Bye Bye Madison - Cawthorn is LOSING the North Carolina GOP Primary - OOPS

So if he wants to marry his 15 year old BF ( With parental Consent ) like Jerry Lee Lewis did with his GF/ Cousin your GTG with it ( As long as he is a Conservative )

That's where the shaking my head part comes in. Exactly what can I do about it?

Conservative or not, anyone doing that should be burned at the stake if they're being serious about it.
His biggest mistake was the redistricting fiasco. He'll be back. He had the courage to expose the DC sex orgie swamp. For this he deserves our best wishes.
That's where the shaking my head part comes in. Exactly what can I do about it?

Conservative or not, anyone doing that should be burned at the stake if they're being serious about it. Vote against or vote out ANY Politician who embodies the Pedo / NAMBLA lifestyle or Their LGBTQPN allies who enable them
I don't know what V means, but I see you edited what I originally wrote.

And... he was voted out. There ya go.
Your post was so long winded I could not get my quote into the right spot , my reply was for your “ What can I Do ? “ part of your post ( sorry I tried to get it in right place )
It's alright. Shit happens.

I don't live anywhere near his state, so there really isn't much I could have done...
Just vote like a Militia inspired Ultra Conservative Shasta County Recall voter and not like a liberal Irvine Oriental ( Asian ) Soccer Mom
In the Midterm Election and its all good man
You almost gotta laugh when the republican primaries indicate an overwhelming republican turnout and all lefties can find is a North Carolina republican to be hysterical about.
That guy you support as our president? Remember him? Only a totally brain-dead zombie would be insulting someone like Cawthorn while cheering for the pants shitter-in-chief. Just sayin'...

You know, what would be great fun is if Cawthorn had proof and published it :p
How long before Trump throws Cawthorn under the bus as a "loser"?

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