Cain Has Not Seen Wife Since Affair Allegations Surfaced

i will admit if a 13 yr affair involving my husband were revealed ....i would sure the hell expect him to be at my feet within the hour...going....who you gonna believe....them or my lying mouth?

man would need to be doing some serious serious serious talking here.....

Although the Cain campaign has never come right out and stated it, Cain and his wife appear to spend a LOT of time apart. Not only is she absent from the campaign trail with her husband, when Cain was working at the NRA back East, his wife stayed at their home in OK. So, it's natural to gather from this information that the two of them essentially lead separate lives and only see each other occasionaly.

Perhaps there is a great flaw in seeing things this way. Perhaps they have always lead lifes more independent of one another. :dunno: It seems foolish to be so suspecious minded about this.
Herman Cain Affair Allegation: Meeting With Wife Gloria May Hold Key To Candidacy's Future

Many Republican operatives believe Cain's bid is over whether he pulls the plug or not.

"I don't see how they walk away from the damage that's been done and emerge as a viable primary candidate," said Rick Wilson, a longtime GOP consultant based in Florida. "All these things about Herman Cain keep coming out drip, drip, drip, and they're not handling it well. And now conservative Republicans have another place to go: Newt Gingrich."

Dan McLagan, a veteran GOP strategist based in Atlanta, said Cain "is like a zombie at this point: He's dead but he does not appear to have noticed and has kept on walking.""His support is all moving to Gingrich and, at some point, he's going to look back and see that he is grand marshal of a one-man parade," McLagan said.

The plane has crashed, lol.

Faggots like you love to take pleasure in smearing a heterosexual, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

There are no faggots in our family you Coon Uncle Thomas.
i will admit if a 13 yr affair involving my husband were revealed ....i would sure the hell expect him to be at my feet within the hour...going....who you gonna believe....them or my lying mouth?

man would need to be doing some serious serious serious talking here.....

Although the Cain campaign has never come right out and stated it, Cain and his wife appear to spend a LOT of time apart. Not only is she absent from the campaign trail with her husband, when Cain was working at the NRA back East, his wife stayed at their home in OK. So, it's natural to gather from this information that the two of them essentially lead separate lives and only see each other occasionaly.

Perhaps there is a great flaw in seeing things this way. Perhaps they have always lead lifes more independent of one another. :dunno: It seems foolish to be so suspecious minded about this.

I'm not suspicious about it. I just think it appears to be an unspoken truth. Now, if a married man and woman spend a great deal of time apart, do you really think she would be surprised if he had an affair?
Nah i think the right just wants some real proof before they trash the know a stained blue dress or a picture of your penis on the internet ;)

You idiots wanna see a sextape, thats the only way you'll believe it.

I've seen Herman Cain. I've seen pictures of these women. Believe me when I say to you: I do NOT want a sex tape. Not one single, solitary bit.

Is there a market for the Liz Warren, Flaylo and Barney Frank threesome video?
It's kind of funny seeing rightwingnuts not care about this.

I guess it only matters when there's a (D) after the name

Nah i think the right just wants some real proof before they trash the know a stained blue dress or a picture of your penis on the internet ;)

And yet a picture in a diaper with a hooker didn't matter a bit to them b/c there was an (r) after the name.
At this point most rational women would be afraid of catching something from him.
You idiots wanna see a sextape, thats the only way you'll believe it.

Yeah. Silly us, wanting concrete evidence before we want to destroy a man's life. How day we!

oh the one time you want concrete evidence, every other time you will use the smallest rumor you can find passed down by 20 people before you.Treat it as fact and never EVER retreat on your opinion.

Fuck you, for thinking anyone is that stupid to believe you.

Can you provide an example of your claim? I'll wait but I wont hold my breath.
oh the one time you want concrete evidence, every other time you will use the smallest rumor you can find passed down by 20 people before you.Treat it as fact and never EVER retreat on your opinion.

Fuck you, for thinking anyone is that stupid to believe you.

Can you provide an example of your claim? I'll wait but I wont hold my breath.

The WHOLE birther movement....Obama is gay and smokes crack.....He is a muslim......

it would seem we dont post n the same board.....

care to link the post where i called obama a muslim, gay, a crack smoker, or not born in hawaii? You can back up your claims...right?

If you want to quote me make sure to provide the context in which I said whatever you quote ;)
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oh the one time you want concrete evidence, every other time you will use the smallest rumor you can find passed down by 20 people before you.Treat it as fact and never EVER retreat on your opinion.

Fuck you, for thinking anyone is that stupid to believe you.

Can you provide an example of your claim? I'll wait but I wont hold my breath.

The WHOLE birther movement....Obama is gay and smokes crack.....He is a muslim......

it would seem we dont post n the same board.....

The only one of those Ive ever claimed is that he has used cocaine. I thought his own admission was pretty good evidence of that.
It's kind of funny seeing rightwingnuts not care about this.

I guess it only matters when there's a (D) after the name

There is a difference between not caring and not buying.

I smell the stench of this smear campaign.

