CA Governor Brown pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

Do you understand how many solar panels it would take, and how much area they would have to cover, to produce enough power to charge an electric car at a rate that would come anywhere close to being comparable to the rate at which gasoline can be pumped into a conventional car?
Except when you are traveling, why would this be an issue? You charge it up at night when you are doing other things. As far as that goes, bet this won't be an issue in five years.
Let renewables mature into a viable energy source, there is no hurry.
Already a very viable energy source, and getting bigger every year.

The future of renewable energy is in Texas

Renewable energy isn't at a crossroads in the U.S. so much as on a two-lane highway: While the federal government hits the gas on fossil fuels, states are speeding ahead to develop renewable energy -- and reaching new milestones.

For example, enough solar energy is being collected every year to power all the single-family homes in Florida. Three states generate more than one-third of their energy from wind and solar. Some 160,000 electric cars were sold last year -- enough to supply the entire population of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. And earlier this year, wind and solar produced one-tenth of the nation's energy for an entire month.

A recent report highlights the states that are most quickly embracing renewable energy. And the leaders are not what many people might expect. Yes, California has some of the most pro-environment laws on the books. But the state that produces the most renewable energy in terms of sheer quantity? It's Texas. The states that generate the largest portion of their power from renewables: Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas and the Dakotas.


Looks to me as if renewables are coming on like gangbusters.
Like I said I have no problem with renewables, They just are not mature enough to be a viable energy source yet. When their time is here great there’s no hurry.
Up here in the northern plains they are not A viable energy source whatsoever.
Liar. 5,000 to 7,999 MW in North Dakata, 2,000 to 4,999 MW in South Dakota and Nebraska. Much more to come when we get a forward looking admin that will find a way to put a grid to where the wind is.
Supercharger | Tesla

Tesla Supercharging stations charge with up to 145 kW of power distributed between two adjacent cars, with a maximum of 120 kW per car. That is up to 16 times as fast as public charging stations; they take about 20 minutes to charge to 50%, 40 minutes to charge to 80%, and 75 minutes to 100%.Jul 3, 2017

PS: I might be able to average 150 MPH with a radar. Bet your bucket-o-bolts tops out at 90 :cool-45:

The Earth's surface, on average, receives about a thousands watts (one kilowatt) of solar light energy per square meter. So, if we were assuming perfect, 100% efficient solar panels (I believe the best ones are up to about 20% at this time), you're looking at 145 square meters of area of solar panels to achieve that rate. More realistically, you're looking at hundreds of square meters at least.

And that's to halfway charge a car in a third of an hour? An hour and a quarter for a full charge? I can completely fill the tank in my conventional car, probably in about five minutes or less. Who can spare the time to spend more of it waiting for his car to charge, compared to how long he spends actually driving it?
Still it is not American, especially when it subsidized by the federal government

So what will likely be the MOST American car is not an American car?

There is no such thing as an American car anymore, that’s just the facts. I get it you love teslas, that is fine ~ they just look like dog shit to me.
We don’t have emissions tests up here in the northern plains, They are not needed.

It's nice that you take pride in your ignorance, and seem to believe posting invidious comments is a good way to communicate your lack of knowledge with so many people.
Control freaks like yourself need to stick to themselves
there is a chemical reaction in the batteries that emits gases...that breaks the zero emission idea..

Okay fair enuf - however not much of a comparison

Gasoline vs Electric—Who Wins on Lifetime Global Warming Emissions? We Found Out
I don’t give a shit keep that shit to yourselves, good ol’ American horse power works just fine for me.
You mean those slow ass antique ICE's? Tesla P100D 2.28 seconds 0 to 60.

2017 Tesla Model S P100D First Test: A New Record - 0-60 MPH in 2.28 Seconds! - Motor Trend

The only cars that can match it start out at about 1 million dollars. Porche, MaClaren, and Ferrari. And then there is the Roadster coming out in 2020. 1.9 seconds 0 to 60. And none of those can match that yet. But they will, Ferrari has already said that they will build a car that can beat that. Probably for about a million dollars versus the built in American Roadster that will have a base model that sells for 1/4 that. No specs on the performance of the upscale model. Oh yeah, 620 miles range.

Yeah...when you rig the test, it looks GREAT! Car & Driver ran their Tesla at the 2016 Lightning Lap at didn't fare very well.

On a roadcourse, the Tesla gets its ass kicked by a "mighty" Hyundai Genesis and a Chevy Cobalt SS. (It did match a 5600lb Jeep Grand Cherokee, though.) It cannot make ONE lap without going into reduced-power mode! (In fact, it barely makes a quarter of a lap.)

