CA Gov. Brown...BANS GRAND JURIES from deciding on police conduct charges!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
California Bans Use Of Grand Juries In Police Shooting Cases

Well....this certainly violates the "Equal Protection Under the Law" amendment.

Liberal Dems in California signed a law that BANS use of a grand jury (civilian jurors) from being used in case of police shootings.

Meaning...if a policeman is accused of murder...and 10 other men of 10 other careers are accused of murder....the man employed as a cop will NOT BE entitled to a grand jury. All others...will.

Gov. Brown cites grand jury rulings in Ferguson and NY are the reason for this. I suppose he thinks...well...the cops HAD TO BE charged..anything else was not acceptable.

Now...ONLY THE prosecutor will decide...anything and it must be done in open court.

So THE MOBS? Their anger won't be at 12 strangers. No no will ALL BE directed at ONE MAN...elected...and publicly known. Yeah...that's gonna be fair. Indict this cop Mr. Prosecutor....or we'll burn YOUR street down.

The history of a GRAND JURY was in fact to keep the jurors anonymous so justice was BLIND. So a fair hearing could be had without mobs knowing which citizens voted. ENGLAND founded this....for that reason.

This is scary...and possibly illegal under equal protection. How can a person be stripped of a right to a grand jury hearing...simply because of what his job is?

Liberals say they want cops "treated like everyone else". Then they pass a law specifically treating cops DIFFERENT than everyone else.

Liberal mobs want blue blood on the streets folks.
I don't think a person can be stripped of the right to a grand jury hearing. In California the grand jury is not often used. We mostly have preliminary hearings. In decades, I never had a case before the grand jury and I don't know of any lawyers that have. Maybe Tony Cappozola had cases that went to the Grand Jury. That's the only one I can think of.
I don't think a person can be stripped of the right to a grand jury hearing. In California the grand jury is not often used. We mostly have preliminary hearings. In decades, I never had a case before the grand jury and I don't know of any lawyers that have. Maybe Tony Cappozola had cases that went to the Grand Jury. That's the only one I can think of.

Well....Democrats just did it. But ONLY for cops. If you are employed in ANY other can get a grand jury. But a now BANNED from it.

The 1st time in American history that US citizens have been BANNED from being able to have their case heard by a function of a court simply because of their chosen career...and because of mob outrage that other citizens of the same job weren't charged with a crime.

THIS is some Russian or Chinese style move.
It should go to the Supreme Court. There is a serious equal protectiom argument there. Brown has always been a little off. He might be full into senility.
California Bans Use Of Grand Juries In Police Shooting Cases

Well....this certainly violates the "Equal Protection Under the Law" amendment.

Liberal Dems in California signed a law that BANS use of a grand jury (civilian jurors) from being used in case of police shootings.

Meaning...if a policeman is accused of murder...and 10 other men of 10 other careers are accused of murder....the man employed as a cop will NOT BE entitled to a grand jury. All others...will.

Gov. Brown cites grand jury rulings in Ferguson and NY are the reason for this. I suppose he thinks...well...the cops HAD TO BE charged..anything else was not acceptable.

Now...ONLY THE prosecutor will decide...anything and it must be done in open court.

So THE MOBS? Their anger won't be at 12 strangers. No no will ALL BE directed at ONE MAN...elected...and publicly known. Yeah...that's gonna be fair. Indict this cop Mr. Prosecutor....or we'll burn YOUR street down.

The history of a GRAND JURY was in fact to keep the jurors anonymous so justice was BLIND. So a fair hearing could be had without mobs knowing which citizens voted. ENGLAND founded this....for that reason.

This is scary...and possibly illegal under equal protection. How can a person be stripped of a right to a grand jury hearing...simply because of what his job is?

Liberals say they want cops "treated like everyone else". Then they pass a law specifically treating cops DIFFERENT than everyone else.

Liberal mobs want blue blood on the streets folks.

Brown is a leftist ****.
It should go to the Supreme Court. There is a serious equal protectiom argument there. Brown has always been a little off. He might be full into senility.

It should. You can't tell citizens "Everyone is subject to the court system....except you people who do that job...Yall can't have a grand jury. Everyone else can."

That's liberals for you. When they want blood...they don't care about the Constitution .
Grand Juries are empowered to issue indictments in felony cases. What does pot head Jerry want to do in place of the Grand Jury?
Grand Juries are empowered to issue indictments in felony cases. What does pot head Jerry want to do in place of the Grand Jury?

He said it was a reaction to the Grand jury decisions in Ferguson and NYC. You see.....they were wrong. They weren't supposed to find the cops innocent, you see??

So....Brown says Grand Juries can still hear any felony case for any citizen....EXCEPT cops. Cops can just be directly indicted without a jury of peers deciding there is no probable cause. In fact...not only can they...they MUST...because he BANNED cops from having a grand jury hear their case.

Sounds bizarre and impossible to hold up Constitutionally. You can't legislate the court to treat defendants different....just based on their career choice.

If I was a California would be my final day at work and I'd be employed in another state.

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