CA passes transgender students rights bill

Question for libs re: trannies and mother's day /father's day. Since you have no issue with denying reality. Say if prior to becoming a "woman" a tranny fathered children. If he becomes transgender, does that person observe mother's day or father's day? Celebrating father's day would seem to go against all the demands I read from libs, because they think they are women. But they fathered children. Women cannot father children. But they are not a mother because they didn't give birth to the child. And there's teh news about the transgendered "man" that gave birth to a child. Does that "man" celebrate father's day?

That would be a decision left to the individual and their family. Each will (and have) treat it differently.

TRANSLATION: They are free to deny reality they way they deem fit.

But can YOU admit that someone who has fathered a child wants to celebrate mother's day is denying reality?

Think about it.

I doubt any male to female transexual would celebrate Mothers Day. The decision is usually whether to celebrate it at all.
So why can't I smoke in a bar I own?

Because you are running a public accommedation.

Incidently, I think that the second hand smoke laws are bullshit because they are based on bad science.

But the majority disagrees with me, and I like eating in smoke-free bars.

So if I don't approve of gay bars, and because it would make gay casual sex harder to get and thus reduce HIV infections, gay bars should be banned?

Dry cleaned clothes give off carcinogens. Bars serve alcohol that can get people killed in fights, on the road, etc.. The smoke is the least worrisome part of a bar and it is MY bar. THat's like the state passing a law saying gays can't hold hands in public or something.
This is utter bullshit. What one thinks doesn't trump reality. I can think of myself as a woman but-- guess what?-- biology says I'm not (XY). If we're going to play this argument, where you have to "respect" what I "wish to present myself as", then if I want to believe I'm a 16 year old male and want to sleep with a 15 year old female, then I should get to do that because "self-determination" and all that, right?

Tell that to Justices Kennedy and O’Connor, Reagan appointees, republicans, and conservatives.

Otherwise, your ignorance and hate demonstrate why the 14th Amendment is just as much in need today as when it was ratified, if not more so.

This will be a surprise to no one, but all of your posts are nothing more than (not-so) elaborate attempts at avoiding the point, and are usually full of non-sequiturs. I asked you a specific question. Why did you avoid it?

If I, being the 28 year old male that I am, decide that I'm really 16 and have sex with a 15 year old, does the fact that I believe I'm 16 mean that my actions are acceptable? If not, then your entire post is dishonest. If, as you assert, that the "right to self-determination" means I get to decide things for myself which are contrary to facts, then much the same way you think a male can define himself as a female, then why can't I define myself as younger than I am?

There is no question being ‘avoided,’ as the question itself is irrelevant and moot, per the already cited case law.

It’s just as irrelevant as to whether one is born homosexual or ‘decides’ to be homosexual, whatever the ‘cause’ of homosexuality, the question is Constitutionally and legally immaterial, just as it is for those who are transgender.

The state has no authority to dictate to individuals how they’re to perceive their sexuality or how they must present themselves to society. It’s perfectly appropriate, therefore, for public sector entities to accommodate a transgender person with private restrooms and the like.

Otherwise, your contrivance of a strawman fallacy concerning statutory rape is just as irrelevant, it’s nothing more than an attempt at demagoguery.
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You are free to homeschool.

Your way or the highway? Is that it now? Interesting. :cuckoo:
So much for the consent of the governed. It is California though, huh. :eusa_shhh:

Best solution. Make the Restrooms Unisex with Individual Private Stalls.

Many schools already have that available for: Handicapped students/staff....and Students with babies that need to change their diapers.

And I believe most homes have unisex toilets too. They are called single b-rooms with a LOCK on the door.

BTW....this is the same "potty principal" we heard when ERA was up for a vote and when the Navy was thinking of putting women on ships.

The Navy posts a guard outside the potty so that men cannot use the same restroom as the women.

I bet you thought you had a point.
Some schools in California already allowed unisex use of bathrooms. A 14 year old girl I know was brutally beaten by two boys in a unisex bathroom and left in a coma. She had committed the ultimate sin. She refused to have sex with the boys a couple of weeks earlier. She is now in a private school where they don't permit boys and girls to use the same bathroom.

The school reprimanded the boys and told the girl's parents that she was anti social and that's the reason she got beat up.

But in your mind, it was the unisex bathroom which was the reason she was beaten up and raped because the boys couldn't have committed their crimes anywhere else. :cuckoo:

She wasn't raped. I never said she was raped. You made it up. She refused to voluntarily engage in sex days earlier than the beat down. The boys chose the bathroom because it afforded them a measure of privacy not available in the hallways. No one would think it unusual that boys were going into the bathroom especially since it was known not to be a private place for girls. The beat down was in retaliation for not engaging in a sex and drug party. Incidentally, the same reasons the school considered her to be anti social.

