Byron Donalds Lies | LBJ's War On Poverty Defeated Jim Crow And Still Helps Black Families

Not one black, person in this forum agrees with what Donalds said. Only white right wingers have come to his defense.
Not one black, person in this forum agrees with what Donalds said. Only white right wingers have come to his defense.
Once again you do not know anything about black people. You have very little idea who is black and who is white or asian or anything else, Unless someone puts it in their profile or states what color they are in their post. Most people here do not do either of those.

You are assuming what race someone is and doing so in ignorance. Disagreeing with your racist lies and idiiotic claims makes one intelligent it does not make one a white person

Most people of any race or color disagree with your racist views and have seen you proven wrong time and again as you were in this fucking thread.
Once again you do not know anything about black people. You have very little idea who is black and who is white or asian or anything else, Unless someone puts it in their profile or states what color they are in their post. Most people here do not do either of those.

You are assuming what race someone is and doing so in ignorance. Disagreeing with your racist lies and idiiotic claims makes one intelligent it does not make one a white person

Most people of any race or color disagree with your racist views and have seen you proven wrong time and again as you were in this fucking thread.
I am black. So I do know more about black people than your white ass. No, most people don't disagree wth me. You nor anyone else here has proven me wrong. Byron Donalds was wrong. I showed it. You haven't because you can't.
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I am black. So I do know more about black peope than your white ass. No, most people don't disagree wth me. You nor anyone else here has proven me wrong. Byron Donalds was wrong. I showed it. You haven't because you can't.
I am black. So I do know more about black peope than your white ass. No, most people don't disagree wth me. You nor anyone else here has proven me wrong. Byron Donalds was wrong. I showed it. You haven't because you can't.
No you do not. Black people are not a monolith they do not all share the same background thoughts or ideas.

Yes most people do and yes you have consistently been proven wrong

You have shown no such thing you have been proven conclusively wrong and a liar
No you do not. Black people are not a monolith they do not all share the same background thoughts or ideas.

Yes most people do and yes you have consistently been proven wrong

You have shown no such thing you have been proven conclusively wrong and a liar
You guys bast liberal whites every day. So don't say shit to me about blacks. You don't know shit about us. Byron Donalds made an idiotic comment and nobody black should agree with it. He is getting exactly what he deserves.

In 1959 the poverty rate for black families, 54.9 percent.

In 2020 the poverty rate for black families was 17.4 percent.

U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 1960 to 2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC). Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2020,

The Great Society Programs created the black midde class as well as the black upper class. It did not fail blacks. The structure of the Amercan family changed due to womens liberation and the sexual revolution. Every race has had increases in unwed births and single parent families since the 1960's. That is a fact if you take the time to study these things instead of being a racist trying to find fault in blacks.

"In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure."

-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

You, nor anyone else have been abe to dispute these facts.

The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household."

-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.”

If single parenting was the sole problem, white single parents would have the same problems. But they don't.

I have beat your ass to a pulp and all you can do is post emotional rants and try personal attacks. Your opinion has no merit and you have no evidence. Byron Donalds was pandering to whites hoping to get on the ticket as VP. He will get to speak at the Republican convention this summer. He will try running in 2028 for President, and to do that, he must show the racist base that he can properly blame blacks for the situation we are in.
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“The dominant group [whites] control the construction of reality through the production of ideologies or “knowledge” that circulate throughout society where they inform social norms, organizational practices, bureaucratic procedures, and common-sense knowledge. In this way, the interests of the oppressors are presented as reflecting everyone’s best interests, thereby getting oppressed groups to accept the dominant group’s interests as their own and minimize conflict.” -Dr. Karen Pyke

Internalized racism is a behavior exhibited in right-wing blacks like Byron Donalds. He sees what he is doing as a way to gain power and prestige. He wants to parlay this attention from Trump into a presidential run in 2028. Donald is in a position to make fundamental changes needed to erase white racism from this system. Instead we get more foolishness..

Seems that right wingers have forgotten about the sexual revolution. So for those who have chosen to repeat the lie about The Great Society, this lawyer brings receipts to the table that shows you that not only did the Great Society not destroy black famliies, it heped blacks in general.

You are a RACIST! How do I/we know? Because you insist to make everything about black or white.

You never, ever consider anything but race.

If I said to any Black person on this planet, that if you are smart, you should invest in the stock market, and IF they did not, they ended up el-broko, would you claim it was a white conspiracy to keep them down?!?!?!?!

To many BLACK people want to blame current WHITE people for their situation. MOST people in this country, want to help each other; doesn't make a difference what color they are.

To believe that WHITE people are 100% against Black and Hispanic people, is an absolute joke! Look at the NFL! Who owns the NFL teams? Look at MLB. Who owns the MLB teams? Look at the NBA! Who owns those teams? Who do these franchises hire?!?!?!?! And tell us...........looking into the crowds at the stadiums, who are the people.......regardless of color, screaming for!

