Ca. Dems Steal Elections With “Ballot Harvesting”

This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process

And yet Paul Ryan insists no vote fraud. I am quite positive that Mueller will prove Trump was aware of Russia interference in the 2016 election which is illegal.

So if just being aware of Russian influence is illegal, shouldn't we indict Obama?
Obama's response to Putin's meddling was to say "knock it off". I'm still not seeing any dots connecting Trump's campaign to Russian meddling. The most I see is maybe Trump's guys trying to get some of those missing 33,000 subpoenaed emails to see if Hillary committed any crimes. Looking for missing evidence doesn't seem like a crime to me. The dems are whining about receiving stolen material?? IMHO Hillary should be indicted for her clearly illegal server, and the UraniumOne deal, and destroying subpoenaed evidence, and her pay-to-play Foundation.
What about conspiracy with Christopher A. Wray, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, & Mueller to pervert the course of justice? Most of the rank and file are STILL loyal to Mueller and Comey, who are loyal to the Clinton/Bush cabal.

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says

  • The FBI raided the home of a whistleblower who was in possession of documents regarding the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, according to the whistleblower’s lawyer, Michael Socarras.
  • The whistleblower, Dennis Nathan Cain, had turned the documents over to the Department of Justice’s inspector general and both the House and Senate Intelligence committees, according to the lawyer.
  • The FBI rummaged through Cain’s home for six hours, even after the whistleblower handed over the documents, according to Socarras.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process

And yet Paul Ryan insists no vote fraud. I am quite positive that Mueller will prove Trump was aware of Russia interference in the 2016 election which is illegal.
Trump is in good shape. Democrats can’t win elections so they steal or attempt to steal them: Gore 2000, Florida 2018 Gov and Senate, Georgia Gov, Arizona Senate...and on and on...
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
How about we make sure and get a voter I.D. .........hmmmm.

Then it couldn't be challenged anymore..............

If it's not happening you should welcome it to make sure it's honest........We wouldn't challenge you on it anymore.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
Sure...I will go to the local Democratic county clerk...who will refer me to the Democratic Attorney General who will refer me to the Democratic Secretary of State. I would then file a law suit that would go to the 9th Circuit where an Obama nominated judge will surely give me a fair hearing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
How about we make sure and get a voter I.D. .........hmmmm.

Then it couldn't be challenged anymore..............

If it's not happening you should welcome it to make sure it's honest........We wouldn't challenge you on it anymore.
Exactly! But that would prevent California Democratic Party from stealing elections.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
Sure...I will go to the local Democratic county clerk...who will refer me to the Democratic Attorney General who will refer me to the Democratic Secretary of State. I would then file a law suit that would go to the 9th Circuit where an Obama nominated judge will surely give me a fair hearing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You obviously do not know how the process works. Regardless your post about election fraud is bull because there is no proof of election fraud and all you people have is you own paranoia.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process

And yet Paul Ryan insists no vote fraud. I am quite positive that Mueller will prove Trump was aware of Russia interference in the 2016 election which is illegal.

So if just being aware of Russian influence is illegal, shouldn't we indict Obama?
Obama's response to Putin's meddling was to say "knock it off". I'm still not seeing any dots connecting Trump's campaign to Russian meddling. The most I see is maybe Trump's guys trying to get some of those missing 33,000 subpoenaed emails to see if Hillary committed any crimes. Looking for missing evidence doesn't seem like a crime to me. The dems are whining about receiving stolen material?? IMHO Hillary should be indicted for her clearly illegal server, and the UraniumOne deal, and destroying subpoenaed evidence, and her pay-to-play Foundation.
They hacked John Podesta’s email because little bro Tony was doing business with the Russians.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
Sure...I will go to the local Democratic county clerk...who will refer me to the Democratic Attorney General who will refer me to the Democratic Secretary of State. I would then file a law suit that would go to the 9th Circuit where an Obama nominated judge will surely give me a fair hearing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You obviously do not know how the process works. Regardless your post about election fraud is bull because there is no proof of election fraud and all you people have is you own paranoia.
I worked for Illinois Democratic Party years ago...I know how “it” works you simpleton.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
Sure...I will go to the local Democratic county clerk...who will refer me to the Democratic Attorney General who will refer me to the Democratic Secretary of State. I would then file a law suit that would go to the 9th Circuit where an Obama nominated judge will surely give me a fair hearing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You obviously do not know how the process works. Regardless your post about election fraud is bull because there is no proof of election fraud and all you people have is you own paranoia.
I worked for Illinois Democratic Party years ago...I know how “it” works you simpleton.
You clearly do not.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
How about we make sure and get a voter I.D. .........hmmmm.

Then it couldn't be challenged anymore..............

