Cain is a piece of shit

Clinton's scandals were front page news for months. Even to this day, they continue to make headlines. I just googled Monica Lewinsky on Google's news site and came up with 2641 news articles mentioning her.

I just did the same thing and got 330 results, so we know you're lying about that. On hte other hand, I got 22,000 for "Herman Cain"
Now it's up to 2838

It's actually 303, you lying piece of shit.
Now it's 2937.

Obviously, you aren't going to Google News and typing in Monica Lewinsky.
Now it's 2937.

Obviously, you aren't going to Google News and typing in Monica Lewinsky.

You know damn well he will not get the same search result.

So no we are not impressed.
Why wouldn't he?

Regardless, even 303 results that he claimed he got is ridiculous for something that happened in the 90s.
Clinton didn't get a pass. Not sure what you are talking about in regard to Obama.

Yes, he got a huge pass.

And you wouldn't understand about Obama if I did explain it to you.

The short version is, you had all this crap in his background- Rezko, Ayers, Wright- that the media either downplayed or ignored.

We didn't hear about "God Damn America" in 2004, but we heard all about Jack Ryan getting an ugly divorce from Seven of Nine.

Clinton didn't get a pass..he was a conservative attempt to nullify the vote. And Rezko, Ayers and Wright were fully vetted by the media.

Didn't amount to a hill of beans..but you guys keep bringing it up.
Now it's 2937.

Obviously, you aren't going to Google News and typing in Monica Lewinsky.

You know damn well he will not get the same search result.

So no we are not impressed.
Why wouldn't he?

Regardless, even 303 results that he claimed he got is ridiculous for something that happened in the 90s.

Because search results are based on previous searches and what it thinks you are looking for.

There was quite a tiff about those algorithms when implemented. Bloggers were all over it as evidence of bias. many points still stand in that debate.
You know damn well he will not get the same search result.

So no we are not impressed.
Why wouldn't he?

Regardless, even 303 results that he claimed he got is ridiculous for something that happened in the 90s.

Because search results are based on previous searches and what it thinks you are looking for.

There was quite a tiff about those algorithms when implemented. Bloggers were all over it as evidence of bias. many points still stand in that debate.
I don't think that applies to Google News searches. As far as I know, I've never searched there for Lewinsky before.
Why wouldn't he?

Regardless, even 303 results that he claimed he got is ridiculous for something that happened in the 90s.

Because search results are based on previous searches and what it thinks you are looking for.

There was quite a tiff about those algorithms when implemented. Bloggers were all over it as evidence of bias. many points still stand in that debate.
I don't think that applies to Google News searches. As far as I know, I've never searched there for Lewinsky before.

Good question, I would think the same applies. The algorithms are an upgrade so I dont know why they would leave that out.
Because search results are based on previous searches and what it thinks you are looking for.

There was quite a tiff about those algorithms when implemented. Bloggers were all over it as evidence of bias. many points still stand in that debate.
I don't think that applies to Google News searches. As far as I know, I've never searched there for Lewinsky before.

Good question, I would think the same applies. The algorithms are an upgrade so I dont know why they would leave that out.

Google News search indexes anything that was mentioned in the news for the past 30 days. So if I come up with 3,000+ then it is pretty much guaranteed that Monica Lewinsky was mentioned that many times somewhere in the news in the last 30 days.
I dunno,, his wife looked very comfortable in her skin during the press conference. I still think it's just liberal fucking hatred for a black Republican.

Everyone of the county coordinators in Georgia e-mailed Cain last week and told him that if he showed up without the support of his wife then they all were quitting. "I am not going to keep backing him if we do not see his wife backing him" was verbatim what one of them stated last night on WSB here. And then they are major league pissed he bowed out.
And get this, temporarily suspending his campaign fills his coffers with matching dollars. Cain's staff is a day late and a dollar short!
Very troubling that it is okay that a Presidential candidate can get up and lie and say he did not do something when he did.
And you folks condone that.
When President Clinton ran for his first term many woman came forward saying they had affairs with him.
Gennifer Flowers
Suzanne Coleman
Sally Perdue
Paula Jones who had a sexual harassment suite.
And in his 2nd term he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky and lied about it while under oath.

And the Media vilified these woman.

When it is a conservative ( Herman Cain), the media take the side of the woman.
Al Sharpeton on MSNBC talked about how cold Republicans are by not taking the side of the woman seriously.
Al Sharpton - sexual harassment is a very serious matter and should be taken very seriously.

When Republicans or conservatives are accused of sexual harassment, the left says the facts do not matter -- only the seriousness of the charge matters. Anyone daring to question the accuser of a Republican or conservative is attacked for being "pro sexual harassment" and a hater of women.

The arrogance and hypocrisy of the left continues to amaze me. All the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment were called liars and sluts by the left and the Clinton administration. Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. In an effort to discredit Jones, Clinton adviser James Carville said, "Drag $100 bills through trailer parks -- there's no telling what you'll find."
Very troubling that it is okay that a Presidential candidate can get up and lie and say he did not do something when he did.
And you folks condone that.