The Tesla also has the distinction of being one of exactly two cars to have the brakes go completely to the floor...fortunately, unlike the other car it happened to, they didn't crash the Tesla.
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

Do you understand how many solar panels it would take, and how much area they would have to cover, to produce enough power to charge an electric car at a rate that would come anywhere close to being comparable to the rate at which gasoline can be pumped into a conventional car?
Except when you are traveling, why would this be an issue? You charge it up at night when you are doing other things. As far as that goes, bet this won't be an issue in five years.
Let renewables mature into a viable energy source, there is no hurry.
Already a very viable energy source, and getting bigger every year.

The future of renewable energy is in Texas

Renewable energy isn't at a crossroads in the U.S. so much as on a two-lane highway: While the federal government hits the gas on fossil fuels, states are speeding ahead to develop renewable energy -- and reaching new milestones.

For example, enough solar energy is being collected every year to power all the single-family homes in Florida. Three states generate more than one-third of their energy from wind and solar. Some 160,000 electric cars were sold last year -- enough to supply the entire population of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. And earlier this year, wind and solar produced one-tenth of the nation's energy for an entire month.

A recent report highlights the states that are most quickly embracing renewable energy. And the leaders are not what many people might expect. Yes, California has some of the most pro-environment laws on the books. But the state that produces the most renewable energy in terms of sheer quantity? It's Texas. The states that generate the largest portion of their power from renewables: Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas and the Dakotas.


Looks to me as if renewables are coming on like gangbusters.

Looks to me that it will take the South a couple of more generations to keep up with the rest of the world.
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?
Funny thing electric cars Are run by toxic batteries... lol
Funny, ICE engines emit all kinds of toxic gases, have toxic lead-acid batteries in them, and toxic oil in the crankcase. The batteries in EV's are sealed and can be re-cycled. You 'Conservatives' are so damned stupid in use arguements that invalidate your own points.
Last modern car I had emission checked blew zero across the board. No unburned fuel, no carbon monoxides, no oxides of nitrogen. The guy was so surprised he ran the test again, with the same result. There are at least two levels of emission certification CLEANER than that Tier II ULEV.
It's all a scam to gain suckers right into their corporate buying. Which of course make them rich because sheep fall for all the bs that makes their Democratic cult leader rich. They're to stupid to figure out we have had cars that run on WATER and is extremely cheap now why do we suppose that's been kept out of the market.

We can bet the sheep can't think of it..................... But someone with a brain can think of why and or know why etc.
You mean like this one!

Proof that lots of people don’t understand basic chemistry.

I'll have to come back and listen to it , right now I could only look at it LOL, but if it's what I am thinking yes they can easily have cars that run on water , but by doing so all the industries involved in car making or maybe that should be fuel , would lose billions.

Just like if they found a cure for cancer billions would be lost in big pharma and so how they keep those billions going they lie to the people . Pot cures cancer yet ppl can't piece together why or how come it is made to look big and scary. Oh and addictive which is pure bs.

No, the chemistry does not work. The video I posted is a fake.
The amount of electrical energy to split the hydrogen of off the water molecule is greater than or equal to the amount of energy output by the exothermic reaction of combining (burning) the hydrogen and oxygen back into water.

Also, if it were so easy to convert a gas engine to run on water, they would be all over the place. There would be a mechanic in every town converting regular cars to water powered cars, and those mechanics would be filthy rich.

That's odd because they do exist they just aren't that popular .....

Fuel cells are devices that convert chemical energy (in this case hydrogen) directly into electrical energy, water and heat. In most hydrogen fuel cell cars, a high-power fuel cell and motor combination provide propulsion in place of an internal combustion engine.

Hydrogen fuel cell technology is an area of the automotive industry that is becoming increasingly important as more manufacturers commit to developing this type of power-train.

Like electric cars, hydrogen powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are are classed as ultra low emission vehicles (ULEVs) since the only substance to come out of the exhaust is water vapour.

As most FCEVs have an on-board battery for temporary energy storage, they are in this sense similar to a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), the fuel cell performing the same role as the PHEV's small combustion unit.

Hydrogen cars - 2018 UK guide to fuel cell vehicles
2. Honda will begin leasing its fuel-cell car, the Honda Clarity, in California by the end of 2016.

The EPA recently gave the car an estimated range of 366 miles — the longest range of any zero-emissions vehicle. Honda says the Clarity has a refuel time of just three to five minutes.

