CA Gov. Newsom Orders ALL Public, Private Schools in 32 Counties to Stay Closed

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
Doesn't surprise me in the least.

This is how you destroy a nation from within.
We're obviously watching Rome fall again.
We know damn well what they're doing....but we have been beaten into silence and submission by the rowdy Left.

It must be hilarious from their POV

All that was required for the Left to fall America was for Patriots to do nothing. Done.
Incredible! The tyrant is clamping down on Citizens but is set to release thousands upon thousands of prisoners to the streets to wreck havoc, rape, and murder.

A lot like the Old Liberal South, where it was illegal to teach blacks to read.

Keeping the Hoi Polloi ignorant is the key to continued liberal rule
Incredible! The tyrant is clamping down on Citizens but is set to release thousands upon thousands of prisoners to the streets to wreck havoc, rape, and murder.

Yet Europe is fully opened
who are these "feds" and why are they there? What is their authority and identification that they can interfere with anyone?
Incredible! The tyrant is clamping down on Citizens but is set to release thousands upon thousands of prisoners to the streets to wreck havoc, rape, and murder.

You watch. If Biden should win the election, overnight, all the Covid concerns will go away.
Incredible! The tyrant is clamping down on Citizens but is set to release thousands upon thousands of prisoners to the streets to wreck havoc, rape, and murder.

How long is he ordering them to be closed for?
Gruesome Newsome has been releasing prisoners early ever since he won the governors seat...and street crime is way up in CA.....I wouldn't put CA on your vacation plans until Newsome and the libs are defeated...but that may be a while because the voting system in CA is completely corrupted by the party rule sucks....
Counties have to show improvement in their numbers to get off the state’s watchlist.

If theyre off the watchlist for 14 straight days then they can re-open schools in those counties.

Seems reasonable to me. The people who have an issue with this are the same ones refusing to wear masks.

This kind of behavior is causing infections to skyrocket which is causing businesses to get shut back down, which is causing people to lose their source of income. Now schools in several counties are unlikely to open up for at least a few more months, which will put an extra burden on parents. All this damage to our economy Because you don’t like wearing a mask.
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I saw a news report about schools open in Europe and there was a cardboard "Office" on each desk with a clear window (covered with see thru plastic that kept them safe from Covid19. Each student also wore a protective mask. Thought t was a good idea. Why can't we do that here?
Europe's infections have significantly improved. Ours haven't. If we could get this virus under control like other countries, then we would have a lot more options available regarding school.

Remember how bad Italy was? Here's a chart of infections in Italy compared to infections in the United States.


Re-opening the country too soon is having negative economic impacts on us.
Europe's infections have significantly improved. Ours haven't. If we could get this virus under control like other countries, then we would have a lot more options available regarding school.

Remember how bad Italy was? Here's a chart of infections in Italy compared to infections in the United States.

View attachment 364538

Re-opening the country too soon is having negative economic impacts on us.

How do you figure "negative ECONOMIC impacts", economic being the key word?

BTW, America hasn't really reopened at all. New , Draconian measures are being introduced every day, mask laws are being expanded, stadiums are closed. Ditto for bars and grills, theaters, night clubs. schools are even closed over most of America.
How long do you think that the Economy should be closed down for? How much longer for masks and face masks and social distancing?

We had criteria for opening back up. None of the states met that criteria but opened back up anyway. Now we're rolling things back and the economy is getting hammered because of our mistakes.

The numbers should be guiding our decisions. We could have had this under control by now like other parts of the world.
We had criteria for opening back up. None of the states met that criteria but opened back up anyway. Now we're rolling things back and the economy is getting hammered because of our mistakes.

The numbers should be guiding our decisions. We could have had this under control by now like other parts of the world.

Unfortunately , I guess, we have a lot of incompetent governors and mayors out there. Fredo in NY, Wolfie here in PA, etc., have had sky high numbers of deaths.
Unfortunately , I guess, we have a lot of incompetent governors and mayors out there. Fredo in NY, Wolfie here in PA, etc., have had sky high numbers of deaths.

I agree about the incompetent governors.

I read that only half of the states have a mask mandate. Florida and Arizona are getting hit hard right now and the governors there refuse to require masks.

It has gotten too political. Requiring masks NOW would be admitting they were wrong for not requiring them sooner. The numbers need to be guiding these decisions, not the politics. The economy and people are going to get slammed for each of these mistakes we're making.

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