Not as troubling as how the very weak minded sheep of the left will BELIEVE any fucking story put out by the propaganda arm of the Democrat Parody (i.e., the Lame Stream Media) if the "story" is a cheap smear of any conservative.
Very troubling that it is okay that a Presidential candidate can get up and lie and say he did not do something when he did.
And you folks condone that.

No one who defended Clinton is in a position to attack anyone for that.

And don't tell me you didn't defend Clinton.
They could not find anything with dirt in his background, so they being out the old sexual allegation's with a he said , she said and no real proof.
And the news totally ignored the death threats that were made on him and his family.
All they covered was that he got secret service.
Not peep as to why or what was proven for them to give him secret service detail.

It’s very unusual for a presidential candidate to get Secret Service protection, especially this early in the game. Typically only a party’s nominee would receive protection, unless Homeland Security deems it necessary to provide early protection. It’s likely that Cain has received some very credible threats. Before the Secret Service takes on the task of protecting an individual, they gather intel on any possible threats and then assess whether or not they believe the candidate needs protection.

Who was making the threats?
Extreme righties or lefties?
When President Clinton ran for his first term many woman came forward saying they had affairs with him.
Gennifer Flowers
Suzanne Coleman
Sally Perdue
Paula Jones who had a sexual harassment suite.
And in his 2nd term he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky and lied about it while under oath.

And the Media vilified these woman.

When it is a conservative ( Herman Cain), the media take the side of the woman.
Al Sharpeton on MSNBC talked about how cold Republicans are by not taking the side of the woman seriously.
Al Sharpton - sexual harassment is a very serious matter and should be taken very seriously.

When Republicans or conservatives are accused of sexual harassment, the left says the facts do not matter -- only the seriousness of the charge matters. Anyone daring to question the accuser of a Republican or conservative is attacked for being "pro sexual harassment" and a hater of women.

The arrogance and hypocrisy of the left continues to amaze me. All the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment were called liars and sluts by the left and the Clinton administration. Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. In an effort to discredit Jones, Clinton adviser James Carville said, "Drag $100 bills through trailer parks -- there's no telling what you'll find."

Funny, I didn't see it that way.
60 Minutes "villify" Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers and another woman who I forgot her name.
3 shows and they never villified anyone.
Show me one instance where liberal media villified any of these women.
Just one.
The liberal media looked the other way on all of these issues so how can they villify one side or the other?
Carville ran Clinton's campaign. Not media at that time.
Very troubling that it is okay that a Presidential candidate can get up and lie and say he did not do something when he did.
And you folks condone that.

No one who defended Clinton is in a position to attack anyone for that.

And don't tell me you didn't defend Clinton.

Show me where I ever defended Bill Cinton.
You can't because I never have.
I voted for Bush and Dole.
I knew Bill Clinton was a liar a year before his campaign with the "I never inhaled" lie and called him a liar from day one. I have neices and a daughter. Clinton is a predator. He did not force Lewinsky but he used her, almost as bad.
Get your facts together before making stupid comments.
I was voting Republican before it was chic to do so.
But your ideology can not stand for a conservative to tell the truth if it is against a hero.
Sorry but facts are facts. Cain has been a pussy chaser for decades and we all knew it.
Very troubling that it is okay that a Presidential candidate can get up and lie and say he did not do something when he did.
And you folks condone that.

Not as troubling as how the very weak minded sheep of the left will BELIEVE any fucking story put out by the propaganda arm of the Democrat Parody (i.e., the Lame Stream Media) if the "story" is a cheap smear of any conservative.

Liability, let me appeal to your common sense and reason.
The women that came out on the harrasment charges:
Not enough evidence but that had been around for a while. Cain's staff bundled that big time but that is not an admission of guilt.

The 13 year affair: One only has to read the letter his attorney Lin Wood sent Channell 11 here in Atlanta to know that is NOT a denial and damn near close to an admission to "private consensual actions". Now Wood NEVER dreamed Channell 11 would release the letter. Go read it and see. If that is not an admission then I am playing for the Falcons at DE next week.
Additionally, the phone records and texts are all there and if you do not believe Cain was involved with this woman after seeing those then I have some beach front property for sale in Memphis, TN. In fact, there is a tape of Dale Russell texting Cain from her cell phone and he immediately called her back. To top it off the casino in Vegas has the video of them at the Hollyfield fight there years ago and rightfully will not release it.

Cain was boinking this woman for sure. I feel bad for him. He was held to another standard because he is a black conservative. But just because it is ok for Johnny to act bad IS NOT AN EXCUSE AND DOES NOTGIVE LICENSE for someone else to do it.
Especially in times like this when WE MUST defeat Obama.
Cain did himself in. No cry babies and he knows it.

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