CA passes transgender students rights bill

California Transgender Student Rights Bill Clears State Assembly

Now a student can use whatever bathroom they claim they are, and other students are forced by law to attend those schools. Have fun, parents. Deviant liberal reality deniers know what's best for you.

Why would anyone object to the State of California seeking to be in compliance with the Constitution:

In Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992), the Court reaffirmed the substantive force of the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause. The Casey decision again confirmed that our laws and tradition afford constitutional protection to personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, child rearing, and education. Id., at 851. In explaining the respect the Constitution demands for the autonomy of the person in making these choices, we stated as follows:

“ These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.” Ibid.


For the ignorant, hateful OP and those who agree with him, the above ruling means that the Constitution protects the right of each individual to determine for himself fundamental aspects of his life as he sees fit, free of interference from the state.

That one is born physically male or female is Constitutionally and legally irrelevant; the state cannot compel an individual to adhere to a particular gender role with regard to conduct or behavior against his will.

If one wishes to present himself as a transgender/transsexual person, he is at liberty to do so. And public schools, as components of the state, are required to respect each individual’s right to self-determination in accordance with the 14th Amendment.

This is yet another example of how many on the right have a tendency toward totalitarianism, where conservatives, for the most part, cannot abide diversity and dissent and feel the need to compel conformity.

This is utter bullshit. What one thinks doesn't trump reality. I can think of myself as a woman but-- guess what?-- biology says I'm not (XY). If we're going to play this argument, where you have to "respect" what I "wish to present myself as", then if I want to believe I'm a 16 year old male and want to sleep with a 15 year old female, then I should get to do that because "self-determination" and all that, right?

Tell that to Justices Kennedy and O’Connor, Reagan appointees, republicans, and conservatives.

Otherwise, your ignorance and hate demonstrate why the 14th Amendment is just as much in need today as when it was ratified, if not more so.
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And you're free to homeschool too if they reach religion I guess, eh?

You want to force the denial of reality onto others. This time onto CHILDREN who are compelled by law to be there.

only a deviant liberal could think of such insanity.

That's not how our secular public school system works though. It is open to all, not just your religion. There are actually these things called "religious schools". You've heard of them, I'm sure.

You also misled with your OP title. This bill passed the State Assembly, it has not been signed into law as you implied with your title.

And tell me...what is so horrible about this bill? What bothers you so? That transgendered kids get to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with? That they will able to play sports with the gender they identify with? :eek: oh, the horrors.

There is a clear difference between boys and girls. The bathrooms are designated for boys or girls. I don't see a reason to blur the lines between gender when they are so very very clear. We should let boys in the girls room because they hate who they are? Why make many of the other students uncomfortable just to accomodate a few?
Is there any reason why use of restrooms should be a decision belonging only to transsexuals? Isn't that discrimination? How about a teenage boy who wants to use the girls room just because he wants to? Certainly he should be accommodated. There's not going to be a bathroom monitor to ask boys if they feel like girls at the door.

Is there any reason you haven't provided a link to back up your story from above?

As I said, it was a girl that I KNOW. I did not get it from a news source. It was a girl from my art class.
And you're free to homeschool too if they reach religion I guess, eh?

You want to force the denial of reality onto others. This time onto CHILDREN who are compelled by law to be there.

only a deviant liberal could think of such insanity.

Out of curiousity, how many transies do you think are out there?

Because, frankly, I'm 51 years old, and I only met one transie in my life, and he was like an Ed Wood level ugly woman.

The way you are carrying on, you'd think there was a whole army of Transies wanting to pee sitting down...

Well, you may have actually met more, but didn't know they were transgendered. Not everyone looks like the bearded lady you know ;)

But there are an increasing number of children who are transitioning younger. Doctors are recognizing gender dysphoria earlier and are helping parents understand and best serve the needs of those children.

Parents Help 5-Year-Old Girl Live As Transgender Boy

More likely, fewer and fewer children are being permitted to grow and develop out of the stage where they begin to understand the difference between boys and girls.
Is there any reason why use of restrooms should be a decision belonging only to transsexuals? Isn't that discrimination? How about a teenage boy who wants to use the girls room just because he wants to? Certainly he should be accommodated. There's not going to be a bathroom monitor to ask boys if they feel like girls at the door.

Is there any reason you haven't provided a link to back up your story from above?

As I said, it was a girl that I KNOW. I did not get it from a news source. It was a girl from my art class.

Gee, a "story" from an anonymous person on the internet that someone else told them. Yup, that's credible.

Is there any reason you haven't provided a link to back up your story from above?

As I said, it was a girl that I KNOW. I did not get it from a news source. It was a girl from my art class.

Gee, a "story" from an anonymous person on the internet that someone else told them. Yup, that's credible.


No one TOLD me. And I didn't hear it on the internet. It was a girl from my art class.
As I said, it was a girl that I KNOW. I did not get it from a news source. It was a girl from my art class.

Gee, a "story" from an anonymous person on the internet that someone else told them. Yup, that's credible.


No one TOLD me. And I didn't hear it on the internet. It was a girl from my art class.

You're the anonymous person on the internet, telling a "story" no one can verify as fact. I said "someone else" told you. READ
Gee, a "story" from an anonymous person on the internet that someone else told them. Yup, that's credible.


No one TOLD me. And I didn't hear it on the internet. It was a girl from my art class.

