Calif Prop 63: No ammo without a permit and a background check

This is getting ludicrous.

Having failed (so far) to take away people's guns, the liberals are now trying to pretend bullets aren't part of "arms" and so they can restrict them, and stop any sales of ammo they didn't give a permit for.

Sort of like saying you can buy a car, but can't buy any gasoline (or charge the batteries if it's electric) for it. But that's not restricting the car, oh no, not at all.

For this proposition, you have to have a background check each and every time you buy even one bullet. That's in addition to the permit the liberals required you to get from them.

Boy, that's going to stop the muggers, murderers, and terrorists who have plenty of black-market sources.

In fact, of course, the only people it will stop from firing their guns, are the people who obey laws, even silly laws like this one. And that group of people is diminishing daily as more and more such silly laws get passed. If they pass.

Criminals will be unaffected.

It seems like every law the liberals try to pass, has that result: It only restricts and punishes the law-abiding.
progressives are not very bright

States wh tougher gun laws have better gun crime stats . Now if only gun nut states weren't polluting them wh imported illegal guns . They'd be even better .
The opposite is true. Libs always lie.
This is getting ludicrous.

Having failed (so far) to take away people's guns, the liberals are now trying to pretend bullets aren't part of "arms" and so they can restrict them, and stop any sales of ammo they didn't give a permit for.

Sort of like saying you can buy a car, but can't buy any gasoline (or charge the batteries if it's electric) for it. But that's not restricting the car, oh no, not at all.

For this proposition, you have to have a background check each and every time you buy even one bullet. That's in addition to the permit the liberals required you to get from them.

Boy, that's going to stop the muggers, murderers, and terrorists who have plenty of black-market sources.

In fact, of course, the only people it will stop from firing their guns, are the people who obey laws, even silly laws like this one. And that group of people is diminishing daily as more and more such silly laws get passed. If they pass.

Criminals will be unaffected.

It seems like every law the liberals try to pass, has that result: It only restricts and punishes the law-abiding.
progressives are not very bright

States wh tougher gun laws have better gun crime stats . Now if only gun nut states weren't polluting them wh imported illegal guns . They'd be even better .


Illinois is doing just great with all those strict gun laws in Chicago

Yes. All those guns come from outside Chicago .
Unless they are manufactured there then that would always be true, no?
Back to the subject:
California has a ballot proposition on the ballot saying that the state govt should ban sales of ammo to people who don't have the proper permit, and should impose a background check on them every time they buy ammo.

This getting completely ludicrous.

It is completely unconstitutional, of course. Technically guns aren't even "arms" unless they can shoot... which they can't do without ammo. When you ban ammo for people who don't have the right permit, you are banning "arms".
And in Mass you need a gun license to buy ammo .
So all the criminals have a license? Odd.

No. but making it hard for them helps .

You want guns out of vending machines?
I swear, you have no fking clue do you.

Why won't u answer the question?

Gun nuts can't fathom ANY gun control. So that means Guns out of vending machines!

Me ? I think the NYC rules go too far. I am
Not against licenses though . It keeps guns away from those who shouldn't have them .
Not against licenses though . It keeps guns away from those who shouldn't have them .
It does? Do you have any evidence to back up this assertion?

Did all those thugs, murderers, and gang members who keep blowing people away, apply to the State of New York for a license and receive one, before committing their crimes?

So, you're saying it's okay to require a permit, but not a free ID? Is that what you're saying?

Yeah . Because you don't want crazy criminals getting guns .

The result is a bunch of dead people !
Would they be criminals in the first place if laws prevented them from conducting criminal activity?

What's your point ? We should have no criminal laws ?
Sounds like you don't understand plain English. My point is that restricting the ability of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves in order to accomplish... absolutely nothing, since it wouldn't actually stop criminals, and that's your excuse for agreeing with the law in the first place. The point of laws is to discourage people from committing crimes due to the consequences, the biggest difference here is that every other law doesn't stop hurt those that follow said law.

The law abiding can get their gun .

