Calculating how much we should pay illegals who break into our country with a kid, and are separated….

Which is why I asked the question, you refused to answer, which means I can come to my own conclusions.

I suppose to be fair, I should do realize what a question mark at the end of a sentence indicates? < ----- there it is again.

You don't need to ask me a question to respond to what I post ...
It's pretty damn clear what I mean.

I don't support people or initiatives that don't Respect the Rule of Law and our Founding Principles ...
With exception of the rare instances when I will vote for a Candidate that I think will do the most to break the current cycle we are in as a Nation.

If you need me to be more specific ... I have voted for Republicans, Democrats and Independents,
if I feel they either can, or have been, executing their duties in a responsible manner (which doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they do).

And at times ... I have written in one of my neighbor's names on a ballot ... And only because I am not vain enough to write my own name in.
Are there anymore clarifications your ignorant ass needs ... :auiqs.jpg:

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You don't need to ask me a question to respond to what I post ...
It's pretty damn clear what I mean.​

Yes, you assumed who I vote for and got all pissy accusing me of accusing you of who you vote for even though I did nothing of the sort.

I don't support people or initiatives that don't Respect the Rule of Law and our Founding Principles ...
With exception of the rare instances when I will vote for a Candidate that I think will do the most to break the current cycle we are in as a Nation.​

I see. No law breaking unless you support it.
Yes, you assumed who I vote for and got all pissy accusing me of accusing you of who you vote for even though I did nothing of the sort.
I see. No law breaking unless you support it.

I don't assume you vote for anything and respond directly to what you post.
I never once said I supported law breaking and don't care if they do and have to face the consequences of doing so.

Stop making shit up to fit your bullshit narrative, you silly nitwit ... :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, you assumed who I vote for and got all pissy accusing me of accusing you of who you vote for even though I did nothing of the sort.

This right here is sig worthy. lolol.

It really does, in my view, demonstrate the scope of expectation with regard to the depth of most dialogue on here these days.
Nope. You can't crack down on the illegals without cracking down on the employers, which we will not do.

You want me to condemn those who legally seek a better life here through asylum while those who undermine our wages by hiring people illegally get the free pass.

Except I said do BOTH. You are the other hand refuse to condemn people who come here knowing they have a bogus claim, and then refuse to show up for their hearing because their illegal status would be identified.

You posted the idea that your Representatives (whether or not you voted for them) ...
Were not doing what was necessary to enforce the laws, and you had no expectation that they ever would.

You don't have to tell me it is okay ... I wasn't asking you anything.
There were no question marks.

I guess there was something else your ignorant ass needed clarification on ... :auiqs.jpg:

Most illegal immigrants here keep their heads down and work hard. How is that a negative?
What bout the fact that close to 20% of illegal immigrants at the border tested positive for COVID? How is letting them in NOT hurting us? What about all the deaths from Fentanyl? And finally, why do you put the health and very life of Americans behind the interest of foreigners who have no right to be here?

My anger towards stealing children?
Trust me, good poster is as righteous as yours, or any person of responsibility and good conscience.

However, my anger is directed just to the actual thieves.
Whereas yours, seems to apply even to good...but desperate....families who bring their children with them as they seek a better life, or just to flee an unsafe and intolerable life. (As historically and universally immigrants worldwide are wont to do.)

Forgive me if I am generalizing, but.....but you seem to want to take children away from good parents because back in Mexico, or Nicaragua somebody else stole a child and brought him/her north.

You seemingly wish to ignore that Don Trump/Jeff Sessions / Steven Miller.....crafted and enacted a policy to get the American government to do the stealing. It was and is shameful.
And then, Trump/Sessions/Miller then up and lost some of them!
It is a shame on America that they brought upon us.

Well, I don't know much about "you leftists".....who they might be, or what they do.....but, specifically to you, good poster Lisa, is what we hear from you and whatever cohort of political thought you think you belong to is that because some illegal immigrants have committed a crime somewhere sometime...therefore....all of 'em are bad people. Accordingly, it is quite OK to steal their children. Is that a fair characterization Lisa? If not, why not?

Forgive me, but the Binky too many suck on of
'anger/grievance/Leftists/Communists/BLM is a made-up ploy to motivate a certain ill-educated/under educated/mal-educated segment of our population in order to separate them as an identifiable constituency that can be motivated to buy something, or write a check to send to some candidate

If you self-identify as in that cohort, good poster Lisa.....well, that is on you. No one else. You cannot blame Don Trump, or Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, or Tucker Carlson for all of that. It is on you, Lisa. And your Binky.
From what I hear a fair number do come to get away from violence and becoming much more frequent because of climate change and no longer being able to grow the food they always grew to feed their families. That is going to just get more and more but I know during the Trump time, I kept reading that you did not have an increase in asylum seekers at all. Is that true. I am from the UK.
From what I hear a fair number do come to get away from violence and becoming much more frequent because of climate change and no longer being able to grow the food they always grew to feed their families. That is going to just get more and more but I know during the Trump time, I kept reading that you did not have an increase in asylum seekers at all. Is that true. I am from the UK.
Not being able to grow food or living In a violent area of one’s country does not qualify illegal immigrants for asylum - and they know it. Close to 90% of all asylum claims are illegitimate, and the majority of migrants ignore their hearing dates.
Not being able to grow food or living In a violent area of one’s country does not qualify illegal immigrants for asylum - and they know it. Close to 90% of all asylum claims are illegitimate, and the majority of migrants ignore their hearing dates.
Well I think there are few places as desperate and in need of Asylum as people unable to eat due to climate change - the US being the worst in creating that. Are you confusing someone asking for Asylum which is a need to someone applying for a green card which is a want.