If it's not happening you should welcome it to make sure it's honest........We wouldn't challenge you on it anymore.
Exactly! But that would prevent California Democratic Party from stealing elections.
Throw out all the illegal aliens..........LOL
Also what do you think if the seal is broke and the ballot is scribbled on it is set in a pile of non counted votes.
Graspping at straws.
I worked for Illinois Democratic Party...I have seen trash bags full of Republican votes go into the burn barrel.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
Sure...I will go to the local Democratic county clerk...who will refer me to the Democratic Attorney General who will refer me to the Democratic Secretary of State. I would then file a law suit that would go to the 9th Circuit where an Obama nominated judge will surely give me a fair hearing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You obviously do not know how the process works. Regardless your post about election fraud is bull because there is no proof of election fraud and all you people have is you own paranoia.
I worked for Illinois Democratic Party years ago...I know how “it” works you simpleton.
Apparently not Dumbo because the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has no appellate jurisdiction in Illinois.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
Sure...I will go to the local Democratic county clerk...who will refer me to the Democratic Attorney General who will refer me to the Democratic Secretary of State. I would then file a law suit that would go to the 9th Circuit where an Obama nominated judge will surely give me a fair hearing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You obviously do not know how the process works. Regardless your post about election fraud is bull because there is no proof of election fraud and all you people have is you own paranoia.
I worked for Illinois Democratic Party years ago...I know how “it” works you simpleton.
You clearly do not.
Explain the burning of Republican ballots that I witnessed you blithering nincompoop. You have the count before you burn...switch them to Democratic ballots later.
California's Recipe for Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale

Here’s the recipe, from an article I wrote in November for

Treat anyone who proposes a Voter ID bill like [Saul] Alinsky would — shame them, shun them, ridicule, then repeat.

Make access so easy that you can register to vote online up to 15 days prior to Election Day and still vote. (They pushed for same day voter registration so that people who “forgot” to register could still register & “participate” as late as Election Day).

Make a major push to move as many voters as possible to mail-in ballots (permanent absentee ballots).

Spend millions of taxpayer dollars handing out Drivers Licenses to millions of people illegally present in the state (with an asterisk stating, “Federal Limits Apply”).

Pass a law requiring everyone who has a California Drivers License to be “
automatically” registered to vote—including illegal aliens.

“If the voter does not check either the “Yes” or “No” box (for whether or not they are US Citizen), and the registration is otherwise complete, the registration should be processed normally and entered on the voter rolls.” (See screenshot of official publication below on California Secretary of State Website regarding CA compliance with National Voting Rights Act (NVRA):

Never update statewide voter database with any information that ever disqualif[ies] a voter — especially county coroner lists of the newly deceased.
This is why Democrats are a threat to Democracy. They make false accusations about some shadow operations by Russia to steal an election...when they just do it outright. “Harvesting” is allowing ballots to be dropped off by a third party that has collected them days after the election. See how many votes we need...go harvest them. Criminal.
Paul Ryan questions California's 'bizarre' vote-counting process
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
Sure...I will go to the local Democratic county clerk...who will refer me to the Democratic Attorney General who will refer me to the Democratic Secretary of State. I would then file a law suit that would go to the 9th Circuit where an Obama nominated judge will surely give me a fair hearing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You obviously do not know how the process works. Regardless your post about election fraud is bull because there is no proof of election fraud and all you people have is you own paranoia.
I worked for Illinois Democratic Party years ago...I know how “it” works you simpleton.
Apparently not Dumbo because the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has no appellate jurisdiction in Illinois.
I was talking about the California vote harvesting that was the subject of the post and your comment that I replied to. Step away from the bong stoner and go play Dungeons and Dragons.
Also what do you think if the seal is broke and the ballot is scribbled on it is set in a pile of non counted votes.
Graspping at straws.
I worked for Illinois Democratic Party...I have seen trash bags full of Republican Vote go into the burn barrel.
I believe that I like I believe Nixon's, "I am not a crook" statement.
California's Recipe for Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale

Here’s the recipe, from an article I wrote in November for

Treat anyone who proposes a Voter ID bill like [Saul] Alinsky would — shame them, shun them, ridicule, then repeat.

Make access so easy that you can register to vote online up to 15 days prior to Election Day and still vote. (They pushed for same day voter registration so that people who “forgot” to register could still register & “participate” as late as Election Day).

Make a major push to move as many voters as possible to mail-in ballots (permanent absentee ballots).

Spend millions of taxpayer dollars handing out Drivers Licenses to millions of people illegally present in the state (with an asterisk stating, “Federal Limits Apply”).

Pass a law requiring everyone who has a California Drivers License to be “
automatically” registered to vote—including illegal aliens.

“If the voter does not check either the “Yes” or “No” box (for whether or not they are US Citizen), and the registration is otherwise complete, the registration should be processed normally and entered on the voter rolls.” (See screenshot of official publication below on California Secretary of State Website regarding CA compliance with National Voting Rights Act (NVRA):

Never update statewide voter database with any information that ever disqualif[ies] a voter — especially county coroner lists of the newly deceased.
That’s an example of a Democratic political machine at work.
Also what do you think if the seal is broke and the ballot is scribbled on it is set in a pile of non counted votes.
Graspping at straws.
I worked for Illinois Democratic Party...I have seen trash bags full of Republican Vote go into the burn barrel.
I believe that I like I believe Nixon's, "I am not a crook" statement.
So you have never been in politics huh?
Harvest what you want

Show where any of the votes are not from registered voters
Sure...I will go to the local Democratic county clerk...who will refer me to the Democratic Attorney General who will refer me to the Democratic Secretary of State. I would then file a law suit that would go to the 9th Circuit where an Obama nominated judge will surely give me a fair hearing. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You obviously do not know how the process works. Regardless your post about election fraud is bull because there is no proof of election fraud and all you people have is you own paranoia.
I worked for Illinois Democratic Party years ago...I know how “it” works you simpleton.
Apparently not Dumbo because the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has no appellate jurisdiction in Illinois.
I was talking about the California vote harvesting that was the subject of the post and you comment that I replied to. Step away from the bong stoner and go play Dungeons and Dragons.
The only thing I see is your paranoia.

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