‘Calibration error’ changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county

Same exact thing happened last presidential election. A woman noticed that her vote changed to Obama and she complained to the poll workers. Of course, they claimed it was a glitch and happened only one time. I think every single vote should have been thrown out and redone after it was discovered. How many people before that woman didn't even notice?

We cannot trust computerized systems, especially if idiots like the ones who created the Obamacare website put them together.

Paper ballots are the only way to ensure accuracy. And no computer punching that results in hanging chads, fill them out with a pen.
Same exact thing happened last presidential election. A woman noticed that her vote changed to Obama and she complained to the poll workers. Of course, they claimed it was a glitch and happened only one time. I think every single vote should have been thrown out and redone after it was discovered. How many people before that woman didn't even notice?

We cannot trust computerized systems, especially if idiots like the ones who created the Obamacare website put them together.

Paper ballots are the only way to ensure accuracy. And no computer punching that results in hanging chads, fill them out with a pen.
Democrats aren't gonna agree to ANY method of counting that doesn't allow them to steal votes.
Some states start using SCYTL, which is partly owned by George Soros. Once the votes are in, there are no paper trails and no recounts. We need to get ahead of this cheating shit before the election, though it's tough. I am sick of Dems claiming that voting fraud doesn't exist, as if our voting system is the only thing on the planet that is free from corruption. They know better, but since it favors Dems, they don't care.

The big cheating is with dishonest people working the elections that use the unclaimed ballots. There are millions of legal ballots issued to people who never vote but registered via motor voter when they renewed their driver's licenses.

Ending motor voter registration and banning electronic ballots are the only way to stay ahead of the desperate cheaters.
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Dems and Voter Fraud

"President Obama's victory over Mitt Romney in last Tuesday's presidential election was driven, in part, by the president's strength in urban areas, where robust support cushioned the incumbent against electoral deficits in rural America. But almost a week after the election, it is now becoming clear just how lopsided President Obama's victory was in some cities: in dozens of urban precincts, Mitt Romney earned literally zero votes.

The Phildadelphia Inquirer reported today that, in 59 precincts in inner-city Philadelphia, the GOP nominee received not a single vote. And according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, nine precincts in Cleveland returned zero Romney votes."

Romney earned zero votes in some urban precincts - CBS News

Yup, that proves it's an honest mistake.

One example conveniently provided by the left shows it's just a glitch. Nothing to discuss.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Move along......

Docarooni uses ONE example.. Let's see your examples of Obola winning 120% of the vote.. LOL Come on, you can do it..

Well, I can't actually show any "examples" of Obama winning 120% of the vote, cause it never actually happened.

Yeah, right.

We have to take YOUR word for it. Also that Romney didn't get one single vote in some districts.

It could happen!!!!

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