Bye Bye Bud Light - Marketing fiasco, or planned cutbacks?

I've seen lots of videos complaining about Budweiser, but they were all made by either long time MAGA propagandists, or inbred hillbillies. Seems sane people don't have a problem with it.

These corporations that have been in business for many decades now, have seen these new businesses that have gone woke and gone broke because of it.

So, are they really that stupid? Or is this a planned cutback stratagy for massive layoffs?

Why would a massive corporation decide to literally slit its own throat with wokeism, if it weren't for creating a loophole to get out of paying massive fines and taxes for having a huge layoff and cutback?

I am waiting with bated breath for somebody to accuse you of being anti-gay.

These corporations that have been in business for many decades now, have seen these new businesses that have gone woke and gone broke because of it.

So, are they really that stupid? Or is this a planned cutback stratagy for massive layoffs?

Why would a massive corporation decide to literally slit its own throat with wokeism, if it weren't for creating a loophole to get out of paying massive fines and taxes for having a huge layoff and cutback?

Busch won't suffer any financial losses. They'll just fire a bunch of people when their profits start to dwindle. Of course, the loonie marketing team will keep their jobs.
I've seen lots of videos complaining about Budweiser, but they were all made by either long time MAGA propagandists, or inbred hillbillies. Seems sane people don't have a problem with it.
Says the bulldog that with the saggy nipple.
Busch won't suffer any financial losses. They'll just fire a bunch of people when their profits start to dwindle. Of course, the loonie marketing team will keep their jobs.
Yea, cause you know, Busch dont know nuthin about marketing.
Well it’s basically beer-flavored water anyway, give me a dry stout.

but who cares? I don’t care if Bud Light is pro-gay, or if Chik-fil-a is anti-gay.

I don’t patronize either business, but their politics mean diddly squat to me either way.
Well it’s basically beer-flavored water anyway, but who cares? I don’t care if Bud Light is pro-gay, or if Chik-fil-a is anti-gay.

I don’t patronize either business, but their politics mean diddly squat to me either way.
I have to order a couple of pillow from the bat shit crazy pillow guy. Why punish myself cause he is nuts?

These corporations that have been in business for many decades now, have seen these new businesses that have gone woke and gone broke because of it.

So, are they really that stupid? Or is this a planned cutback stratagy for massive layoffs?

Why would a massive corporation decide to literally slit its own throat with wokeism, if it weren't for creating a loophole to get out of paying massive fines and taxes for having a huge layoff and cutback?

In a week you wetards won't even remember this week's outrage.

These corporations that have been in business for many decades now, have seen these new businesses that have gone woke and gone broke because of it.

So, are they really that stupid? Or is this a planned cutback stratagy for massive layoffs?

Why would a massive corporation decide to literally slit its own throat with wokeism, if it weren't for creating a loophole to get out of paying massive fines and taxes for having a huge layoff and cutback?

Lol, I drank some in a bar yesterday. So not gone yet. Ya think I give two shits what you think?
How is it a marketing fiasco? Bud Light has been the cheap beer of choice for Gays since the 1970s, when they found out that Coors asked for sexual preference on their employee applications.

Sexual preference has been placed on MANY applications across MANY companies since the early 2000's.

They ask for this, because it's just another government perk they can get because of it. Like asking what race you are on an application.
It's easier for blacks to get a job than a white, simply because any company can get MORE government perks and tax cuts with a larger black employee staff, than with a white one. Same thing with "sexual preference".
Boycotting rarely works anyway. Budweiser probably welcomes the publicity.

That was the point of the video.
Is it something they planned in order to change the product? Get rid of employees? Switch to production outside of the USA?
Some other underhanded scenario?

I've worked on the corporate level of many companies since 1999, and the larger ones, like this beer company, will come up with outlandish scenarios to fire large amounts of people or even to reduce use of resources in order to keep from paying fines and fees for massive layoffs.
It's easier to make a problem happen, and blame your reductions and cut backs on the problem, as you won't be blamed for it happening, and therefore the company won't have to pay all those fees and charges for said cut backs and layoffs.
That was the point of the video.
Is it something they planned in order to change the product? Get rid of employees? Switch to production outside of the USA?
Some other underhanded scenario?

I've worked on the corporate level of many companies since 1999, and the larger ones, like this beer company, will come up with outlandish scenarios to fire large amounts of people or even to reduce use of resources in order to keep from paying fines and fees for massive layoffs.
It's easier to make a problem happen, and blame your reductions and cut backs on the problem, as you won't be blamed for it happening, and therefore the company won't have to pay all those fees and charges for said cut backs and layoffs.
I doubt this little commercial with a trans influencer will have that much impact one way or the other. You’re granting it too much importantance.

Most people aren’t even aware Mulvaney exists and will keep buying the shitty beer-water
I doubt this little commercial with a trans influencer will have that much impact one way or the other. You’re granting it too much importantance.

Most people aren’t even aware Mulvaney exists and will keep buying the shitty beer-water

Companies do this kind of thing for a reason. And long lived companies do it for specific, targeted reasons.
I am curious to see why they did it will become evident by the end of summer.
Companies do this kind of thing for a reason. And long lived companies do it for specific, targeted reasons.
I am curious to see why they did it will become evident by the end of summer.
Ehh, I think they just did it to try and make a splash. Higher quality, small business beers are surging in popularity. Maybe Budweiser is just clinging to trans fad to stay in public eye

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