3. Lexus wants to unveil its hydrogen-powered car in 2020, but we have yet to hear details on its range or other specs.

10 hydrogen-powered cars in the works right now

Hydrogen fuel cells do work. But that’s not the same as pouring a few gallons of water in the “gas” tank and going. It takes energy to split the hydrogen off of the H2O.
Do you understand how many solar panels it would take, and how much area they would have to cover, to produce enough power to charge an electric car at a rate that would come anywhere close to being comparable to the rate at which gasoline can be pumped into a conventional car?
Except when you are traveling, why would this be an issue? You charge it up at night when you are doing other things. As far as that goes, bet this won't be an issue in five years.
Let renewables mature into a viable energy source, there is no hurry.
Already a very viable energy source, and getting bigger every year.

The future of renewable energy is in Texas

Renewable energy isn't at a crossroads in the U.S. so much as on a two-lane highway: While the federal government hits the gas on fossil fuels, states are speeding ahead to develop renewable energy -- and reaching new milestones.

For example, enough solar energy is being collected every year to power all the single-family homes in Florida. Three states generate more than one-third of their energy from wind and solar. Some 160,000 electric cars were sold last year -- enough to supply the entire population of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. And earlier this year, wind and solar produced one-tenth of the nation's energy for an entire month.

A recent report highlights the states that are most quickly embracing renewable energy. And the leaders are not what many people might expect. Yes, California has some of the most pro-environment laws on the books. But the state that produces the most renewable energy in terms of sheer quantity? It's Texas. The states that generate the largest portion of their power from renewables: Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas and the Dakotas.


Looks to me as if renewables are coming on like gangbusters.
Like I said I have no problem with renewables, They just are not mature enough to be a viable energy source yet. When their time is here great there’s no hurry.
Up here in the northern plains they are not A viable energy source whatsoever.
Liar. 5,000 to 7,999 MW in North Dakata, 2,000 to 4,999 MW in South Dakota and Nebraska. Much more to come when we get a forward looking admin that will find a way to put a grid to where the wind is.
Renewables don’t work worth a shit up here, there is far too much distance between population centers. Plus they’re constantly tearing down turbinesThey put up just a few years ago because the bearings wear out killing the efficiency.
Solar is a bit better and farther along but still there is not enough real estate to supply the energy needs
Any of these will be better than a stinking Tesla, like I said you can keep your teslas don’t expect anyone else to like them... lol

God, what a stupid fuck you are. 3.5 seconds 0 to 60 mph. 11.6 quarter mile. Tesla P100D, 2.4 seconds 0 to 60 mph. 10.72 quarter mile.

What kind of progananda tool are you? A damn 1972 Datsun is faster then that, you act like you didn't know a electric motor was quicker?

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Now dumb bitch, that is not a production car. And, yes, we here in Portland are proud of that individual who has been showing for years what the future will be.
I will stick to good ol’ American muscle cars and V8 powered SUVs and trucks, thank you very much. You can keep your teslas to yourselves They have no practicality up here
The Earth's surface, on average, receives about a thousands watts (one kilowatt) of solar light energy per square meter. So, if we were assuming perfect, 100% efficient solar panels (I believe the best ones are up to about 20% at this time), you're looking at 145 square meters of area of solar panels to achieve that rate. More realistically, you're looking at hundreds of square meters at least.

And that's to halfway charge a car in a third of an hour? An hour and a quarter for a full charge? I can completely fill the tank in my conventional car, probably in about five minutes or less. Who can spare the time to spend more of it waiting for his car to charge, compared to how long he spends actually driving it?

You're missing the point of electric cars. Though not practical for everyone, I don't know anyone who drives much more than 320 miles a day (5 hours or so straight or round trip) - You? For the few who do you're correct, the technology isn't QUITE there .. but it will be.

In fact, Tesla makes a semi-tractor that will do up to 500 miles a day. UPS just bought a shit-ton:

UPS Pre-Orders 125 Tesla Electric Trucks
First of all Tesla’s look like shit, Second of all they sound like shit, third of all no one can afford them, Fourth they are not tested for longevity, Fifth they run off of extremely toxic batteries, six accompany a subsidized by the US government so it makes it extremely worthless.

You don't know what you're talking about. They're built like a brick shithouse and the new 3 starts at 36k (BEFORE incentives). Grab your favorite petrol guzzler and meet me at the track Rufus.

Sure...but let's do a nice 250-mile back road loop on the way there, first. Oh, wait...if you do that, you won't be able to run, because your batteries are drained! My old Grem runs 10-flat, my wife's GN runs 10.70s. My Caddy would run high 11's, but that got me kicked out.

And you'll get bounced from the track for the same reason I did: no rollbar.
The Earth's surface, on average, receives about a thousands watts (one kilowatt) of solar light energy per square meter. So, if we were assuming perfect, 100% efficient solar panels (I believe the best ones are up to about 20% at this time), you're looking at 145 square meters of area of solar panels to achieve that rate. More realistically, you're looking at hundreds of square meters at least.

