Cairo in Madison, Wisconson

Those hard fought rights come with a price, literally, that states can no longer afford.
Old chinese proverb, "No tickee, no laundry".
What the Dems want to do is throw the austerity responsibility onto the Repubs to score political points, but meanwhile, Rome continues to financially burn.

There's a less draconian solution. Renegotiate!
the unions dont want to
thats the problem
No, they form mobs composed of Democrats, Liberals, Anarchists, and Marxist, they then proceed to burn and destroy private property.

The Democrat politicians run. The rest of them do form mobs.

Im amazed how people seem to think mob rule is a good thing. It's terrorism pure and simple. They are trying to incite fear in the populous to get their way.

It think you're confusing these peaceful protesters with talk radio hosts like Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh, and Beck.
no, it's YOU that is confused
The Democrat politicians run. The rest of them do form mobs.

Im amazed how people seem to think mob rule is a good thing. It's terrorism pure and simple. They are trying to incite fear in the populous to get their way.

It think you're confusing these peaceful protesters with talk radio hosts like Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh, and Beck.
no, it's YOU that is confused

I'm not at all confused. I've listened for years as talk radio hosts have fear-mongered one conspiracy theory after another. Beck is just the latest one. His particular shtick seems to be global conspiracies.
It think you're confusing these peaceful protesters with talk radio hosts like Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh, and Beck.
no, it's YOU that is confused

I'm not at all confused. I've listened for years as talk radio hosts have fear-mongered one conspiracy theory after another. Beck is just the latest one. His particular shtick seems to be global conspiracies.
yeah, sure thing
The Right has fucked up big time AGAIN. What a collection of imbeciles.
No...They are speaking for the taxpayers who've been grossly overtaxed for this shit.
Private sector workers get to earn less then see their property taxes skyrocket while public workers get free medical insurance and gold plated pensions.

There is NO MORE MONEY....Done!

So now you are blaming private workers low wages for their stupidity in not joining a Union that negotiates wages & benefits? :cuckoo:

I thought you knew, individuals are weak, unorganized, and powerless against corporations, so no wonder they don't make a living wage and cry in their milk and whine the blues. Tell those cowardly private sector workers to ask for a raise.

Nice try....Public worker unions essentially commit extortion vs governments. The union bosses use their powerful lobbyists to convince politicians to "play ball" or suffer the consequences.
As to your reverse logic....Businesses pay their employees based on that employee's value to the company. In the public sector, workers are not required to produce anything. They are not judged on merit or productivity. They merely have to "put in their time"...Civil service protections give public workers in collective bargaining states, virtual 100% job security. Not only that, the unions coerce perks and gold plated pensions which the taxpayers must foot the bill.
No more of this nonsense. Government work is supposed to be "service" not a career and certainly not a place to gain perks and privledges not offered to those who are the served.
The pensions and free medical insurance should be eliminated. These things are unsustainable. There is no more money.
No public worker should enjoy greater wages or benefits than the public they serve.
Oh in case you haven't noticed, just a little over 7% of the total private sector workforce is unionized. Tome to reduce the numbers of public sector unions....To ZERO.
So now you are blaming private workers low wages for their stupidity in not joining a Union that negotiates wages & benefits? :cuckoo:

I thought you knew, individuals are weak, unorganized, and powerless against corporations, so no wonder they don't make a living wage and cry in their milk and whine the blues. Tell those cowardly private sector workers to ask for a raise.

Companies can't afford to give them a raise because of Obama's policies, time for gubment workers to "pay their fair share" as well......

Hmm, Bush's policies had the same affect. Oh well, at least you are not blaming the unions.

Fair share? I think they already have. You might look and see how many pay increases they gave up, and then decide if it is fair or not. How many pay increases have you given up?