The US along with other Western Countries also already owes these first countries to experience the effects of their climate destruction, money so that they can make alterations to make it possible for them to be able to do things in this different environment. Time to start giving that if you want to keep immigration of genuine asylum seekers down.
Well I think there are few places as desperate and in need of Asylum as people unable to eat due to climate change - the US being the worst in creating that. Are you confusing someone asking for Asylum which is a need to someone applying for a green card which is a want.

The US along with other Western Countries also already owes these first countries to experience the effects of their climate destruction, money so that they can make alterations to make it possible for them to be able to do things in this different environment. Time to start giving that if you want to keep immigration of genuine asylum seekers down.
I see you are a liberal who blames America, and what makes it worse is that you are in the UK…..going onto an American website….and dumping on America.

And being unable to eat due to climate change (say what??) is not grounds for asylum. These people have to apply for immigration through normal channels.

Finally, have you see the size of a good many of these people crossing the Rio Grande? They look a minimum of 75 pounds overweight. I don’t think “not being able to eat” is their problem.
I see you are a liberal who blames America, and what makes it worse is that you are in the UK…..going onto an American website….and dumping on America.

And being unable to eat due to climate change (say what??) is not grounds for asylum. These people have to apply for immigration through normal channels.

Finally, have you see the size of a good many of these people crossing the Rio Grande? They look a minimum of 75 pounds overweight. I don’t think “not being able to eat” is their problem.
Oh Lisa you have a one track mind into which you put people. Now I have found out that what you were saying is true. You do not at the moment give asylum to people who are suffering from starvation due to climate change.

Now what is this
I see you are a liberal who blames America, and what makes it worse is that you are in the UK…..going onto an American website….and dumping on America./quote]

The only thing I can see that I blamed you for was the damage of climate change and in that you are the biggest culprit and also the country with the most amount of money so well able to pay what you have already agreed to to the countries which are already suffering the effects. Africa for instance is expecting millions ti due thus winter because of draught, Now these countries made next to nothing out of the climate destruction but are going to be suffering first without the money we made by that destruction to pay for it. The US, UK Europe and other countries have hence agreed to give them money so that they can make the necessary adaptations to survive.

This was the one thing I said which was critical of the US and I made a point of putting that the US and other countries had to pay. If you believe that that is 'blaming america' then I would tell you it is the truth. You are the country who has caused the most damage to the world and who has made the most profit from that damage. There are other countries up there with you but you are top. The UK was the worst at one time, China is moving into being the worst but that is how it goes.

as for this
going onto an American website….and dumping on America
as I said all I did is tell the truth and all you are doing there is showing your usual xenophobia.
Before hundreds of thousands of unskilled, uneducated, semi-literate foreigners grab their kid and break into our country to become immediately affluent, let’s run the numbers:

Reward for breaking our laws, with a kid in tow: $450,000

Subtract from that:

1) Cost to educate kid through age 18: $160,000
2) Added expense for ESOL needs: $60,000 (estimate for extra teachers, resources, etc. for 12 years)
3) Amount for taxpayers to feed the kid breakfast and lunch: $20,000

Subtotal education expenses for 12 years for each illegal: $240,000

4) Loss to American property value where illegals settle. Now admittedly this one is difficult, but the drop in the caliber of schools where non-English speaking children, with poor education up to that point, gather has big downward pressure on surrounding house prices.Let’s say a house that would sell for $400,000 in a “regular” working class neighborhood drops by $75,000.

5) Cost to maintain each kid in a detention facility at $775 a day for three weeks: plus clothes, food, and medical care to bring it up to: $20,000

6) Odds of child getting pregnant before 18: more than 30% (about 20% of teens have babies, but the rate is much higher among the poor, and among Latinas) and associated cost:

a. Maternity care at hospital: $30,000
b. Baby getting food stamps, Medicaid, making mother entitled to subsidize housing, etc, $20,000 a year x 18 years: $360,000

Now divide by 3 because only 1/3 (conservative estimate) get pregnant: $120,000

Total cost to each American each time some semi-literate foreigner breaks into our country with a kid…….

If they break into the country they can't get welfare.
From what I hear a fair number do come to get away from violence and becoming much more frequent because of climate change and no longer being able to grow the food they always grew to feed their families. That is going to just get more and more but I know during the Trump time, I kept reading that you did not have an increase in asylum seekers at all. Is that true. I am from the UK.
Climate change? In Central America? :abgg2q.jpg:

Is the jungle getting thinner?

You heard wrong regarding asylum.

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