Byron Donalds Lies | LBJ's War On Poverty Defeated Jim Crow And Still Helps Black Families

I've never heard Joe Biden say this at all. But I that doesn't stop the Trump Cult from claiming he does say these things. Can you provide a link to the video clip or the transcript where he said this.

The problem for you is that you'll parrot any lie Trump tells you without fact checking it at all. That's why Trump keeps lying. Because you fools believe everything he tells you. When Trump lies to you, he's telling you he thinks you're stupid - to your face. He knows you'll believe him no matter what he says. In fact, Trump relies on your laziness and hatred of Democrats, to continuing lying to you.

I watch how politicians behave - and what they do. Trump did nothing for black people at all. That's why they helped voted him out of office in 2020. They stayed home in 2016 because they didn't like the Clintons much, but Trump made things so much worse for minorities, they could not stay home in 2020.

The only people who still support Trump are those gullible enough to believe his lies. Who never fact check anything they're told. People like you.

Liberals fact check everything. We don't believe any of them, and we know who's lying and when. But that takes effort on our part, you're essentially too lazy to be bothered.

You stupid old fool, go to 10:30 in the video and turn up your fucking hearing aids. He said he personally witnessed convict leasing that ended decades before he was born.

I know what he said and I know the facts he presented. The truth is that whatever you right wingers have claimed about the Great Society is a lie. And he was talkng about chain gangs which was basicaly the same thing.

A chain gang or road gang is a group of prisoners chained together to perform menial or physically challenging work as a form of punishment. Such punishment might include repairing buildings, building roads, or clearing land. The system was notably used in the convict era of Australia and in the Southern United States. By 1955 it had largely been phased out in the U.S., with Georgia among the last states to abandon the practice. North Carolina continued to use chain gangs into the 1970s.

LBJ was an old school racist. His "Great Society" created a plantation mentality that still exists in the democrat party and a poverty pimp hierarchy that destroyed black families.
I know what he said and I know the facts he presented. The truth is that whatever you right wingers have claimed about the Great Society is a lie. And he was talkng about chain gangs which was basicaly the same thing.

A chain gang or road gang is a group of prisoners chained together to perform menial or physically challenging work as a form of punishment. Such punishment might include repairing buildings, building roads, or clearing land. The system was notably used in the convict era of Australia and in the Southern United States. By 1955 it had largely been phased out in the U.S., with Georgia among the last states to abandon the practice. North Carolina continued to use chain gangs into the 1970s.

Stop deflecting fool.

The great society harmed the nation including blacks and accomplidhed no good.

Crime rose after the great society

Crime rose because the CIA allowed guys like Manuel Noreiga, and other Central and South American right wing dictators to export crack cocaine into American cities.

The Great Society gave blacks opportunities to get into colleges and universities that had been barred to them. Blacks used ALL of the opportunities given, becoming doctors, lawyers, and accountants, and building today's black middle class.

It's going to be really fucking difficult to sell middle class blacks on the notion that they're dumber, less moral, and less deserving than white middle class folks, or that their votes should not count.

Black people have watched as all white Republican state legislatures disinvest in communities the moment minorities take over a city government. Republicans declare the city government "corrupt" and refuse to provide funds for infrastructure, or schools, as such funds will not be used "properly". See water problems in Flint Michigan, and Jackson, Mississippi.

Then there's the "over-policing" of black communities to milk the residents for "traffic violations" and the fines that result. See DOJ report on Ferguson Police Department in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting.

Republicans complain about black fathers being "absent" from homes, and yet given everything successful federal governments have done to separate black families since the first slaves arrived on your shores, is disingenuous at best.

This line was used continuously by the Reagan Administration even as his administration's "Zero Tolerance" drug policy imprisoned more young black and brown men in the inner cities, just for possession small amounts of pot, right at the age when they would be getting married and starting families, than in American history.
I've never heard Joe Biden say this at all. But I that doesn't stop the Trump Cult from claiming he does say these things. Can you provide a link to the video clip or the transcript where he said this.

