CA dems demand FREE DIAPERS for those on welfare

...and this is why the GOP lost the last presidential election by 5 million votes. Their solutions for whatever problems are nonexistent. You guys actually say that if welfare recipients will quit fucking, then the problem will go away. This is the solution you propose? So, what are you going to do, start shooting unwed mother's to be? Does the GOP have a FUCKING clue as to how to solve any problem at all? When I think, "Republican", I think, "No solution, but one hell of a lot of bitching".

I just gave you a solution...stop making babies you can't pay for.

Agreed - free state sponsored abortions for the poor.

If it's free why do you need sponsors? Sponsors are voluntary so why would the state be involved?

How about you start up an agency to take donations not tax dollars for abortions and see how much you can get?
Just where did it refer to whites, blacks or hispanics?

Just where did it define the biology of what constitutes women? The reference is the reality we live in.

Like this:

They have a Constitutional right to procreate...and apparently us Taxpayers have a duty to pay for the consequences.

Show us where the constitution says anything of the sort.

Show us in the Constitution where it doesn't. This ain't the 18th century and we're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.

Here is as good an example of the divide between the American Conservative and the American they are before us today.

The sense of Americans was always that they would take care of those among them that could not take care of themselves...but the modern Liberal sees in the Constitution a duty to take care of all who simply decline to take care of themselves.

And the modern Liberal is getting away with the scam because he pretends to be compassionate, which is a lie...its all done with borrowed money for which we feel no present pain...almost 10 trillion dollars in newly borrowed money all by borrowed by Obama...which allows the modern Liberal to be so generous.

Our kids and grand kids will have to pay...they will pay tomorrow for the money borrowed to provide for free stuff to buy votes today...they will pay for the lavish pension funds of Public Employee Unions.

Who cares about that? Not Obama. Not your modern day Liberal.

It won't catch up to these Democrat Whores before the next election. Maybe not even the one after that.

And elections are all they care about.
Speaking of ignorance, have Mommy show you how to Google up...California unfunded liabilities.

something like 300 billion dollars worth.....there goes Browns 4 billion dollar surplus.....i wonder why Hazel did not mention that?....

Projected Budget surplus [MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION] :D

We (you and I) know this.
As a Californian I can say with some authority that not only is California bankrupt but most of the cities are bankrupt too.

:thup: Due to Unfunded liabilities :)

A few cities yes, but the state is running a surplus… get your head out of your ass and get informed.

A projected budget surplus does not address $3B in unfunded liabilities.

Kudos on your trolling!
The state is bankrupt but democrats can never stop taxing white people and giving free stuff to blacks and hispanics.

California bill would start nation?s first diaper assistance program - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee

, Aug. 1, 2014 - 9:12 pm
It was the last week of the month, and Shanique Brown had already spent her $515 in CalWORKs benefits. Other programs would prevent Brown and her 18-month-old son, Armani, from going hungry, but the 22-year-old single mom had no money for a necessity so basic it is often forgotten: diapers.

Armani is now potty-trained, but a new state bill seeks to ensure low-income parents will never face the challenge Brown did. If passed, Assembly Bill 1516 would make California the first state in the country to create a diaper assistance program for families on welfare.

The groundbreaking legislation comes with a price tag: more than $100 million annually,

The bill, written by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, would address that problem by giving $80 a month to each family that qualifies for CalWORKs and has a child under 2. Onodera said over 120,000 children, about 12 percent of kids enrolled in the program, would receive benefits.

Good lord the day I put this cancer of a disease known as California in my rear-view mirror the better. Think I will squeeze out a pup on the border sign as I leave. This state is a liberal stronghold and we can all see what they have accomplished

As opposed to what? Fuck like crazed rabbits? No worries, we'll make somebody else pay for it.


...and this is why the GOP lost the last presidential election by 5 million votes. Their solutions for whatever problems are nonexistent. You guys actually say that if welfare recipients will quit fucking, then the problem will go away. This is the solution you propose? So, what are you going to do, start shooting unwed mother's to be? Does the GOP have a FUCKING clue as to how to solve any problem at all? When I think, "Republican", I think, "No solution, but one hell of a lot of bitching".

I just gave you a solution...stop making babies you can't pay for.

Indeed. Just because these women get knocked up by career inmates, thus no daddy to help raise them, doesn't mean I need to pay for it. They are the ones who choose to live beyond their means and the poor 'children' have to pay for it. If they want to live that way then fine. Fuck em.

something like 300 billion dollars worth.....there goes Browns 4 billion dollar surplus.....i wonder why Hazel did not mention that?....

No problem, the federal taxpayers will bail them out...

...make horrific economic decisions with zero consequences...welcome to Amerika.

Doubtful re: the federal taxpayers will bail them out.

CalPERS, CalSTRS must go down!
Good lord the day I put this cancer of a disease known as California in my rear-view mirror the better. Think I will squeeze out a pup on the border sign as I leave. This state is a liberal stronghold and we can all see what they have accomplished


Hey now!!!

Dynamite @ the San Andreas fault may be helpful. :D
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When my son was in diapers it would have been nice to have disposables, but we couldn't afford them. We used cloth diapers. Is that out of the question?


Buy material. Make diapers. Learn to wash. That's what they used to do. Good enough for me, good enough for you. Yes, it takes more time, but instead of me having to pay more taxes or someone not getting food because you don't want to do a little more work, get real.

A few years ago, clients reported that they often reused disposable diapers by placing blankets or T-shirts inside soiled diapers. In response, the food bank began offering instruction on how to fashion hygienic cloth diapers.

But most day care facilities won’t accept those, and laundromats won’t allow families to wash soiled cloth diapers, so disposables remain the best option for many families.

Parents forgot how to hand wash cloth diapers? wth??

Where do disposables end up? Landfills. :cuckoo: How long before those disposables 'break down'?

California bill would start nation?s first diaper assistance program - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee
Brown raised the shit out of taxes, increase vehicle registration and a host of other revenue measures. BFD, Brown has a surplus because I don't.

If welfare babies are given free diapers they will not want to get off welfare. Make the babies shit themselves and they will have to go out and get jobs to pay for their own damned diapers

That is the way the democratic "plantation" works.....start em when they are young

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