‘Calibration error’ changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county

bigrebnc, LGS, and econchick are the leaderboard on USMB for introducing OPs then posting information that suicides their OPs.
So your okay with voter fraud, as long as both sides do it Doc?

This thread isn't about "voter fraud", it's about hysterical claims of voter fraud by butthurt losers as a way to not take responsibility for their loses.

Poorly calibrated touch screens are no more evidence of fraud than the fact that dead people don't magically get erased from voter roles is.
So your okay with voter fraud, as long as both sides do it Doc?

This thread isn't about "voter fraud", it's about hysterical claims of voter fraud by butthurt losers as a way to not take responsibility for their loses.

Poorly calibrated touch screens are no more evidence of fraud than the fact that dead people don't magically get erased from voter roles is.
LMFAO DocAdinky got his ass handed to him by SJ.. Now he's trying to run from the video evidence.. Bwhahahaha
"In an ordinary year, about 1 million green cards are issued, and over the life of this contract the company is expected to produce up to 34 million cards, a figure representing an increase of the population of the United States by 10 percent.

"The cards do not come with automatic voter registration, but that’s obviously what the scheme portends. President Obama’s promised “executive actions” to bring about this enormous wave of amnesty constitute a transparent and cynical ploy to expand the Democratic voter base, creating a permanent majority."

Read more: EDITORIAL Green cards on the table - Washington Times
So you simply ignore voter fraud exists, I see.

No, I accept that a tiny, inconsequential level of voter fraud exists, and that there's really no way to "eradicate" it.

I suspect you've worked hard to facilitate it yourself, so it's understandable that you will deny it.

DEMOCRATS Arrested and or Convicted of Voter Fraud

Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Honored by Ohio Democrats

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud Fox News
The Virginia scandal comes close on the heels of the voter fraud trials in upstate New York, where Democratic county elections officers and city councilmen from the town of Troy stand trial for absentee-ballot fraud. Four Democrats have already pleaded guilty in a case that highlights who the real victims of election fraud usually are: the poor, minorities, the sick, the old, and other vulnerable members of society.

"Democratic Committeeman Anthony DeFiglio pleaded guilty to falsifying business records in the case, and he told investigators that "The people who are targeted [in voter fraud cases] live in low-income housing and there is a sense that they are a lot less likely to ask any questions." Even more disturbing was his admission that "What appears as a huge conspiracy to nonpolitical persons is really a normal political tactic."4

"Another Troy Committeeman, Anthony Renna, admitted to forging absentee ballot applications and explained that handing in forged ballots and fake votes ensures that "ballots are voted correctly."

"I knew that the actual voters had not voted the ballots or signed the envelopes, but that did not concern me. I am not the ballot police," Renna told police. "I have been present when 'ballots were voted correctly' by party operatives."5 "Voted correctly" is fraud-speak for a forged application or ballot and it has nothing to do with the intentions of the lawful voter and everything to do with the interests of criminals who flagrantly violate election laws.

And who were the victims of this crime against the public? According to the Times Union, those disenfranchised Troy voters who had their ballots voted for them "correctly" included "public housing residents, college students, the semi-literate, a deaf man, the chronically ill and non-English speakers."6

Lest we think that this sort of thing only happens on the east coast, we should remember the illegal ballots cast by an estimated 5,000 non-citizens in Colorado's elections in 2010. Colorado's Secretary of State reported that a state study found nearly 12,000 people registered to vote in Colorado who were not citizens and were therefore not legally eligible to vote. Of those, the state believes that perhaps as many as 5,000 voted in the 2010 general election.7

Then there is New Mexico, where the secretary of state recently identified over 64,000 instances – or nearly 10% of those who voted – of voter irregularities sent to the state police for investigation.8

And, of course, there are the infamous election frauds perpetrated over the years by the leftist outfit ACORN. In 2004, six St. Louis volunteers pleaded guilty to dozens of voter-fraud charges, including registering the names of dead or non-existent people. It is believed that ACORN's "Operation Big Vote" turned in over 1,500 fraudulent voter registration cards. In 2006, ACORN turned in tens of thousands of suspect voter registration forms to Missouri elections officials, and ACORN workers later admitted to telling registrants who to vote for. And, demonstrating a profound and vexing consistency, four more ACORN employees were indicted for voter fraud in 2007."

Per doc..hardly ever happens, we can't do anything about it.


Victims of Voter Fraud Poor and Disadvantaged are Most Likely to Have Their Vote Stolen
So you simply ignore voter fraud exists, I see.

No, I accept that a tiny, inconsequential level of voter fraud exists, and that there's really no way to "eradicate" it.

So if there were voter ID programs that only had a tiny, inconsequential level of voting impact, that is okay too?

You know, ID that you need anyways to drive, cash checks, present as ID to police officers.
Yes, we know there are a lot of hysterical right-wing bloggers who think there's a tremendous amount of voter fraud because they lost.
He maintains it's inconsequential, because it supports his ideology.

It's not inconsequential to the rest of us, who actually believe in the Republic and have a shred of honor.

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