I live in mass . To get a gun you take a safety course . Then apply for your license wh your local PD. You get it, then you can buy a gun .

You need that license to buy ammo also .
Which makes it more difficult for law abiding citizens to get a gun, and doesn't affect criminals at all. What part of this are you not understanding?
And in Mass you need a gun license to buy ammo .
So all the criminals have a license? Odd.

No. but making it hard for them helps .

You want guns out of vending machines?
I swear, you have no fking clue do you.

Why won't u answer the question?

Gun nuts can't fathom ANY gun control. So that means Guns out of vending machines!

Me ? I think the NYC rules go too far. I am
Not against licenses though . It keeps guns away from those who shouldn't have them .

Hey dumbass its black and Hispanic criminals who can't fathom any gun control, existing gun control laws, laws against shooting people, any laws. Why don't you people get your minorities under control.
And in Mass you need a gun license to buy ammo .
So all the criminals have a license? Odd.

No. but making it hard for them helps .

You want guns out of vending machines?

Typical asinine response from a slow learner. You claimed PEOPLE must have a license to purchase ammo. How has that stopped criminals from obtaining ammo? Answer... it has not. It has resulted in undo burdens for law abiding citizens. Remember, it was your gang that armed the cartels resulting in many murders.
This is getting ludicrous.

Having failed (so far) to take away people's guns, the liberals are now trying to pretend bullets aren't part of "arms" and so they can restrict them, and stop any sales of ammo they didn't give a permit for.

Sort of like saying you can buy a car, but can't buy any gasoline (or charge the batteries if it's electric) for it. But that's not restricting the car, oh no, not at all.

For this proposition, you have to have a background check each and every time you buy even one bullet. That's in addition to the permit the liberals required you to get from them.

Boy, that's going to stop the muggers, murderers, and terrorists who have plenty of black-market sources.

In fact, of course, the only people it will stop from firing their guns, are the people who obey laws, even silly laws like this one. And that group of people is diminishing daily as more and more such silly laws get passed. If they pass.

Criminals will be unaffected.

It seems like every law the liberals try to pass, has that result: It only restricts and punishes the law-abiding.
progressives are not very bright

States wh tougher gun laws have better gun crime stats . Now if only gun nut states weren't polluting them wh imported illegal guns . They'd be even better .


Illinois is doing just great with all those strict gun laws in Chicago

Yes. All those guns come from outside Chicago .
Proof or more bullshit by uneducated clowns?
it doesn't count all the other paperwork you need to procure, the notary work, and the affadavits.

Look at this page for more details:

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

OK, can't open it from here, will later from elsewhere. Must be a lot of notorization. What'd you get yourself into?

I have no record whatsoever. Thats what anyone who wants to keep a handgun in their home in NYC has to go through.

Well I don't live there and wouldn't, you?

yes, I do live there. and why should location come into play with a right guaranteed to me by the Constitution?

I guess you'll have to take that up with the NY state and city authorities, I didn't make the call, I did make the call not to live there, so that's on the folks who do live there to change it.

The law has been challenged several times, each time stopped by progressive judges ignoring Heller.
My rights override state's rights.

Guess you can take your gun out there and make it happen pard.

Nice dodge, dickless.

Reckon you're just fucked then.

Another useless comment from one of the more useless posters on this board. You are approaching JoeBlow levels of twattiness.

Speaking of twattiness, would you be less twatty with a gun?

Nice "retort", oxygen thief.
And in Mass you need a gun license to buy ammo .
So all the criminals have a license? Odd.

No. but making it hard for them helps .

You want guns out of vending machines?

Typical asinine response from a slow learner. You claimed PEOPLE must have a license to purchase ammo. How has that stopped criminals from obtaining ammo? Answer... it has not. It has resulted in undo burdens for law abiding citizens. Remember, it was your gang that armed the cartels resulting in many murders.

They get it from the gun nut states .
LOL's glad I don't live in that dump called Marxistfornia. Hope some folks sue the state over this new OBVIOUS attack on the 2nd amendment.

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