CA Highway Patrol To Peer Into Driver Windows To Catch Cell Phone Use...

So no concern for those drunk drivers but really concerned about someone using a cell phone? How about those cops driving and using their in car computers and radios while driving?

Who's not concerned about drunk drivers? That battle was fought long ago. Alcohol used to be a mitigating factor, but now it's an aggravating one. Trying to pass this off as a freedom issue is ridiculous. The freedom I'm concerned about ia that of the people injured or killed by distracted drivers.
Have those DWI laws stopped people from drinking? After all you did say you wanted to be free from fear of people talking on a phone while driving. DWI laws haven't stopped people from driving drunk.

Knock it off BigReb!!!! Just tell them that you are here illegally, and do not have a License or Insurance. They will have to let you go! :D
Who's not concerned about drunk drivers? That battle was fought long ago. Alcohol used to be a mitigating factor, but now it's an aggravating one. Trying to pass this off as a freedom issue is ridiculous. The freedom I'm concerned about ia that of the people injured or killed by distracted drivers.
Have those DWI laws stopped people from drinking? After all you did say you wanted to be free from fear of people talking on a phone while driving. DWI laws haven't stopped people from driving drunk.

Knock it off BigReb!!!! Just tell them that you are here illegally, and do not have a License or Insurance. They will have to let you go! :D

yeah....remmeber when people would flash their PBA card hoping to get off?
Now they simply say "Me no citizen"....
Big Brother is watching. And he'll be doing a lot more of it in the near future. Because..."911 changed everything."
Big Brother is watching. And he'll be doing a lot more of it in the near future. Because..."911 changed everything."

More like because we have new and better technology. Don't be so hysterical over the small stuff.
Who's not concerned about drunk drivers? That battle was fought long ago. Alcohol used to be a mitigating factor, but now it's an aggravating one. Trying to pass this off as a freedom issue is ridiculous. The freedom I'm concerned about ia that of the people injured or killed by distracted drivers.
Have those DWI laws stopped people from drinking? After all you did say you wanted to be free from fear of people talking on a phone while driving. DWI laws haven't stopped people from driving drunk.

Knock it off BigReb!!!! Just tell them that you are here illegally, and do not have a License or Insurance. They will have to let you go! :D

unfortunately I can't hide the fact that I am not a Mexican:lol:
Have those DWI laws stopped people from drinking? After all you did say you wanted to be free from fear of people talking on a phone while driving. DWI laws haven't stopped people from driving drunk.

Knock it off BigReb!!!! Just tell them that you are here illegally, and do not have a License or Insurance. They will have to let you go! :D

unfortunately I can't hide the fact that I am not a Mexican:lol:

So you think the Cops should have to Enforce the Laws we pass, with out being able to look through a windshield?

"We?" Don't you mean they? Or do you really believe the will of the People is represented in each of these incremental movements toward Police State America?
Oh noes! Police will be watching people's behavior out in public for dangerous actions, and collecting data that will be used to help shape policies for public safety!! What the hell is wrong with them? Do they think their job is to protect and serve, or some BS like that? It's horrible, such an abuse of power!
Seriously though,thank God we have the TSA keeping us safe from those Grandma Al Qaeders...

[ame=]Remy: Grandma Got Indefinitely Detained (A Very TSA Christmas) - YouTube[/ame]
They have to take our rights to protect our rights. Make any sense? WTG Big Brother. ;)
You have the right to commit a dangerous act on government provided roads?? I don't see a right taken away...
And the march towards absolute Authoritarian-rule continues.

Cellphone talkers and texters, beware. California Highway Patrol officers around Sacramento have special marching orders on Friday and Saturday:

Find you and ticket you.

"If someone is driving distracted, we want officers to issue citations," said CHP spokesman Adrian Quintero.

Also on Friday, plainclothes officers and volunteers with clipboards will be stationed on foot at several major intersections around Sacramento, peering into passing car windows and noting the types of distracted driving they see.