The problem for you is that you'll parrot any lie Trump tells you without fact checking it at all. That's why Trump keeps lying. Because you fools believe everything he tells you. When Trump lies to you, he's telling you he thinks you're stupid - to your face. He knows you'll believe him no matter what he says. In fact, Trump relies on your laziness and hatred of Democrats, to continuing lying to you.

I watch how politicians behave - and what they do. Trump did nothing for black people at all. That's why they helped voted him out of office in 2020. They stayed home in 2016 because they didn't like the Clintons much, but Trump made things so much worse for minorities, they could not stay home in 2020.

The only people who still support Trump are those gullible enough to believe his lies. Who never fact check anything they're told. People like you.

Liberals fact check everything. We don't believe any of them, and we know who's lying and when. But that takes effort on our part, you're essentially too lazy to be bothered.
Yep he said “you ain’t black” if you don’t fall in line with him.
LBJ was an old school racist. His "Great Society" created a plantation mentality that still exists in the democrat party and a poverty pimp hierarchy that destroyed black families.

Bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit.

LBJ's Great Society cut black poverty in half, by providing funds and resources to allow young blacks the opportunity to get a good education, to vote in elections and make their voices heards, and to take advantage of the opportunities that the USA can provide to its citizens.

That's why the reactionary white blowback required that the government stop empowering minorities to compete for middle class jobs. Reagan ended the "Great Society" and tried to end all social programs which empowered the poor. But his policies increased poverty and food stamp use doubled a year after his tax cuts, despite his tightening eligibility requirements.

It why Reagan's took on the unions - because they empowered low skill workers and gave them a fair cut of the American pie. That's why Republican want to use "earned income credits" instead of raises to the minimum wage - giving a subsidy to minimum wage employers, and keeping workers willing to work for lower wages to retain elegibility.

Ending the Great Society and making low wage workers dependent on "earned income credits" is what created the "plantation" of which you speak, and caused worker wages to stagnate for 40 years, while their bosses income went up by over 1000%, and continues to impoverish American workers and the middle class to this day.
Yep he said “you ain’t black” if you don’t fall in line with him.

No he did not. Joe Biden made a joke that you're not black if you don't vote for Democrats, on a black comedian's radio show, and you fools continue to try to twist that the same way you used "You didn't build that" against Obama.

It's Trump who makes his followers take an oath of loyalty, and will not allow anyone to criticize him.
Crime rose because the CIA allowed guys like Manuel Noreiga, and other Central and South American right wing dictators to export crack cocaine into American cities.

The Great Society gave blacks opportunities to get into colleges and universities that had been barred to them. Blacks used ALL of the opportunities given, becoming doctors, lawyers, and accountants, and building today's black middle class.

It's going to be really fucking difficult to sell middle class blacks on the notion that they're dumber, less moral, and less deserving than white middle class folks, or that their votes should not count.

Black people have watched as all white Republican state legislatures disinvest in communities the moment minorities take over a city government. Republicans declare the city government "corrupt" and refuse to provide funds for infrastructure, or schools, as such funds will not be used "properly". See water problems in Flint Michigan, and Jackson, Mississippi.

Then there's the "over-policing" of black communities to milk the residents for "traffic violations" and the fines that result. See DOJ report on Ferguson Police Department in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting.

Republicans complain about black fathers being "absent" from homes, and yet given everything successful federal governments have done to separate black families since the first slaves arrived on your shores, is disingenuous at best.

This line was used continuously by the Reagan Administration even as his administration's "Zero Tolerance" drug policy imprisoned more young black and brown men in the inner cities, just for possession small amounts of pot, right at the age when they would be getting married and starting families, than in American history.

Crime rose long before the beginning of the cocaine wars.