Pay increase? Are you fucking kidding me? Your side is whining about this being the recession to and all recessions yet you advocate for pay raises for public workers?...Bullshit...These people should consider themselves lucky they have a job.
You people are a fucking miracle. Taxes going through the roof to pay for gold plated pensions and cushy benefits and you are complaining. Ya know what. The taxpayers say, "Tell your public sector union thugs to shove their complaints up their collective ass".
They denied the GOP the necessary quorum call which was required in order to pass the legislation. That tactic gave the citizens of Madison the opportunity to express their constitutionally protected right to publicly protest the proposed legislation and get news coverage of their peaceful protest.

It's people power, baby!!!

The people spoke in November, these moonbats have done nothing but disrupt the democratic process and dipshits like you applaud them....:lol:

Now dumb fuck, remember the tactic of 'NO'? You are not only getting it back in spades, you have a whole bunch of citizens up in arms enough that they are filling the state capital there three days in a row so far.

So you Repukes don't like all those teachers, fireman, policemen, and other state workers? I suggest that they and workers who sympathize with them just stay off the job for a couple of weeks. See how the Governor likes that effect on the state.
First off genius, police firefighters are exempt for the the law.
and if the rest of them go off the job, they can be replaced very quickly, should they choose to go that route. EVERYONE is replaceable. Everyone.
It amazes me how you lefties bitch and moan about how much money certain people earn that that high income people should pay higher taxes. Yet you think a clerk in a town hall who makes $75,000 per year PLUS benefits and the gold plated pension is just fine.
Well ya know what, taxes cannot go up anymore to pay for these things. It's over.
The people spoke in November, these moonbats have done nothing but disrupt the democratic process and dipshits like you applaud them....:lol:

Now dumb fuck, remember the tactic of 'NO'? You are not only getting it back in spades, you have a whole bunch of citizens up in arms enough that they are filling the state capital there three days in a row so far.

So you Repukes don't like all those teachers, fireman, policemen, and other state workers? I suggest that they and workers who sympathize with them just stay off the job for a couple of weeks. See how the Governor likes that effect on the state.

I concur. I hear frequently that anyone....ANYONE...can do the jobs that teachers do and even better. Now is their time to try that out. I say let the Gov. go for it. Replace the teachers. Replace the nurses. Replace the firemen. Replace the policemen...offer less pay and fewer benefits. Maybe some of the loudest talking members on this forum can take him up the job offers.

In public service in these collective bargaining states most municipal and county jobs including police, firefighters , depts of public works, administrative positions, utility authorities are mainly filled through political patronage and nepotism. In fact in my hometown , if a resident did not support the political establishment, live on the "right side of town" or knew the right people they were NOT getting one of these jobs, no how no way. These are closed societies.
There are tons and tons of people who love to have those jobs but cannot get their foot in the door. The elimination of the unions, political hacks and nepotism would open the flood gates for much more qualified applicants.
So don't give us that crap about how these people are irreplaceable. They ARE...Everyone is
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Those hard fought rights come with a price, literally, that states can no longer afford.
Old chinese proverb, "No tickee, no laundry".
What the Dems want to do is throw the austerity responsibility onto the Repubs to score political points, but meanwhile, Rome continues to financially burn.

There's a less draconian solution. Renegotiate!
Only this time the taxpayers get to sit at the table.
In fact this new law in Wisconsin( which WILL pass) does just that. All pay and benefits are to be voted upon via referendum. This way the taxpayers have a direct say on what their costs will be.
Now that's what I call "negotiation".
Hmm.... Does Ryan like the idea of democracy anywhere?

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, a rising star in the Republican Party, on Thursday equated the protests against his home-state Gov. Scott Walker's (R) budget plan to the world-historic demonstrations in Egypt that last week led to the fall of President Hosni Mubarak.

"He's getting riots. It's like Cairo's moved to Madison these days," Ryan said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

I live in Wisconsin! Go, Packers! I think they're going to go all the way next year!
UPDATE: Teahadis are amassing troops and heading to Madison as I post. Let's ROCK!!!

UPDATE: Teahadis are amassing troops and heading to Madison as I post. Let's ROCK!!!


