words.

They may have stood a better chance if immediately following some blue states didnt take the same direction with dem majorities no less.
Democrats picked up two seats after successfully forcing an election.

How is that "losing"?

wow, and you don't SEE a problem with that. Well evidently the people DID and spoke LOUD AND CLEAR.

I bet you didn't have a problem with it when it was done to Gray Davis, now did ya?

Well you probably do now..though..seeing as Arnold turned out to be much more centrist then previously thought.


Oh, it's soooooooooooooooo unfair that Gray Davis was recalled!

Um, yeah!


wow, and you don't SEE a problem with that. Well evidently the people DID and spoke LOUD AND CLEAR.

I bet you didn't have a problem with it when it was done to Gray Davis, now did ya?

Well you probably do now..though..seeing as Arnold turned out to be much more centrist then previously thought.


Oh, it's soooooooooooooooo unfair that Gray Davis was recalled!

Um, yeah!



Was it?
wow, and you don't SEE a problem with that. Well evidently the people DID and spoke LOUD AND CLEAR.

I bet you didn't have a problem with it when it was done to Gray Davis, now did ya?

Well you probably do now..though..seeing as Arnold turned out to be much more centrist then previously thought.


You people keep bring up the Davis recall. How the hell does it have anything to with what went on in Wisconsin? sheesh

Exactly! It has nothing to do with Wis. It's just a sore loser Democrat snatching for straws trying to find SOMETHING to argue about.

It's a sign of desperation, and nothing more.

Get out the vote - millions$$

Bus trips in for out of staters - millions$$

Hired gun community agitators - millions$$

Faux outrage propaganda - millions$$

Real Americans rejecting union thuggery - Priceless !!

any more rightwingnut talking points you'd like to spew all over the screen?

millions of dollars poured in to the election by rabid rightwing PAC's and the RNC...


your observations are, as usual, more and more selective.

oh.. .and screw you for the 'real americans' comment.

I got tired of all the bomb throwing, so now i just throw back. The behavior of the democrats and unions through this whole debacle has been despicable at best, maybe you've forgotten the shit they pulled in this process, but i haven't.

Opinions can't be lies.

Sallow is to well informed to not be.

Unions make up about 10-15% of the work place.

this was a blow to government union pay and benefits that the private citizen, the other 85-90%, could no longer afford to support.

That 10-15% still have thier jobs and the rest won't be pulled under.

He knows this.

It's not a lie.

There's been a slow erosion of the rights of labor for quite some time now.

It started with Reagan breaking the Air Traffic Controllers Union and has continued on with managment "capturing" Union members by offering them the very same benefits that Unions fought so hard to get without the Union dues.

Then once the Union is go the Benefits.

Seen it happen over and over again.

Dude, benefits are going the way of the DoDO and you can THANK your Unions for that reality.

They have pushed and prodded, and made them so expensive that they push businesses into bankruptcy as they did GM.
wow, and you don't SEE a problem with that. Well evidently the people DID and spoke LOUD AND CLEAR.

I bet you didn't have a problem with it when it was done to Gray Davis, now did ya?

Well you probably do now..though..seeing as Arnold turned out to be much more centrist then previously thought.


You people keep bring up the Davis recall. How the hell does it have anything to with what went on in Wisconsin? sheesh

Both states were deep in debt from over spending....that's the connection.
I bet you didn't have a problem with it when it was done to Gray Davis, now did ya?

Well you probably do now..though..seeing as Arnold turned out to be much more centrist then previously thought.


You people keep bring up the Davis recall. How the hell does it have anything to with what went on in Wisconsin? sheesh

You live in Wisconsin? Didn't know that.

How's the weather?

What does where she lives have to do with your COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT and desperate attempt to deflect by bringing up CA?????????????

You are getting more desperate by the minute.

Your pay masters need to give you a pay cut!


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