Tthe rest of your post is merely revisionisty whining
“The dominant group [whites] control the construction of reality through the production of ideologies or “knowledge” that circulate throughout society where they inform social norms, organizational practices, bureaucratic procedures, and common-sense knowledge. In this way, the interests of the oppressors are presented as reflecting everyone’s best interests, thereby getting oppressed groups to accept the dominant group’s interests as their own and minimize conflict.” -Dr. Karen Pyke

Internalized racism is a behavior exhibited in right-wing blacks like Byron Donalds. He sees what he is doing as a way to gain power and prestige. He wants to parlay this attention from Trump into a presidential run in 2028. Donald is in a position to make fundamental changes needed to erase white racism from this system. Instead we get more foolishness..

Seems that right wingers have forgotten about the sexual revolution. So for those who have chosen to repeat the lie about The Great Society, this lawyer brings receipts to the table that shows you that not only did the Great Society not destroy black famliies, it heped blacks in general.

It looks like the Democrats have their new favorite Black Conservative target. If Black people would listen to Byron Donalds and ignore Al Sharpton things would improve in the Black Community.
Bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit.

LBJ's Great Society cut black poverty in half, by providing funds and resources to allow young blacks the opportunity to get a good education, to vote in elections and make their voices heards, and to take advantage of the opportunities that the USA can provide to its citizens.

That's why the reactionary white blowback required that the government stop empowering minorities to compete for middle class jobs. Reagan ended the "Great Society" and tried to end all social programs which empowered the poor. But his policies increased poverty and food stamp use doubled a year after his tax cuts, despite his tightening eligibility requirements.

It why Reagan's took on the unions - because they empowered low skill workers and gave them a fair cut of the American pie. That's why Republican want to use "earned income credits" instead of raises to the minimum wage - giving a subsidy to minimum wage employers, and keeping workers willing to work for lower wages to retain elegibility.

Ending the Great Society and making low wage workers dependent on "earned income credits" is what created the "plantation" of which you speak, and caused worker wages to stagnate for 40 years, while their bosses income went up by over 1000%, and continues to impoverish American workers and the middle class to this day.
It did not cut poverty in half. It had no affect on poverty which rose after it passed.

Social progrms do not empower the poor it creates dependency among the poor.

it is government regulations and interference witht he free market which incresases poverty.
No he did not. Joe Biden made a joke that you're not black if you don't vote for Democrats, on a black comedian's radio show, and you fools continue to try to twist that the same way you used "You didn't build that" against Obama.

It's Trump who makes his followers take an oath of loyalty, and will not allow anyone to criticize him.
Charlamagne Tha God is NOT a comedian and Joe Biden was angry when he said "YOU AIN'T BLACK". As usual you have no idea what you are talking about.
No he did not. Joe Biden made a joke that you're not black if you don't vote for Democrats, on a black comedian's radio show, and you fools continue to try to twist that the same way you used "You didn't build that" against Obama.

It's Trump who makes his followers take an oath of loyalty, and will not allow anyone to criticize him.
He was not joking he was angry and what Obama said was twisted and heinous.

it SHOULD have been used against him.

Anyone who wants to criticize trump criticizes trump and there is no such oath of loyalty to him required by anyone.
No he did not. Joe Biden made a joke that you're not black if you don't vote for Democrats, on a black comedian's radio show, and you fools continue to try to twist that the same way you used "You didn't build that" against Obama.

It's Trump who makes his followers take an oath of loyalty, and will not allow anyone to criticize him.
Haha it was not a joke, he was in a fit of rage and yelled it.
“The dominant group [whites] control the construction of reality through the production of ideologies or “knowledge” that circulate throughout society where they inform social norms, organizational practices, bureaucratic procedures, and common-sense knowledge. In this way, the interests of the oppressors are presented as reflecting everyone’s best interests, thereby getting oppressed groups to accept the dominant group’s interests as their own and minimize conflict.” -Dr. Karen Pyke

Internalized racism is a behavior exhibited in right-wing blacks like Byron Donalds. He sees what he is doing as a way to gain power and prestige. He wants to parlay this attention from Trump into a presidential run in 2028. Donald is in a position to make fundamental changes needed to erase white racism from this system. Instead we get more foolishness..