I'm just not seeing or sensing ANY reason to credit any of it as truthful.

IF that turns out to be wrong (and it is possible, of course), then I would feel no particular qualms about dumping any support for Mr. Cain.

As it stands, though, I think the damage has been done regardless of the underlying falsity of the story (assuming as I do that it is a concocted bunch of crap). The smear campaign appears to have succeeded.

Sadly, but tellingly, nobody on the left will give a nano-second's worth of thought to the personal damage done to Mr. Cain in the event that it was just an orchestrated campaign premised on dishonest accusations.
Can you provide an example of your claim? I'll wait but I wont hold my breath.

The WHOLE birther movement....Obama is gay and smokes crack.....He is a muslim......

it would seem we dont post n the same board.....

The only one of those Ive ever claimed is that he has used cocaine. I thought his own admission was pretty good evidence of that.

He admitted that yet I never griefed him on it either.

Plasmaball won't respond to my challenge because plasmaball can not find a post to back up what they claim about my statements.
The WHOLE birther movement....Obama is gay and smokes crack.....He is a muslim......

it would seem we dont post n the same board.....

The only one of those Ive ever claimed is that he has used cocaine. I thought his own admission was pretty good evidence of that.

He admitted that yet I never griefed him on it either.

Plasmaball won't respond to my challenge because plasmaball can not find a post to back up what they claim about my statements.

That would require him to actually put in some effort to contribute to the discussion. he wouldn't do that. That would ruin is reputation.
Can you provide an example of your claim? I'll wait but I wont hold my breath.

The WHOLE birther movement....Obama is gay and smokes crack.....He is a muslim......

it would seem we dont post n the same board.....

care to link the post where i called obama a muslim, gay, a crack smoker, or not born in hawaii? You can back up your claims...right?

If you want to quote me make sure to provide the context in which I said whatever you quote ;)

generic you
Herman Cain Affair Allegation: Meeting With Wife Gloria May Hold Key To Candidacy's Future

Many Republican operatives believe Cain's bid is over whether he pulls the plug or not.

"I don't see how they walk away from the damage that's been done and emerge as a viable primary candidate," said Rick Wilson, a longtime GOP consultant based in Florida. "All these things about Herman Cain keep coming out drip, drip, drip, and they're not handling it well. And now conservative Republicans have another place to go: Newt Gingrich."

Dan McLagan, a veteran GOP strategist based in Atlanta, said Cain "is like a zombie at this point: He's dead but he does not appear to have noticed and has kept on walking.""His support is all moving to Gingrich and, at some point, he's going to look back and see that he is grand marshal of a one-man parade," McLagan said.

The plane has crashed, lol.

Perhaps his wife was pissed at him for the affairs or perhaps she was pissed at him for saying she is Brainwashed since she is a black dem. Either way, this moron is gone. He will pull a palin and say he is backing out for his family. We all know its bull. His fee's are dropping and so is his support.
The WHOLE birther movement....Obama is gay and smokes crack.....He is a muslim......

it would seem we dont post n the same board.....

care to link the post where i called obama a muslim, gay, a crack smoker, or not born in hawaii? You can back up your claims...right?

If you want to quote me make sure to provide the context in which I said whatever you quote ;)

generic you

Unfotunately he quoted me and responded to me directly so that doesn't work here.

See LK knows I didn't say it and is trying to help plasma out, kudos to you sir for trying to help out your buddy!

A Family values minister cheating on his wife is not even amusing to you? Him being a liar about all this is not something you care about?

If he was president and this came out, would you support imp reaching him? :eek:
The WHOLE birther movement....Obama is gay and smokes crack.....He is a muslim......

it would seem we dont post n the same board.....

care to link the post where i called obama a muslim, gay, a crack smoker, or not born in hawaii? You can back up your claims...right?

If you want to quote me make sure to provide the context in which I said whatever you quote ;)

generic you

Seems foolish to expect people to be responsible for others false claim.
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I don't believe Ginger White because of her past.
She can't keep a job she has had many financial problems and seems to try and use people to get money.
She was sued by a former Business partner and she stalked and text message the former business partner. When the liability suite came to a head Ginger White admitted to making it all up out of anger and frustration.
How do we know she is not doing the same thing now? Cain might have said no to giving her money, so now she is doing the same thing?
The women who have come forward, all have not been able to keep jobs and has a very bad record of

What does this have to do with Cain saying he "helped' her financially for 13 years? Or the 4am texts. Or the fact that he said she was a family friend and at the same exact time his wife saying she had no idea who she was.

I totally believe her. Who has a female friend they HELPED for 13 years financially and why. Especially if your wife has no idea who she is. Come on.
care to link the post where i called obama a muslim, gay, a crack smoker, or not born in hawaii? You can back up your claims...right?

If you want to quote me make sure to provide the context in which I said whatever you quote ;)

generic you

Seems foolish to expect people to be responsible for others falsely claim.

is that engrish? :eek:

do you read the posts on this board?

do you deny that the above mentioned birther bullshit is posted regularly here?

you are not responsible for the bullshit posted by others. unless you are a birther.

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