CA dems demand FREE DIAPERS for those on welfare

I got an idea for all you welfare moms out there...STOP FUCKING.

By all means, make this a plank in the GOP platform next election. I would expect nothing less....

As opposed to what? Fuck like crazed rabbits? No worries, we'll make somebody else pay for it.


...and this is why the GOP lost the last presidential election by 5 million votes. Their solutions for whatever problems are nonexistent. You guys actually say that if welfare recipients will quit fucking, then the problem will go away. This is the solution you propose? So, what are you going to do, start shooting unwed mother's to be? Does the GOP have a FUCKING clue as to how to solve any problem at all? When I think, "Republican", I think, "No solution, but one hell of a lot of bitching".
The state is bankrupt but democrats can never stop taxing white people and giving free stuff to blacks and hispanics.

California bill would start nation?s first diaper assistance program - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee

, Aug. 1, 2014 - 9:12 pm
It was the last week of the month, and Shanique Brown had already spent her $515 in CalWORKs benefits. Other programs would prevent Brown and her 18-month-old son, Armani, from going hungry, but the 22-year-old single mom had no money for a necessity so basic it is often forgotten: diapers.

Armani is now potty-trained, but a new state bill seeks to ensure low-income parents will never face the challenge Brown did. If passed, Assembly Bill 1516 would make California the first state in the country to create a diaper assistance program for families on welfare.

The groundbreaking legislation comes with a price tag: more than $100 million annually,

The bill, written by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, would address that problem by giving $80 a month to each family that qualifies for CalWORKs and has a child under 2. Onodera said over 120,000 children, about 12 percent of kids enrolled in the program, would receive benefits.

Just where did it refer to whites, blacks or hispanics?

Bwa-hahahahahaha....And they call lefties racists. Gotta' love it when they just step in it.
...and this is why the GOP lost the last presidential election by 5 million votes. Their solutions for whatever problems are nonexistent. You guys actually say that if welfare recipients will quit fucking, then the problem will go away. This is the solution you propose? So, what are you going to do, start shooting unwed mother's to be? Does the GOP have a FUCKING clue as to how to solve any problem at all? When I think, "Republican", I think, "No solution, but one hell of a lot of bitching".

The GOP solution is to stop handing out welfare based on how many kids you have. Most black and hispo women are illiterates and the only way they can earn any money is by having kids.
I got an idea for all you welfare moms out there...STOP FUCKING.

By all means, make this a plank in the GOP platform next election. I would expect nothing less....

Best way to prevent a drag on society, tax base, education, and crime. Why should I pay for someone else's kid? Are you a liberal dead beat dad that does not take responsibility for his actions? That the problem with liberalism, everyone has to work to pay for your irresponsibility.
As a Californian I can say with some authority that not only is California bankrupt but most of the cities are bankrupt too.

A few cities yes, but the state is running a surplus… get your head out of your ass and get informed.
something like 300 billion dollars worth.....there goes Browns 4 billion dollar surplus.....i wonder why Hazel did not mention that?....

No problem, the federal taxpayers will bail them out...

...make horrific economic decisions with zero consequences...welcome to Amerika.
By all means, make this a plank in the GOP platform next election. I would expect nothing less....

As opposed to what? Fuck like crazed rabbits? No worries, we'll make somebody else pay for it.


...and this is why the GOP lost the last presidential election by 5 million votes. Their solutions for whatever problems are nonexistent. You guys actually say that if welfare recipients will quit fucking, then the problem will go away. This is the solution you propose? So, what are you going to do, start shooting unwed mother's to be? Does the GOP have a FUCKING clue as to how to solve any problem at all? When I think, "Republican", I think, "No solution, but one hell of a lot of bitching".

I just gave you a solution...stop making babies you can't pay for.
As opposed to what? Fuck like crazed rabbits? No worries, we'll make somebody else pay for it.


...and this is why the GOP lost the last presidential election by 5 million votes. Their solutions for whatever problems are nonexistent. You guys actually say that if welfare recipients will quit fucking, then the problem will go away. This is the solution you propose? So, what are you going to do, start shooting unwed mother's to be? Does the GOP have a FUCKING clue as to how to solve any problem at all? When I think, "Republican", I think, "No solution, but one hell of a lot of bitching".

I just gave you a solution...stop making babies you can't pay for.

Agreed - free state sponsored abortions for the poor.
Sorry if I'm late with my response as I just got off work. Have to work 16 hour days to PAY FOR OTHER PEOPLE'S KIDS!
...and this is why the GOP lost the last presidential election by 5 million votes. Their solutions for whatever problems are nonexistent. You guys actually say that if welfare recipients will quit fucking, then the problem will go away. This is the solution you propose? So, what are you going to do, start shooting unwed mother's to be? Does the GOP have a FUCKING clue as to how to solve any problem at all? When I think, "Republican", I think, "No solution, but one hell of a lot of bitching".

I just gave you a solution...stop making babies you can't pay for.

Agreed - free state sponsored abortions for the poor.

Why would a married heterosexual couple want an abortion?

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