Girls should just learn to consider the restrooms the same way they consider dark alleys. An attack in a dark alley could happen anywhere, but they usually occur in dark alleys. And now, unisex bathrooms.

It wasn't enough that Sharrice Iverson was followed into the ladies restroom by a man who had no right to be there. Now we want to give them that right.
So why can't I smoke in a bar I own?

Because you are running a public accommedation.

Incidently, I think that the second hand smoke laws are bullshit because they are based on bad science.

But the majority disagrees with me, and I like eating in smoke-free bars.

So if I don't approve of gay bars, and because it would make gay casual sex harder to get and thus reduce HIV infections, gay bars should be banned?

Dry cleaned clothes give off carcinogens. Bars serve alcohol that can get people killed in fights, on the road, etc.. The smoke is the least worrisome part of a bar and it is MY bar. THat's like the state passing a law saying gays can't hold hands in public or something.

You’re comparing unrelated issues resulting in your posts making no sense.

You seek to close gay bars solely because you hate homosexuals, not because you’re concerned about the spread of HIV. Indeed, there is no evidence that closing gay bars would have the desired effect with regard to the spread of HIV, not to mention the Constitutional ramifications involved.

Prohibiting smoking in bars, however, is not predicated on hatred toward smokers as a group but a perceived health risk. And even if there is no evidence that second-hand smoke is harmful, patrons are entitled to enjoy a smoke-free environment, as there is no right to smoke.

There is a right to be LGBT, however, in the context of the right to privacy and personal liberty guaranteed by the 14th Amendment; the state may not discriminate against these individuals accordingly.
Either your born male or your born female. It's that simple, only two possible answers. If someone wants to be confused on gender, that is definitely something they should deal with as an adult. They should be taught to be happy with how they are, not deny it.
Normally when people threaten to mutilate themselves, they get committed as being a risk to themselves. However when it comes to trannies, we celebrate it.
Some schools in California already allowed unisex use of bathrooms. A 14 year old girl I know was brutally beaten by two boys in a unisex bathroom and left in a coma. She had committed the ultimate sin. She refused to have sex with the boys a couple of weeks earlier. She is now in a private school where they don't permit boys and girls to use the same bathroom.

The school reprimanded the boys and told the girl's parents that she was anti social and that's the reason she got beat up.

But in your mind, it was the unisex bathroom which was the reason she was beaten up and raped because the boys couldn't have committed their crimes anywhere else. :cuckoo:

She wasn't raped. I never said she was raped. You made it up. She refused to voluntarily engage in sex days earlier than the beat down. The boys chose the bathroom because it afforded them a measure of privacy not available in the hallways. No one would think it unusual that boys were going into the bathroom especially since it was known not to be a private place for girls. The beat down was in retaliation for not engaging in a sex and drug party. Incidentally, the same reasons the school considered her to be anti social.

Girls should just learn to consider the restrooms the same way they consider dark alleys. An attack in a dark alley could happen anywhere, but they usually occur in dark alleys. And now, unisex bathrooms.

It wasn't enough that Sharrice Iverson was followed into the ladies restroom by a man who had no right to be there. Now we want to give them that right.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

No one is seeking to give men the ‘right’ to go into the women’s restroom.

If a man accosts a woman in the women’s restroom under the guise of a transgender person, then that’s a crime separate and apart from the issue being discussed, and is not justification to discriminate against LGBT persons.
But in your mind, it was the unisex bathroom which was the reason she was beaten up and raped because the boys couldn't have committed their crimes anywhere else. :cuckoo:

She wasn't raped. I never said she was raped. You made it up. She refused to voluntarily engage in sex days earlier than the beat down. The boys chose the bathroom because it afforded them a measure of privacy not available in the hallways. No one would think it unusual that boys were going into the bathroom especially since it was known not to be a private place for girls. The beat down was in retaliation for not engaging in a sex and drug party. Incidentally, the same reasons the school considered her to be anti social.

Girls should just learn to consider the restrooms the same way they consider dark alleys. An attack in a dark alley could happen anywhere, but they usually occur in dark alleys. And now, unisex bathrooms.

It wasn't enough that Sharrice Iverson was followed into the ladies restroom by a man who had no right to be there. Now we want to give them that right.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

No one is seeking to give men the ‘right’ to go into the women’s restroom.

