Cake or No Cake – Arizona’s Religious Freedom Bill


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
This woman was raised by two lesbians. One of them happened to be her previously heterosexual mother (whom she loves dearly) who suffered from a nasty divorce. Here's another twist: She's a pro-choice Christian. In the blog below, she discusses the merits of what was SB1062, despite being raised by gay parents. She also discusses why the bill was not rooted in any type of hatred for homosexuals but in respect for religions and First Amendment rights. Not to mention this Christian woman, raised by gay parents will invariably make some liberal gay rights activists heads explode in the process.

Pro-choice, eh? Except for those pesky times that someone wants to exercise their freedoms in a way that offends you. Right. Because pro-choice only applies to abortion. So then.

During my long morning bath, luxuriating with the New York Times (no Bon Bons, mommas jeans are T I G H T) I happened across the news about Arizona’s Religious Freedom Act which would enforce a business’s right to refuse service to gay patrons.

I will generously provide Cliff Notes for you if you are unaware of the reasons this bill has been proposed in the first place. Some Christian businesses have refused to provide services for a gay event and because of it they have been bullied, sued, shut down, and some are lucky enough to have received death threats. There was the printer who declined to produce the gay pride shirt. A baker who had a policy of gay-rights-arizonamaking every cake you could possibly desire, just not cakes for same-sex weddings. A photographer who said that she would “gladly serve gays and lesbians—by, for example, providing them with portrait photography—whenever doing so would not require [her] to create expression conveying messages that conflict with [her] religious beliefs.” A florist who served her numerous gay clients for a decade but was sued when she declined to provide flowers for a long time client’s gay wedding. I promise I will not point and laugh if you have not heard of these cases. Mainstream media doesn’t want to be proved wrong about the conflict between gay marriage laws and religious liberty, which was predicted by many a natural marriage supporter. If you have not, do avail yourself to a big, gigantic, way more intelligent brain on the Matt Walsh’s blog and inform yourself. Ifyouwouldplease.

So, dear readers, here is my attempt to engage your critical thinking capabilities thinly veiled in a question so please set down your agendas and hop off your sacred cows and tell me true. In the cases above, the business owners offered other services to their gay customers, sometimes for years, before they refused service for the gay event. Why?

I will give you a second to discuss.

It is because the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker do not know who is gay and who is not unless the service revolves around an activity. A BEHAVIOR. I have said it before but I will gladly repeat myself because I am very service oriented. This fact (the one up there in the fancy italics) obliterates the comparisons between racial segregation and the “gay-rights” movement. Sexual orientation is not like race. Race does not depend on feelings, behaviors, and with whom you chose to identify. Race is an immutable factor that cannot, will not, does not change no matter your feelings or actions. You do not have to “come out” as black. Sexual orientation, on the other hand, is much more nebulous. There are plenty of folks who have varying degrees of same-sex attraction. Some choose to be in relationships with the opposite sex only. Some have been in gay relationships for a season of their life. Some feel that this attraction is the defining characteristic of their identity and they exclusively couple with the same gender. But it is the manifestation of that attraction expressed in behavior- specifically who you choose to have sex with- that distinguishes this “class” of citizens.

It is an activity alone that distinguishes people as gay. It is not the lisp, the effeminate gait nor the incredible fashion sense. Neither is it because of the butch haircut, the Subaru or the piercings that the above referenced businesses were choosing to deny service. It was an activity. Without the activity, gay people are indistinguishable from everyone else walking the planet. Under this bill, the only way that a queer customer would be refused lunch at the diner would be for her to stand up and declare “I have sex with women!” or make out with her girlfriend right then and there. Otherwise, you’re just the average diner, sister. Dontcha think that a restaurateur should be able to remove any lunatic shouting about their sex life or exhibiting gratuitous PDA in a diner? Well hold on there missy. Not with this bill. Only the straight-identifying lunatics could be removed. That’s fair, right? If you have not remounted your sacred cow then you know the answer is a resounding NO.

