Cain is a piece of shit

Yea but Democrats Ted Kennedy,Bill Clinton,and John Edwards were much worse. And Cain hasn't been found guilty of anything. He is innocent until proven guilty. I mean Ted Kennedy actually drove drunk and killed a young girl for God's sake. Democrats bowed and kissed that guy's feet for many years. And then there's Bill Clinton and all his perv stuff. And Clinton also ordered the murder of Vince Foster. John Edwards actually got a woman pregnant while his wife was suffering with cancer too. None of those things ever seemed to bother Democrats. So why so much hostility towards Cain? Just doesn't seem credible or justified especially coming from Democrats.
Yea but Democrats Ted Kennedy,Bill Clinton,and John Edwards were much worse. And Cain hasn't been found guilty of anything. He is innocent until proven guilty. I mean Ted Kennedy actually drove drunk and killed a young girl for God's sake. Democrats bowed and kissed that guy's feet for many years. And then there's Bill Clinton and all his perv stuff. And Clinton also ordered the murder of Vince Foster. John Edwards actually got a woman pregnant while his wife was suffering with cancer too. None of those things ever seemed to bother Democrats. So why so much hostility towards Cain? Just doesn't seem credible or justified especially coming from Democrats.

Dude...the Democrats have abandoned John Edwards. Everyone was and is very disappointed in him. You don't see or hear of any public or private Democrat defending that scumbag. And this this is coming from someone who would have loved to see him be President...BEFORE his crap came out.

Don't start lying dude...stay funny.
And then there's Larry Sinclair.

Oh yes, Larry Sinclair - the guy who FAILED his polygraph test and FAILED to provide the name of the supposed chauffeur who was supposedly driving the limo. That Larry Sinclair?
Like I said a while ago.........Cain told her that he was running for president, she saw her income (and friendship) dry up, and decided to go make some money by bringing him down.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

What really happened is that a friend of this woman went to sell the story to media and that media entity contacted her. The media never offered any $ to the friend either. She just started a new job and did not want the story to get out through a 3rd party. She called Cain and told him then. He knew weeks before the release and still botched the response. To date she has made no $$ and has been offered nothing by media as Cain is done.

That's GREAT information dude. :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
Urban Dictionary: shit skin

Now, are you going to continue pretending you wouldn't be having a stroke if the Obama image had been posted first?
I don't think it was racist in either case.
Uh huh. :lol:
You, however, think it was racist when posted about Herman.
I think both images are racist. I was wondering how Lakhota would explain his double standard, but he's chosen to ignore it utterly.
Again, I ask you: why was it racist?
Read the link I provided.
That's quite a stretch.

"polishing a turd" has nothing whatsoever to do with race.
Anyone with a daughter that they love does not respect Bill Clinton.
At least Cain picked a grown up woman instead of a mid 20s bimbo.
Granted, Cain is not near as bad a turd as Ted "the skipper" Kennedy, Slick Willie "I never inhaled" Clinton or John "ceasarean sections cause brain injuries" Edwards.
But what does that have to do with all 4 of them are still TURDS.
And has hard as one may try, YOU CAN NOT POLISH A TURD.
There is still exactly and precisely zero evidence corroborating the claims of the Cain accusers.

It is fascinating to see who steps up to presume guilt, though.
Granted, Cain is not near as bad a turd as Ted "the skipper" Kennedy, Slick Willie "I never inhaled" Clinton or John "ceasarean sections cause brain injuries" Edwards.
But what does that have to do with all 4 of them are still TURDS.
And has hard as one may try, YOU CAN NOT POLISH A TURD.

Wanna bet? The Mythbusters polished turds until they were actually quite shiny.

And Cain isn't as bad? So, it's okay that he lied to his wife for 13 years? Would you be okay with Cain lying to the American people like that?

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