If a man accosts a woman in the women’s restroom under the guise of a transgender person, then that’s a crime separate and apart from the issue being discussed, and is not justification to discriminate against LGBT persons.

On the other hand, if it is illegal to prevent someone from using the bathroom of the gender they identify as, instead of the gender they actually are, there is no way to keep people who do not identify as that gender from using the bathroom because there is no way to tell what gender a person identifies as.

This is why intelligent people oppose stupid laws, and idiots think they make sense.
Tell that to Justices Kennedy and O’Connor, Reagan appointees, republicans, and conservatives.

Otherwise, your ignorance and hate demonstrate why the 14th Amendment is just as much in need today as when it was ratified, if not more so.

This will be a surprise to no one, but all of your posts are nothing more than (not-so) elaborate attempts at avoiding the point, and are usually full of non-sequiturs. I asked you a specific question. Why did you avoid it?

If I, being the 28 year old male that I am, decide that I'm really 16 and have sex with a 15 year old, does the fact that I believe I'm 16 mean that my actions are acceptable? If not, then your entire post is dishonest. If, as you assert, that the "right to self-determination" means I get to decide things for myself which are contrary to facts, then much the same way you think a male can define himself as a female, then why can't I define myself as younger than I am?

There is no question being ‘avoided,’ as the question itself is irrelevant and moot, per the already cited case law.

Wrong. This is what happens when you're forced to defend a position; you choose not to. The cited case law has nothing to do with the issue at hand here. The funny thing is that you didn't even read what you posted. Provided by you:

The Casey decision again confirmed that our laws and tradition afford constitutional protection to personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, child rearing, and education.

Tell me, which one of those categories does this case relate?

It’s just as irrelevant as to whether one is born homosexual or ‘decides’ to be homosexual, whatever the ‘cause’ of homosexuality, the question is Constitutionally and legally immaterial, just as it is for those who are transgender.

What does this have to do with subverting what actually is for what someone thinks?

The state has no authority to dictate to individuals how they’re to perceive their sexuality or how they must present themselves to society. It’s perfectly appropriate, therefore, for public sector entities to accommodate a transgender person with private restrooms and the like.

You do this quite often, but you have a knack for shifting the goalposts. Nothing quoted above is the actual issue. If you're a dude and you want to wear a dress, more power to you. Absolutely no one is saying you can't. The issue here, which you ignored, is the fact that you, and like minded people, want to subvert reality to accommodate to individual perception. The funny thing here is that you blatantly ignore that the "public sector" isn't accommodating a transgender person with a "private restroom"; they're saying a transgendered person can use the restroom of their choosing so long as they want to identify as that gender.

Otherwise, your contrivance of a strawman fallacy concerning statutory rape is just as irrelevant, it’s nothing more than an attempt at demagoguery.

Unfortunately for you, it's not a straw man. If I believe I'm 16, then who are you to say that I have to conform to laws concerning my actual age? The state must accommodate my perception of myself, correct?
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Question for libs re: trannies and mother's day /father's day. Since you have no issue with denying reality. Say if prior to becoming a "woman" a tranny fathered children. If he becomes transgender, does that person observe mother's day or father's day? Celebrating father's day would seem to go against all the demands I read from libs, because they think they are women. But they fathered children. Women cannot father children. But they are not a mother because they didn't give birth to the child. And there's teh news about the transgendered "man" that gave birth to a child. Does that "man" celebrate father's day?

Next up? Parent's Day, for all the "formerly gendered" people. Wait for it.
You are free to homeschool.

Your way or the highway? Is that it now? Interesting. :cuckoo:
So much for the consent of the governed. It is California though, huh. :eusa_shhh:

Best solution. Make the Restrooms Unisex with Individual Private Stalls.

LOL, yes, my way or the highway....or I could have been pointing out that no one is "forced" to send their child to public school.

They are forced to pay for it, which is a travesty.
Your way or the highway? Is that it now? Interesting. :cuckoo:
So much for the consent of the governed. It is California though, huh. :eusa_shhh:

Best solution. Make the Restrooms Unisex with Individual Private Stalls.

LOL, yes, my way or the highway....or I could have been pointing out that no one is "forced" to send their child to public school.

They are forced to pay for it, which is a travesty.

We are forced to pay for the Iraq War which is a more expensive travesty.
LOL, yes, my way or the highway....or I could have been pointing out that no one is "forced" to send their child to public school.

They are forced to pay for it, which is a travesty.

We are forced to pay for the Iraq War which is a more expensive travesty.

Do liberals ever come up with new arguments? Your ilk is the kind that believes majority rule justifies anything, not mine.

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