And that's to halfway charge a car in a third of an hour? An hour and a quarter for a full charge? I can completely fill the tank in my conventional car, probably in about five minutes or less. Who can spare the time to spend more of it waiting for his car to charge, compared to how long he spends actually driving it?

You're missing the point of electric cars. Though not practical for everyone, I don't know anyone who drives much more than 320 miles a day (5 hours or so straight) - You? For the few who do you're correct, the technology isn't QUITE there .. but it will be.

In fact, Tesla makes a semi-tractor that will do up to 500 miles a day. UPS just bought a shit-ton:

UPS Pre-Orders 125 Tesla Electric Trucks
Pie in the sky...
We get it you love teslas, the rest of us hate the fuckers.
Quit trying to sell your shit to other people
A Tesla 3 with 310 mile range would more than suite your needs.

And the rear door gull wings would be a stylish way to retrieve your tools!


The construction trades are not for pussified, LIbEral girly-men who would drive such a vehicle. If I showed up at a constructuion site in that, my colleagues would never let me live it down.

And if I had the money to buy that, then a much better use of that money would be to buy a bigger, more truck-like vehicle, with more room for my tools and more ability to cope with the rough conditions that it would encounter at a construction site.
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Like the roofs of the charging stations are the only roofs in town? I imagine Musk is already working out deals with warehouses and utilities to use those roofs to provide electricity to his charging stations.

I've been employed for most of the past year installing solar power systems on rooftops of stores and warehouses and such. They don't provide enough power to completely meet the needs of the buildings on which they are installed. They are grid-tie systems, wherein the building still gets power from the utility as well as from their own solar power systems, with the net result being that they buy a lot less power from the utilities. In theory, if they generated more power than they needed, they could sell the excess to the utility, but it is my understanding that that is not expected to happen.

So how's it that you expect that a warehouse or other business is going to have a solar power system installed on its roof, just to give that power to something else, while it continues to pay full price to the utility for all the power to meet its own needs?
One of the units of my steel mill is located beside a whole bunch of warehouses. They are used for nothing but storage and shipping. Were they to install solar on all their roof space, they could supply a lot of electricity to the grid during peak usage on the grid. That unit has a huge roof space, and their could be solar put there. We have not only a huge amount of unused roof space in this nation. That is all potential solar area.
My 92 chevy dually has two tanks , from South Carolina to Las Vegas I would be there a day already before you check in driving a telsa clown.

Wanna put a few grand on that my furry friend? :D

Longest Range Electric Car = Tesla Model S 100D (335 Miles!) | CleanTechnica

Music to the ears, and the smell of roses... lol

Noisy stinky rigs undrivable on the street.

Watch a Tesla Model S P100D set a new world record for a quarter-mile run

Now for most car manufacturers, the Model S P100D would represent an incredible achievement not in need of improvement. But seeing as how Elon Musk is an absolute glutton for raw speed, Tesla over the past few months has made the P100D even more of a speed demon.

Thanks to a recent over the air software update, P100D owners can now take advantage of a new Ludicrous+ Mode that can take the car from 0-60 in just 2.4 seconds. All the more impressive is that Musk relayed via a tweet earlier this month that a 0-60 time of 2.34 seconds might even be possible.

As for the P100D’s quarter mile time, well, that’s been improved upon as well. In fact, DragTimes recently took a few P100D vehicles out for a spin this weekend where they pushed the cars to new heights. Taking to a track at the Palm Beach International Raceway in Florida, DragTimes manged to post an official 1/4 mile time of just 10.72 seconds.

The video below which chronicles the achievement pits a Model S P100D against a 2017 640HP Cadillac CTS-V. When the dust settled, the Model S “set a new world record for the quickest stock 4 door sedan.” As a point of interest, the previous world record stood at 10.76 seconds

And you can cruise the Tesla through the Safeway parking lot without any noise whatsoever and in the comfort of a high end luxury car.

No, that is horseshit. A Charger ran a 10.59 stock last year!
Still it is not American, especially when it subsidized by the federal government

So what will likely be the MOST American car is not an American car?


There is no such thing as an American car anymore, that’s just the facts. I get it you love teslas, that is fine ~ they just look like dog shit to me.
We don’t have emissions tests up here in the northern plains, They are not needed.

It's nice that you take pride in your ignorance, and seem to believe posting invidious comments is a good way to communicate your lack of knowledge with so many people.

Control freaks like yourself need to stick to themselves

Once again, an idiot-gram wrapped in an ad hominem. Tesla's is the future, only fools and those who profit from petroleum cast such aspersions.



Photos of Teslas - Google Search

So much for Rustic's credibility.

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