Byron Donalds Lies | LBJ's War On Poverty Defeated Jim Crow And Still Helps Black Families

Why do you ignore the 2 and one half centuries of white dependence on government handouts to say this stupid shit?
A quote from Malcolm X does not enhance an argument. LBJ was an old school democrat plantation racist. The intent of the Great Society was to keep blacks dependent on the federal government and voting for their democrat party plantation masters.
A quote from Malcolm X does not enhance an argument. LBJ was an old school democrat plantation racist. The intent of the Great Society was to keep blacks dependent on the federal government and voting for their democrat party plantation masters.
I've posted more than a quote from Malcolm X. Youropinion about the Great Society is wrong. Period.
Racism, and "keeping minorities from TAKING OVER" is holding the nation back ????? Since when does a minority take over a majority without some sort of struggle to then ensue during the "take over" ?

Did you actually think before you wrote the above post with such a ridiculous point attempted to be made?
But she is right. Thats why laws were made that excluded everybody who was not white.
There is no such thing as internalized racism. It is strictly a clasim made when one has no valid argument against someone who is smarter

Bryon donalds is correct and smarter than you ( which is not saying much )
The great society was a massive failure and boondoggle

The fact is that the poverty level for blacks and everyone else was in decline before the great society, Since the war on poverty it has had it's ups and downs but NEVER returned to pre 1964 levels.
As you know, the War on Poverty Act went into effect in 1966. That year, the poverty rate was 14.7%, and it has exceeded that figure several times since that time.

What the War on Poverty taught people was that to get free money, you couldn't be married and needed to have kids. What happens when you punish good behavior and reward bad behavior?
The OP shortchanges Trump. Trump deserves credit for keeping blacks in their own neighborhoods when he refused to rent to them.

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