Ca libs considering a soda tax

A recent field poll found that 68 percent of California voters said they would be in favor of a soda tax, if the money paid for school nutrition and physical education programs.
Why change the script if the idiots keep falling for the same line?
This is what happens when you Tax things to the point where people stop buying them. First it's cigarettes, next is soda, and when that revenue dries up... What's next?
Mabe they should tax people with HIV who didn't get it from a transfusion due to the costs on society
Punish the people who can least afford it with so-called sin taxes. When you accept government health care you have to accept government mandates on healthy lifestyle or suffer monitary penalties.
California Lawmakers Consider Soda Tax | KTLA 5

These limp wristers would tax everything outside of bone smuggling and abortion

That broke ass state has to do something. So why not let the poorest among them suffer with yet another tax.

California is full of dumbasses.

i wont deny that....but many of those dumbasses are the millions who moved here from other states over the last 25-30 years....millions with the mindset of a Dean or Dudley....

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