CA Gov. Newsom Orders ALL Public, Private Schools in 32 Counties to Stay Closed

Europe's infections have significantly improved. Ours haven't. If we could get this virus under control like other countries, then we would have a lot more options available regarding school.

Remember how bad Italy was? Here's a chart of infections in Italy compared to infections in the United States.

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Re-opening the country too soon is having negative economic impacts on us.
Was Italy counting motorcycle deaths as Covid? We are.
I agree about the incompetent governors.

I read that only half of the states have a mask mandate. Florida and Arizona are getting hit hard right now and the governors there refuse to require masks.

It has gotten too political. Requiring masks NOW would be admitting they were wrong for not requiring them sooner. The numbers need to be guiding these decisions, not the politics. The economy and people are going to get slammed for each of these mistakes we're making.

Florida and Arizona don't have nearly the deaths per capita that they have in New York City or New Jersey- or Italy and Belgium for that matter. That tells me they are doing something awfully right. Now the crazy thing is- if I were to go to Florida or Mississippi or South Carolina to see relatives, I would be expected to quarantine when I can back to PA. But if I went to NYC- the Hotspot of the nation- no big deal. That tells me its political as Wolfie and the First She-Male are literally in bed with Fredo , the love guv of NY. as well as Warren Wilhelm.
What numbers would that be?

The numbers that we don't agree on.

Do you have an up-to-date dataset of the number of covid deaths that you would consider legitimate? Or do you just want to shit on any set of reported numbers, which would make such a discussion (about numbers) a complete waste of time?

I'm assuming the latter. So I'll just repeat that I can't talk numbers with you if we can't even agree on the numbers. The "imaginary numbers" that you don't agree with are having a very real impact on the economy.
Florida and Arizona don't have nearly the deaths per capita that they have in New York City or New Jersey- or Italy and Belgium for that matter. That tells me they are doing something awfully right. Now the crazy thing is- if I were to go to Florida or Mississippi or South Carolina to see relatives, I would be expected to quarantine when I can back to PA. But if I went to NYC- the Hotspot of the nation- no big deal. That tells me its political as Wolfie and the First She-Male are literally in bed with Fredo , the love guv of NY. as well as Warren Wilhelm.

New York and New Jersey got hit early on. Things have since stabilized there. It wasn't so bad in Florida and Arizona but it's starting to pick up very quickly. Here are some graphs. They're almost mirror images of each other.


You're looking at a single statistic like deaths per capita and it isn't telling the full story. New York and New Jersey are getting better. Florida and Arizona are getting worse.
The numbers that we don't agree on.

Do you have an up-to-date dataset of the number of covid deaths that you would consider legitimate? Or do you just want to shit on any set of reported numbers, which would make such a discussion (about numbers) a complete waste of time?

I'm assuming the latter. So I'll just repeat that I can't talk numbers with you if we can't even agree on the numbers. The "imaginary numbers" that you don't agree with are having a very real impact on the economy.

What I'd like to see is the COVID numbers- particularly the deaths- audited. I think there are plenty there which really weren't killed by the Wuhan Virus.

Getting consistent numbers is definitely essential if we are going to have an intelligent discussion about them. If someone died because they were stuck in a nursing home that Fredo sent Covid patients to, was their death due to COVID, or was it just cold blooded murder?
What I'd like to see is the COVID numbers- particularly the deaths- audited. I think there are plenty there which really weren't killed by the Wuhan Virus.

Getting consistent numbers is definitely essential if we are going to have an intelligent discussion about them. If someone died because they were stuck in a nursing home that Fredo sent Covid patients to, was their death due to COVID, or was it just cold blooded murder?

I'd like a lot of things. I'm just discussing the numbers we have and the real-life consequences of those numbers.

Schools remaining closed in California is just the latest consequence of this data, whether you choose to accept these numbers or not.
Incredible! The tyrant is clamping down on Citizens but is set to release thousands upon thousands of prisoners to the streets to wreck havoc, rape, and murder.

Democrats hate private schools..... unless they are holding office in a really crap school district, then they send their kids to private schools.
Incredible! The tyrant is clamping down on Citizens but is set to release thousands upon thousands of prisoners to the streets to wreck havoc, rape, and murder.

Newsome ordered disordered sex offender Cary Jay Smith released. Smith is a mentally ill killer and rapist of children who prefers to be called Mr. RTK for Rape Torture Kill.

There is no sane reason to release him. He is on city streets right now
I love how you people always make idiotic claims and then when you can’t back them up you just make even more idiotic claims. Good on ya!

Yep, holding schools hostage and keeping schools closed until the police are defunded and charter schools are eliminated makes so much more sense...dumbass.
Yep, holding schools hostage and keeping schools closed until the police are defunded and charter schools are eliminated makes so much more sense...dumbass.
No it doesn’t. It’s only in your warped little mind that that’s happening
Incredible! The tyrant is clamping down on Citizens but is set to release thousands upon thousands of prisoners to the streets to wreck havoc, rape, and murder.

Good. Suck it, Cult45. Suck it long, suck it hard.
Haha, you’re not seriously referencing a research paper that was submitted by a teachers union in Los Angeles and implying that it represents the governors safety plan for opening up schools are you?!

I guess I already know that your trying to pass that but you’re not actually expecting anybody to take your scenorio seriously are you?!?!

Holy crap the spin and dishonesty that you people spew out there is unbelievable sometimes!!!!

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