Similar tallies will be taken in the Auburn and Stockton areas. They won't be ticketing. They'll be gathering data to be forwarded to the California Office of Traffic Safety as part of an emerging statewide campaign to understand and combat distracted driving.

Read more here: CHP plans 24-hour crackdown on drivers using cellphones - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee
Great idea, it should reduce accidents.
I'm glad they are doing this. I get tired of almost getting hit by people on cellphones on the interstate.

I do wonder at what point this ends though. A phone is definitely distracting but so is playing with the radio, reading, unwrapping food, etc.

Yesterday a woman was in the car in front of me, she obviously dropped something into the passenger floorboard. The result, she reaches way down to get it and swerves the car, barely missing the car next to her. I don't think you can pass a law stating people can't have "things" in their car to play with.
I'm glad they are doing this. I get tired of almost getting hit by people on cellphones on the interstate.

I do wonder at what point this ends though. A phone is definitely distracting but so is playing with the radio, reading, unwrapping food, etc.

Yesterday a woman was in the car in front of me, she obviously dropped something into the passenger floorboard. The result, she reaches way down to get it and swerves the car, barely missing the car next to her. I don't think you can pass a law stating people can't have "things" in their car to play with.

They should probably just label them "Terrorists" and send them off to indefinite detention. These people are clearly "Terrorizing" our roadways. The TSA will definitely have to step in and save us. We need more of their random checkpoints. It's a matter of National Security for sure. We don't need these Terrorists driving distracted and stuff. They need to be locked up immediately. U.S.A U.S.A. U.S.A!!!!
Oh,and have your papers on you at all times too. Because only Illegal Aliens get a pass on that ID thing (Another wonderful Homeland Security travesty). All American Citizens are required to have their ID's on them at all times. So no pass for you. Oh,Police States. They're so fun ay?
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Oh,and have your papers on you at all times too. Because only Illegal Aliens get a pass on that ID thing (Another wonderful Homeland Security travesty). All American Citizens are required to have their ID's on them at all times. So no pass for you. Oh,Police States. They're so fun ay?

You're a fucking idiot.
Oh,and have your papers on you at all times too. Because only Illegal Aliens get a pass on that ID thing (Another wonderful Homeland Security travesty). All American Citizens are required to have their ID's on them at all times. So no pass for you. Oh,Police States. They're so fun ay?

You're a fucking idiot.

Yea whatever. You just have your papers on you at all times. Unless you're an Illegal Alien. Because if you're an American Citizen,you will have to be punished for that offense. Because that's how much Big Brother loves you? A Non-Citizen now has more rights than you do. Isn't that great? But hey,it's for your own good. So enjoy your new America.
So no concern for those drunk drivers but really concerned about someone using a cell phone? How about those cops driving and using their in car computers and radios while driving?

Who's not concerned about drunk drivers? That battle was fought long ago. Alcohol used to be a mitigating factor, but now it's an aggravating one. Trying to pass this off as a freedom issue is ridiculous. The freedom I'm concerned about ia that of the people injured or killed by distracted drivers.
Have those DWI laws stopped people from drinking? After all you did say you wanted to be free from fear of people talking on a phone while driving. DWI laws haven't stopped people from driving drunk.

Have those murder laws stopped people from murdering? Murder laws haven't stopped people from murdering.
Oh,and have your papers on you at all times too. Because only Illegal Aliens get a pass on that ID thing (Another wonderful Homeland Security travesty). All American Citizens are required to have their ID's on them at all times. So no pass for you. Oh,Police States. They're so fun ay?

You're a fucking idiot.

Yea whatever. You just have your papers on you at all times. Unless you're an Illegal Alien. Because if you're an American Citizen,you will have to be punished for that offense. Because that's how much Big Brother loves you? A Non-Citizen now has more rights than you do. Isn't that great? But hey,it's for your own good. So enjoy your new America.

Thanks for proving my point.

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