You're the anonymous person on the internet, telling a "story" no one can verify as fact. I said "someone else" told you. READ

Katz thinks her fantasy anecdotes are facts. It explains a great deal about her.
Why would anyone object to the State of California seeking to be in compliance with the Constitution:

For the ignorant, hateful OP and those who agree with him, the above ruling means that the Constitution protects the right of each individual to determine for himself fundamental aspects of his life as he sees fit, free of interference from the state.

That one is born physically male or female is Constitutionally and legally irrelevant; the state cannot compel an individual to adhere to a particular gender role with regard to conduct or behavior against his will.

If one wishes to present himself as a transgender/transsexual person, he is at liberty to do so. And public schools, as components of the state, are required to respect each individual’s right to self-determination in accordance with the 14th Amendment.

This is yet another example of how many on the right have a tendency toward totalitarianism, where conservatives, for the most part, cannot abide diversity and dissent and feel the need to compel conformity.

This is utter bullshit. What one thinks doesn't trump reality. I can think of myself as a woman but-- guess what?-- biology says I'm not (XY). If we're going to play this argument, where you have to "respect" what I "wish to present myself as", then if I want to believe I'm a 16 year old male and want to sleep with a 15 year old female, then I should get to do that because "self-determination" and all that, right?

Tell that to Justices Kennedy and O’Connor, Reagan appointees, republicans, and conservatives.

Otherwise, your ignorance and hate demonstrate why the 14th Amendment is just as much in need today as when it was ratified, if not more so.

This will be a surprise to no one, but all of your posts are nothing more than (not-so) elaborate attempts at avoiding the point, and are usually full of non-sequiturs. I asked you a specific question. Why did you avoid it?

If I, being the 28 year old male that I am, decide that I'm really 16 and have sex with a 15 year old, does the fact that I believe I'm 16 mean that my actions are acceptable? If not, then your entire post is dishonest. If, as you assert, that the "right to self-determination" means I get to decide things for myself which are contrary to facts, then much the same way you think a male can define himself as a female, then why can't I define myself as younger than I am?
If in my mind "no" is consent, is that a defense against rape? Or do only liberal darling groups get to deny reality and then have that fantasy world forced upon everyone else?
Question for libs re: trannies and mother's day /father's day. Since you have no issue with denying reality. Say if prior to becoming a "woman" a tranny fathered children. If he becomes transgender, does that person observe mother's day or father's day? Celebrating father's day would seem to go against all the demands I read from libs, because they think they are women. But they fathered children. Women cannot father children. But they are not a mother because they didn't give birth to the child. And there's teh news about the transgendered "man" that gave birth to a child. Does that "man" celebrate father's day?
Question for libs re: trannies and mother's day /father's day. Since you have no issue with denying reality. Say if prior to becoming a "woman" a tranny fathered children. If he becomes transgender, does that person observe mother's day or father's day? Celebrating father's day would seem to go against all the demands I read from libs, because they think they are women. But they fathered children. Women cannot father children. But they are not a mother because they didn't give birth to the child. And there's teh news about the transgendered "man" that gave birth to a child. Does that "man" celebrate father's day?

That would be a decision left to the individual and their family. Each will (and have) treat it differently.
Some schools in California already allowed unisex use of bathrooms. A 14 year old girl I know was brutally beaten by two boys in a unisex bathroom and left in a coma. She had committed the ultimate sin. She refused to have sex with the boys a couple of weeks earlier. She is now in a private school where they don't permit boys and girls to use the same bathroom.

The school reprimanded the boys and told the girl's parents that she was anti social and that's the reason she got beat up.

But in your mind, it was the unisex bathroom which was the reason she was beaten up and raped because the boys couldn't have committed their crimes anywhere else. :cuckoo:
Question for libs re: trannies and mother's day /father's day. Since you have no issue with denying reality. Say if prior to becoming a "woman" a tranny fathered children. If he becomes transgender, does that person observe mother's day or father's day? Celebrating father's day would seem to go against all the demands I read from libs, because they think they are women. But they fathered children. Women cannot father children. But they are not a mother because they didn't give birth to the child. And there's teh news about the transgendered "man" that gave birth to a child. Does that "man" celebrate father's day?

I'm going to petition my lawmakers to create Transexual Parents Day for no other reason but to piss you off. That should officially throw your tiny brain into orbit.
Question for libs re: trannies and mother's day /father's day. Since you have no issue with denying reality. Say if prior to becoming a "woman" a tranny fathered children. If he becomes transgender, does that person observe mother's day or father's day? Celebrating father's day would seem to go against all the demands I read from libs, because they think they are women. But they fathered children. Women cannot father children. But they are not a mother because they didn't give birth to the child. And there's teh news about the transgendered "man" that gave birth to a child. Does that "man" celebrate father's day?

That would be a decision left to the individual and their family. Each will (and have) treat it differently.

TRANSLATION: They are free to deny reality they way they deem fit.

But can YOU admit that someone who has fathered a child wants to celebrate mother's day is denying reality?

Think about it.
Question for libs re: trannies and mother's day /father's day. Since you have no issue with denying reality. Say if prior to becoming a "woman" a tranny fathered children. If he becomes transgender, does that person observe mother's day or father's day? Celebrating father's day would seem to go against all the demands I read from libs, because they think they are women. But they fathered children. Women cannot father children. But they are not a mother because they didn't give birth to the child. And there's teh news about the transgendered "man" that gave birth to a child. Does that "man" celebrate father's day?

I'm going to petition my lawmakers to create Transexual Parents Day for no other reason but to piss you off. That should officially throw your tiny brain into orbit.

Go for it. You and them will still be fucked in the head mutants.

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