CA schools may be required to deny reality

maybe you people need to go look up what transgender is?

If I coined the word "transracial" would that make it reality? Someone white can think they are black, and then demand that society consider them to be back?

Maybe you need to go look up what REALITY is.
Transgender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

sorry but sceince has found differances in the brains of trans sexual people from hetros.

I know you will just deny the sceince like you righties always do

Like how "science" now thinks it's no longer a mental illness? Funny how science is now impacted by political correctness. And sometimes you liberals go insane when presented with scientific fact, such as 2% of the population, being gay men, are 61% of HIV infections. That's a little scientific fact that will make your limp wrists flail, and you run around throwing tantrums.
If it's raining outside and you believe with all your heart that when you go outside you won't get wet, then you really wont get wet.

This is how many Americans think.
maybe you people need to go look up what transgender is?

If I coined the word "transracial" would that make it reality? Someone white can think they are black, and then demand that society consider them to be back?

Maybe you need to go look up what REALITY is.

Michael Jackson.

(ok, I had to be the first one to say it)
What is it with the transgendered you find so fascinating Nova?
You wanna' say he's a closet gay right?

So then you have to believe all Religion haters are Closet Christians.

Great way to stifle all discussion and debate.

Lol, dont try to connect dots that arent there.

Im honestly curious why he is so obsessed with the transgender. This thread is one of many hes started all around homosexuals and the trasngender. Perhaps hes looking for an answer to a question, and no one has yet given him a good enough response, and thats why he starts so many threads about the subject.

Id love to solve the puzzel so you can move on Nova.
The way everyone else is being badgered into accepting delusion as reality I'd wager.

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