Cake or No Cake ? Arizona?s Religious Freedom Bill | asktheBigot

Link to the author's bio:

Who is this Christian ?bigot?? | asktheBigot
Hey Jesus-freak, bake the stupid fucking cake. It's a cake, not a vow for all eternity before Jesus and God Almighty.

And what you fail to understand, not being a Christian from what I gather, is that some of us see serving them as condoning a sin, and thereby committing a transgression against God. Not only are you insensitive to those of faith, you're being a tyrannical martinet.
Hey Jesus-freak, bake the stupid fucking cake. It's a cake, not a vow for all eternity before Jesus and God Almighty.

And what you fail to understand, not being a Christian from what I gather, is that some of us see serving them as condoning a sin, and thereby committing a transgression against God. Not only are you insensitive to those of faith, you're being a tyrannical martinet.
Baking a cake isn't serving God there sweetcheeks. That's just making a buck, something you aren't supposed to give a damn about. I know your Holy Book so don't play that game.
Hey Jesus-freak, bake the stupid fucking cake. It's a cake, not a vow for all eternity before Jesus and God Almighty.

And what you fail to understand, not being a Christian from what I gather, is that some of us see serving them as condoning a sin, and thereby committing a transgression against God. Not only are you insensitive to those of faith, you're being a tyrannical martinet.
Baking a cake isn't serving God there sweetcheeks. That's just making a buck, something you aren't supposed to give a damn about. I know your Holy Book so don't play that game.

I challenge you to debate me on the Bible. I dare you. I bet you don't know anything past your oft quoted book of Leviticus.
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And what you fail to understand, not being a Christian from what I gather, is that some of us see serving them as condoning a sin, and thereby committing a transgression against God. Not only are you insensitive to those of faith, you're being a tyrannical martinet.
Baking a cake isn't serving God there sweetcheeks. That's just making a buck, something you aren't supposed to give a damn about. I know your Holy Book so don't play that game.

I challenge you to debate me on the Bible. I dare you.
Knock yourself out. I've never met a Christian on the Internet yet who actually knew or understood it.
Perhaps you were unaware of Colossians 3:23-24?

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Baking a cake isn't serving God there sweetcheeks. That's just making a buck, something you aren't supposed to give a damn about. I know your Holy Book so don't play that game.

I challenge you to debate me on the Bible. I dare you.
Knock yourself out. I've never met a Christian on the Internet yet who actually knew or understood it.

And you expect to have a complete understanding? I don't know anyone including myself who has a complete understanding of the Bible. Is it like you to place unfair expectations on people?
No need to. The laws have been on the books for decades. See ya.

The Constitution has been on the books for 230+ years. Begone.
The new law rules there brain-trust, not the old. If the old law ruled we'd still be burning witches, and Christians for that matter.

Are you nuts? All American law is supposed to be derived from a Constitutional origin! That is the basis for what a normal and non-activist Supreme Court would adhere to.
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I challenge you to debate me on the Bible. I dare you.
Knock yourself out. I've never met a Christian on the Internet yet who actually knew or understood it.

And you expect to have a complete understanding? I don't know anyone including myself who has a complete understanding of the Bible. Is it like you to place unfair expectations on people?
Yes, I expect them to be better than they are, and they never live up to it.
Knock yourself out. I've never met a Christian on the Internet yet who actually knew or understood it.

And you expect to have a complete understanding? I don't know anyone including myself who has a complete understanding of the Bible. Is it like you to place unfair expectations on people?
Yes, I expect them to be better than they are, and they never live up to it.

How judgmental. Should you know my "Holy Book" better than I do, why is it you miss this part?

7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Matthew 7:1-5

I expected you to be an intelligent and rational individual, lo and behold I was let down.
Perhaps you were unaware of Colossians 3:23-24?

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Terrific. When you bake cakes for a living who are your human masters? Are they maybe the ones paying your bills by buying the cakes?

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