Seems that right wingers have forgotten about the sexual revolution. So for those who have chosen to repeat the lie about The Great Society, this lawyer brings receipts to the table that shows you that not only did the Great Society not destroy black famliies, it heped blacks in general.

The fact that the "great society" produced you, just shows what a gigantic failure it really was
Bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit.

LBJ's Great Society cut black poverty in half, by providing funds and resources to allow young blacks the opportunity to get a good education, to vote in elections and make their voices heards, and to take advantage of the opportunities that the USA can provide to its citizens.

That's why the reactionary white blowback required that the government stop empowering minorities to compete for middle class jobs. Reagan ended the "Great Society" and tried to end all social programs which empowered the poor. But his policies increased poverty and food stamp use doubled a year after his tax cuts, despite his tightening eligibility requirements.

It why Reagan's took on the unions - because they empowered low skill workers and gave them a fair cut of the American pie. That's why Republican want to use "earned income credits" instead of raises to the minimum wage - giving a subsidy to minimum wage employers, and keeping workers willing to work for lower wages to retain elegibility.

Ending the Great Society and making low wage workers dependent on "earned income credits" is what created the "plantation" of which you speak, and caused worker wages to stagnate for 40 years, while their bosses income went up by over 1000%, and continues to impoverish American workers and the middle class to this day.
Crying "bullshit" doesn't enhance a weak argument. The black population is around 12% but black abortion is around 40% since "The Great Society". LBJ tore apart black neighborhoods and created crime riddled "projects" not unlike the junk concrete structures in Russia. Democrats today actually claim that black voters are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century and as such are unable to vote without the assistance of the federal government. Plantation mentality on steroids.
It did not cut poverty in half. It had no affect on poverty which rose after it passed.

Social progrms do not empower the poor it creates dependency among the poor.

it is government regulations and interference witht he free market which incresases poverty.

Really??? Who told you that. Johnson nearly cut ALL poverty in half, but providing opportunities for blacks where none had existed before, helped them the most.

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Really??? Who told you that. Johnson nearly cut ALL poverty in half, but providing opportunities for blacks where none had existed before, helped them the most.

The US poverty rate told me that

It was in decline before LBJ but rose after him

That is fact
Crying "bullshit" doesn't enhance a weak argument. The black population is around 12% but black abortion is around 40% since "The Great Society". LBJ tore apart black neighborhoods and created crime riddled "projects" not unlike the junk concrete structures in Russia. Democrats today actually claim that black voters are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century and as such are unable to vote without the assistance of the federal government. Plantation mentality on steroids.

Who has an abortion is based on INCOME. Those with the lowest income, have the highest rates of abortion, because they have the highest rates of unintended pregnancies.

The same holds true of crime rates - both are driven by lack of income and/or opportunity. With no mandated maternity leave for pregnant women and no employment protections for pregnant women, low income women are routinely fired when their bosses learn they're pregnant. So at a time when they need health care the most, they'll lose their jobs and their health insurance.

Contary to the Republican belief that women who get abortions are amoral party girls getting rid of the "consequences" of a promisculous lifestyle, the majority of women seeking abortions are low income wives and mothers whose birth control failed, and who can ill afford to lose their jobs. 75% are living below or just above the poverty line. 60% are married or in a committed relationship. Most are in their late 20's.

These are the same people you would call "irresponsible" if they have were to have more children than they can afford to raise. And when these people do the "responsible" thing, you call them names for being in that position in the first place.
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The US poverty rate told me that

It was in decline before LBJ but rose after him

That is fact

That is not what the article says. The article says that the poverty rate declined right up until Nixon was elected. Notice how the poverty rate goes UP every time there's a Republican in office, and drops when Democrats are in office.

Look at the jump in rates when Nixon was elected. Then it drops under Carter, only to rise again when Reagan took office and cut taxes and social programs and then up it went again, until Clinton's programs starting bringing it right back down again, and then W was elected and up it went.

The poverty rate rose in the early years of the Obama Administration because of W's late 2008 economic crash, but Obama had brought the rate back down again before he left office.


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