Byron Donalds Lies | LBJ's War On Poverty Defeated Jim Crow And Still Helps Black Families

No it is not a real thing and there is no racist society. Only individuals can be racist. It is not in our foundational documents.

Much like internalized secism or misogyny itis simply a cheap cop out used against those who disagree with some progressive woke idiot.

There is no such national effort keeping them in their place.
Yes this is a racist society. When millions of individuals are racists, it is a societal issue. And it is in our foundational documents-the 3/5ths Compromise.
No it is not

Your source does not supporot yuour claim MORON

As usual yuou are proven to be a lyong racist bitch
It does and that's the way it is. I laugh when you racists try calling me what you are.
Your first paragraph is true and that is what the demklan has been doing for years. Just listen to the leader of the demklan, racial jungle Joey Xiden who publicly states he thinks black kids aren’t as smart as white kids…
Explain this:

Trump allies plot anti-racism protections — for white people​

If Donald Trump returns to the White House, close allies want to dramatically change the government's interpretation of Civil Rights-era laws to focus on "anti-white racism" rather than discrimination against people of color.

Why it matters: Trump's Justice Department would push to eliminate or upend programs in government and corporate America that are designed to counter racism that has favored whites.

It does and that's the way it is. I laugh when you racists try calling me what you are.
No it does not

You are a racist the others here including me are not.

You have proven that time and time again. Much like internalized racism you simply use the term racist to attack those smarter than you which is most people

But you are the true racist filth.
It does and that's the way it is. I laugh when you racists try calling me what you are.
No it does not

You are a racist the others here including me are not.

You have proven that time and time again. Much like internalized racism you simply use the term racist to attack those smarter than you which is most people

But you are the true racist filth.
Yes this is a racist society. When millions of individuals are racists, it is a societal issue. And it is in our foundational documents-the 3/5ths Compromise.
No it is not you moron.

Once again only an individual can be racist Such as YOU

It is not in our foundational documents you uneducated sack of shit
the 3/5ths clause was not racist
Really? Explain this. I wn't be explaining what you imagine.

DEI destroyer in chief? Trump vows to crush 'anti-white' racism if he wins 2024 election​

Lending his voice to anti-diversity, equity and inclusion fervor sweeping the Republican party, Donald Trump telegraphed a dramatic shift to America's approach to civil rights if he wins a second term as president, vowing to focus on "anti-white" racism, not on racism against people of color.

Asked about supporters who believe anti-white racism now represents a greater problem than anti-Black racism, the former president told Time magazine: "I think there is a definite anti-white feeling in this country and that can’t be allowed."

In the exclusive interview, Trump also said he would use the U.S. military to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants; deploy the National Guard to quash protests and gut the U.S. civil service.

Trump on board with plan to curb 'affirmative discrimination'​

Led by the Heritage Foundation think tank – which has helped mold the policies of Republican administrations since the Reagan presidency – conservative activists have drawn up an expansive plan known as Project 2025 in anticipation of Trump’s return to power.

One of the goals of the presidential transition plan is reversing “the DEI revolution” by eliminating policies and programs such as affirmative action which Project 2025 calls "affirmative discrimination."

What about it? Yes trump wants a race neutral country. Race and sex shouldn’t matter

I get that is a foreign concept to a demklan support that wears blackface on the internet
What about it? Yes trump wants a race neutral country. Race and sex shouldn’t matter

I get that is a foreign concept to a demklan support that wears blackface on the internet
America has never been race neutral and what Trump and you want is a retuurn to whites only. I'm going to tell your punk ass this for the last time, I'm not white. And you should stop listenig to ignorant motherfuckers telling you I am white. And if you and the others continue this harrassment I'm going to the moderators because you are in violatuon.

  • No attacks on family members. No direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member or members' family with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life. Moderation may act on obvious stalking and harassment of members on the forums. Excessive use of negative post ratings can rise to a level of stalking/harassment.
Now fuck around and find out.
No it does not

You are a racist the others here including me are not.

You have proven that time and time again. Much like internalized racism you simply use the term racist to attack those smarter than you which is most people

But you are the true racist filth.

No it is not you moron.

Once again only an individual can be racist Such as YOU

It is not in our foundational documents you uneducated sack of shit
the 3/5ths clause was not racist
You are truly dumb. The 3/5ths compromise is a classic example of racism.
The man is a fucking liar. He said he was born in 1962, and claimed to personally witness convict leasing, in NC, as a teenager. That would have been as early as 1975, why do I say he's a liar? Convict leasing ended in NC in the 1930s. And that was less than 12 minutes into the video, I'm not going to bother to watch any more.