Don't you mean that "outside agitators" are heading to Madison?
those are already there

That's going to be a hard sell seeing as how the protesters consist of local people, including teachers, parents, students, and fire fighters.

I think that the Governor is going to end up backing down.
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Don't you mean that "outside agitators" are heading to Madison?
those are already there

That's going to be a hard sell seeing as how the protesters consist of local people, including teachers, parents, students, a fire fighters.

I think that the Governor is going to end up backing down.

You obviously haven't heard him speak.....

What percentage of protesters make up the population of WI?
Don't you mean that "outside agitators" are heading to Madison?
those are already there

That's going to be a hard sell seeing as how the protesters consist of local people, including teachers, parents, students, and fire fighters.

I think that the Governor is going to end up backing down.
you sure about that?
and whose to say the people going on the other side are NOT WI residents
Courtesy of Christian Science
Egypt in America?
In a time when large and tense demonstrations have become increasingly rare in America, the Wisconsin protests could provide an Egypt-like moment, says Norman Ornstein, a fellow at the nonpartisan American Enterprise Institute in Washington.

"If there's a big tea party demonstration in Madison, we may see a direct clash, just as we had in the streets of Cairo," he says.

One protester's sign at the capitol said, "Impeach Scott Mubarak" – a direct reference to protests that led Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign last week.

As it gains momentum, the union protest movement is likely to draw in young social-justice activists, Obama supporters, and even religious groups who fight for the dispossessed, says Bruno.

On the other hand, some conservatives believe Walker's refusal to budge on the collective bargaining issue has opened the way for counterprotests to support the cuts.

Conservative internet firebrand Andrew Breitbart and Atlanta radio show host Herman Cain will headline Saturday's tea party-flavored Wisconsin Freedom Rally. On his radio show Thursday, Fox News commentator Glenn Beck called the Wisconsin union protests "the beginning of the American insurrection."

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) of Utah, who could face a tea party challenge to his seat in 2012, showed that mainstream Republicans, too, may be ready to weigh in.

In response to Mr. Obama's "assault" comment, Senator Hatch said: "The only assault is from a bunch of self-interested government union employees who are putting their interests ahead of the interests of the Wisconsin taxpayers, who have been funding their runaway spending. This is not the way public servants should behave."
Courtesy of Christian Science
Egypt in America?
In a time when large and tense demonstrations have become increasingly rare in America, the Wisconsin protests could provide an Egypt-like moment, says Norman Ornstein, a fellow at the nonpartisan American Enterprise Institute in Washington.

"If there's a big tea party demonstration in Madison, we may see a direct clash, just as we had in the streets of Cairo," he says.

One protester's sign at the capitol said, "Impeach Scott Mubarak" – a direct reference to protests that led Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign last week.

As it gains momentum, the union protest movement is likely to draw in young social-justice activists, Obama supporters, and even religious groups who fight for the dispossessed, says Bruno.

On the other hand, some conservatives believe Walker's refusal to budge on the collective bargaining issue has opened the way for counterprotests to support the cuts.

Conservative internet firebrand Andrew Breitbart and Atlanta radio show host Herman Cain will headline Saturday's tea party-flavored Wisconsin Freedom Rally. On his radio show Thursday, Fox News commentator Glenn Beck called the Wisconsin union protests "the beginning of the American insurrection."

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) of Utah, who could face a tea party challenge to his seat in 2012, showed that mainstream Republicans, too, may be ready to weigh in.

In response to Mr. Obama's "assault" comment, Senator Hatch said: "The only assault is from a bunch of self-interested government union employees who are putting their interests ahead of the interests of the Wisconsin taxpayers, who have been funding their runaway spending. This is not the way public servants should behave."
the happy face of a union member :lol:
those are already there

That's going to be a hard sell seeing as how the protesters consist of local people, including teachers, parents, students, a fire fighters.

I think that the Governor is going to end up backing down.

You obviously haven't heard him speak.....

What percentage of protesters make up the population of WI?
only problem the union workers and their buddies shipped in from the outside are still trying to shout him down...

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