Honestly............YOU and your friends are causing the great divide. You WANT to cause friction, because if you can't, you know you are screwed, lol.

Honestly, there is going to come a day of reckoning for you people. You are HIDING behind a moniker on this site, but people around you KNOW who you are, and how you think. Those people are coming for you, because, they do not like you either-)
You are wrong.

In 1959 the poverty rate for all American families was 20.8 percent. For white families, it was 16.5 percent. For black families, 54.9 percent.

In 2020 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.5 percent. Poverty for black families was 17.4 percent, white families 8.2 percent.

Now watch the video.
So what your saying is that poverty in black families decreased by 38%, and for white families it decreased by about 8%..?
If only you could rise above you racism to realize it's all classism you'd be making you point(s) a lot better here IM2

You are a RACIST! How do I/we know? Because you insist to make everything about black or white.

You never, ever consider anything but race.

If I said to any Black person on this planet, that if you are smart, you should invest in the stock market, and IF they did not, they ended up el-broko, would you claim it was a white conspiracy to keep them down?!?!?!?!

To many BLACK people want to blame current WHITE people for their situation. MOST people in this country, want to help each other; doesn't make a difference what color they are.

To believe that WHITE people are 100% against Black and Hispanic people, is an absolute joke! Look at the NFL! Who owns the NFL teams? Look at MLB. Who owns the MLB teams? Look at the NBA! Who owns those teams? Who do these franchises hire?!?!?!?! And tell us...........looking into the crowds at the stadiums, who are the people.......regardless of color, screaming for!

Honestly............YOU and your friends are causing the great divide. You WANT to cause friction, because if you can't, you know you are screwed, lol.

Honestly, there is going to come a day of reckoning for you people. You are HIDING behind a moniker on this site, but people around you KNOW who you are, and how you think. Those people are coming for you, because, they do not like you either-)
I don't insist that, but that is not racism. Stop inventiing definitions of racism. There is only 1, and you have not seen me say one time that blacks are superior to whites.

And stop taking about 3 sports. Those sports pick players based on head to head competition. The best player gets the job. That doesn't happen in other businesses. it doesn't happen in the front offices of those 3 sports. I notice not of you right wingers bring up hockey, tennis or golf; and until you can, don't bring up sports in these arguments.

Blacks blame current whites because current white people practice current racism. Repeating over and over again that racism is a thing of the past while we see racism from whites in this forum daily, doesn't work. So let me say this, whites feelings about unity are not the only ones, this nation is divided because of white racism, not because people of color call it out. You want unity? End your racism.

I don't dismiss race as a factor because it is a factor for everyone who is not white. So if you can't hande that, I really don't care.

The day of reckoning is coming for white racists. And the punishment will be delivered by a higher power than we have. The people around me respect me because they think like me. The thing you must remember is that the lord has told us not to fear the man who can take your life, but fear the one who can send your soul to hell. No human is capable of sending my soul to hell, so I have NOTHING to fear. So I suggest that you don't try threatening me again.

You rant because I refuse to accept the idiocy spoken by Byron Donalds as if it's some truth about black people. It is not and Donalds should have never said it. And to call me a racist because I don't agree with another back person is evidence that the only reason you are here doing this is because YOU are a racist and YOU believe the same dumb bs that Donalds spoke.
If only you could rise above you racism to realize it's all classism you'd be making you point(s) a lot better here IM2

I'm not a racist and poor whites are racists, so class is not it. Now you need to understand what racism is instead of mindessly gaslighting because you can't hande whites getting criticized for things they have done and continue doing. You have yet to see me apply anything to the entire white race. So stop whining about me beinig a racist and change.
You guys are as easy to read as a first grade textbook. If I had created a thread in agreement with Donalds, none of the things seen here would have been posted.
“The dominant group [whites] control the construction of reality through the production of ideologies or “knowledge” that circulate throughout society where they inform social norms, organizational practices, bureaucratic procedures, and common-sense knowledge. In this way, the interests of the oppressors are presented as reflecting everyone’s best interests, thereby getting oppressed groups to accept the dominant group’s interests as their own and minimize conflict.” -Dr. Karen Pyke

Internalized racism is a behavior exhibited in right-wing blacks like Byron Donalds. He sees what he is doing as a way to gain power and prestige. He wants to parlay this attention from Trump into a presidential run in 2028. Donald is in a position to make fundamental changes needed to erase white racism from this system. Instead we get more foolishness..

Seems that right wingers have forgotten about the sexual revolution. So for those who have chosen to repeat the lie about The Great Society, this lawyer brings receipts to the table that shows you that not only did the Great Society not destroy black famliies, it heped blacks in general.

It's time to stop "helping" black families based on race...

It's time to halt all forms of "helping hand" programming based on race...

Sixty years of race-biased programming in the six decades since the signing of the Civil Rights Act is enough...

Time to begin treating everybody equally at-law... no more minority pandering nor favoritism nor special entitlements...
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