LOL! He didn't say he witnessed convict leasing. He said he witnessed Jim Crow. But you want to pretend. The reality is that Thwe Great Socity programs helped blacks.
LOL! He didn't say he witnessed convict leasing. He said he witnessed Jim Crow. But you want to pretend. The reality is that Thwe Great Socity programs helped blacks.
Nope the great society failed everyone blacks included that is historic fact which you have no evidence to refute.

You absolute stupid uneducated RACIST fool
No it is not moron. It does not mention race and was desgined to restrict the political power of slaveowners.

You areally are a foll and the others are correct.

You are a poser pretending to be black and fuck your threats
Just becausesomething doesn'tmention race doesn't mean itsnot raxist. The 3/5ths cmprmise was racost and it wasnot desogned to resyrict slaveowners. I would suggest you stop accusing me of being a poser because I;m not. And the people who are trying to dox, are going to be in a world of hurt.
Nope the great society failed everyone blacks included that is historic fact which you have no evidence to refute.

You absolute stupid uneducated RACIST fool
I have evidence and you will see it later today. What yu believe is a lie.
Compare the black family unit of today, to pre-Great Society.

And it's not just blacks. Government handouts ruin people, and destroy the family structure.
Compare the black family unit of today, to pre-Great Society.

And it's not just blacks. Government handouts ruin people, and destroy the family structure.

The Great Society heped blacks. If you want you talk about some fictional demise of what is claimed to be the traditional family, then talk about the overall effect of the sexual revolution and womens liberation. Women liberation freed women to be what they wanted to be. Those families Donalds talked about weren't all happy families. Women were very unhappy during that time. It's realy time we quit believing the American lie.

And believe it or not, crime was higher, especially among youth.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 1, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Did government handouts destroy whites from the 1930's thrugh the 1950's?
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The Great Society heped blacks. If you want you talk about some fictional demise of what is claimed to be the traditional family, then talk about the overall effect of the sexual revolution and womens liberation. Women liberation freed women to be what they wanted to be. Those families Donalds talked about weren't all happy families. Women were very unhappy during that time. It's realy time we quit believing the American lie.

And believe it or not, crime was higher, especially among youth.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 1, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Did government handouts destroy whites from the 1930's through the 1950's?

The Great Society heped blacks.

By destroying the black family and making them dependent on government handouts.
The Great Society heped blacks. If you want you talk about some fictional demise of what is claimed to be the traditional family, then talk about the overall effect of the sexual revolution and womens liberation. Women liberation freed women to be what they wanted to be. Those families Donalds talked about weren't all happy families. Women were very unhappy during that time. It's realy time we quit believing the American lie.

And believe it or not, crime was higher, especially among youth.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 1, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Did government handouts destroy whites from the 1930's thrugh the 1950's?
The great society harmed the nation including blacks and accomplidhed no good.

Crime rose after the great society
Your first paragraph is true and that is what the demklan has been doing for years. Just listen to the leader of the demklan, racial jungle Joey Xiden who publicly states he thinks black kids aren’t as smart as white kids…

I've never heard Joe Biden say this at all. But I that doesn't stop the Trump Cult from claiming he does say these things. Can you provide a link to the video clip or the transcript where he said this.

The problem for you is that you'll parrot any lie Trump tells you without fact checking it at all. That's why Trump keeps lying. Because you fools believe everything he tells you. When Trump lies to you, he's telling you he thinks you're stupid - to your face. He knows you'll believe him no matter what he says. In fact, Trump relies on your laziness and hatred of Democrats, to continuing lying to you.

I watch how politicians behave - and what they do. Trump did nothing for black people at all. That's why they helped voted him out of office in 2020. They stayed home in 2016 because they didn't like the Clintons much, but Trump made things so much worse for minorities, they could not stay home in 2020.

The only people who still support Trump are those gullible enough to believe his lies. Who never fact check anything they're told. People like you.

Liberals fact check everything. We don't believe any of them, and we know who's lying and when. But that takes effort on our part, you're essentially too lazy to be bothered.
LOL! He didn't say he witnessed convict leasing. He said he witnessed Jim Crow. But you want to pretend. The reality is that Thwe Great Socity programs helped blacks.

You stupid old fool, go to 10:30 in the video and turn up your fucking hearing aids. He said he personally witnessed convict leasing that ended decades before he was born.


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