Calif Ranks as Poorest State, Worst for Income Inequality

California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
Fake news

California is our wealthiest state by far

No doubt, the state is wealthy....the people not so much, dumbass.
California is raising the minimum wage to address that problem.

Yeah, I'm sure everyone will live like kings on $15/hour. Of course everyone will have to live with their parents for the next two years.
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
Fake news

California is our wealthiest state by far


Thanks big tech, thanks big thanks 30% living on Top Ramen
How do you propose California enforce trickle down?

So fucking simple...send the 10-15 million worthless wetbacks home. Everything has to start there....PERIOD!

So according to your chart Wyoming has roughly 700 people homeless compared to 5,000,000 people homeless in California..


I went through Wyoming last year & there were way more cattle than people. All the cattle I saw were homeless. 100,000 Cows Freeze to Death in Snowstorm. The people houses were shacks with a wood stove.

Trump spending tax payer money in DC giving it to wealthy oligarchs, driving up house prices sending poor workers to live the streets.

Did you see any filthy wetbacks raping and killing Americans in WY?
Did you go through Jackson Hole? Did you notice that everyone spoke English? Did you notice there were no shitty diapers or Modello cans lining the stray pit bulls roaming neighborhoods?
That’s because there’s no wetbacks in Wyoming...weird huh?
Wyoming relies on charity from blue states to exist
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
Fake news

California is our wealthiest state by far


Thanks big tech, thanks big thanks 30% living on Top Ramen
How do you propose California enforce trickle down?

So fucking simple...send the 10-15 million worthless wetbacks home. Everything has to start there....PERIOD!
They have no wealth

Sending them home will not cause the wealthy to give more to the rest of the population

How are you going to free up that money?

So according to your chart Wyoming has roughly 700 people homeless compared to 5,000,000 people homeless in California..


I went through Wyoming last year & there were way more cattle than people. All the cattle I saw were homeless. 100,000 Cows Freeze to Death in Snowstorm. The people houses were shacks with a wood stove.

Trump spending tax payer money in DC giving it to wealthy oligarchs, driving up house prices sending poor workers to live the streets.

Did you see any filthy wetbacks raping and killing Americans in WY?
Did you go through Jackson Hole? Did you notice that everyone spoke English? Did you notice there were no shitty diapers or Modello cans lining the stray pit bulls roaming neighborhoods?
That’s because there’s no wetbacks in Wyoming...weird huh?
Wyoming relies on charity from blue states to exist

That’s weird...
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
Fake news

California is our wealthiest state by far


Thanks big tech, thanks big thanks 30% living on Top Ramen
How do you propose California enforce trickle down?

So fucking simple...send the 10-15 million worthless wetbacks home. Everything has to start there....PERIOD!
They have no wealth

Sending them home will not cause the wealthy to give more to the rest of the population

How are you going to free up that money?

You've got to be kidding.
Fake news

California is our wealthiest state by far


Thanks big tech, thanks big thanks 30% living on Top Ramen
How do you propose California enforce trickle down?

So fucking simple...send the 10-15 million worthless wetbacks home. Everything has to start there....PERIOD!
They have no wealth

Sending them home will not cause the wealthy to give more to the rest of the population

How are you going to free up that money?

You've got to be kidding.
You got some splain’n to do
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
Fake news

California is our wealthiest state by far


Thanks big tech, thanks big thanks 30% living on Top Ramen
How do you propose California enforce trickle down?

So fucking simple...send the 10-15 million worthless wetbacks home. Everything has to start there....PERIOD!
They have no wealth

Sending them home will not cause the wealthy to give more to the rest of the population

How are you going to free up that money?

How many real Americans could be helped with an additional $23 billion annually?

Thanks big tech, thanks big thanks 30% living on Top Ramen
How do you propose California enforce trickle down?

So fucking simple...send the 10-15 million worthless wetbacks home. Everything has to start there....PERIOD!
They have no wealth

Sending them home will not cause the wealthy to give more to the rest of the population

How are you going to free up that money?

You've got to be kidding.
You got some splain’n to do

You're concerned the wealthy won't give money to the rest of the population, so what the heck give it to the illegals. That's got to be the stupidest thing I've read all week.

So according to your chart Wyoming has roughly 700 people homeless compared to 5,000,000 people homeless in California..


I went through Wyoming last year & there were way more cattle than people. All the cattle I saw were homeless. 100,000 Cows Freeze to Death in Snowstorm. The people houses were shacks with a wood stove.

Trump spending tax payer money in DC giving it to wealthy oligarchs, driving up house prices sending poor workers to live the streets.

Did you see any filthy wetbacks raping and killing Americans in WY?
Did you go through Jackson Hole? Did you notice that everyone spoke English? Did you notice there were no shitty diapers or Modello cans lining the stray pit bulls roaming neighborhoods?
That’s because there’s no wetbacks in Wyoming...weird huh?
Wyoming relies on charity from blue states to exist

That’s weird...

Thanks big tech, thanks big thanks 30% living on Top Ramen
How do you propose California enforce trickle down?

So fucking simple...send the 10-15 million worthless wetbacks home. Everything has to start there....PERIOD!
They have no wealth

Sending them home will not cause the wealthy to give more to the rest of the population

How are you going to free up that money?

You've got to be kidding.
You got some splain’n to do

We cant understand Walmart language...speak English please.
How do you propose California enforce trickle down?

So fucking simple...send the 10-15 million worthless wetbacks home. Everything has to start there....PERIOD!
They have no wealth

Sending them home will not cause the wealthy to give more to the rest of the population

How are you going to free up that money?

You've got to be kidding.
You got some splain’n to do

You're concerned the wealthy won't give money to the rest of the population, so what the heck give it to the illegals. That's got to be the stupidest thing I've read all week.
They are making money off the illegals
So according to your chart Wyoming has roughly 700 people homeless compared to 5,000,000 people homeless in California..


I went through Wyoming last year & there were way more cattle than people. All the cattle I saw were homeless. 100,000 Cows Freeze to Death in Snowstorm. The people houses were shacks with a wood stove.

Trump spending tax payer money in DC giving it to wealthy oligarchs, driving up house prices sending poor workers to live the streets.

Did you see any filthy wetbacks raping and killing Americans in WY?
Did you go through Jackson Hole? Did you notice that everyone spoke English? Did you notice there were no shitty diapers or Modello cans lining the stray pit bulls roaming neighborhoods?
That’s because there’s no wetbacks in Wyoming...weird huh?
Wyoming relies on charity from blue states to exist

That’s weird...


Playing by the democrats laws...
So fucking simple...send the 10-15 million worthless wetbacks home. Everything has to start there....PERIOD!
They have no wealth

Sending them home will not cause the wealthy to give more to the rest of the population

How are you going to free up that money?

You've got to be kidding.
You got some splain’n to do

You're concerned the wealthy won't give money to the rest of the population, so what the heck give it to the illegals. That's got to be the stupidest thing I've read all week.
They are making money off the illegals

I'm guessing you are too.
So according to your chart Wyoming has roughly 700 people homeless compared to 5,000,000 people homeless in California..


I went through Wyoming last year & there were way more cattle than people. All the cattle I saw were homeless. 100,000 Cows Freeze to Death in Snowstorm. The people houses were shacks with a wood stove.

Trump spending tax payer money in DC giving it to wealthy oligarchs, driving up house prices sending poor workers to live the streets.

Did you see any filthy wetbacks raping and killing Americans in WY?
Did you go through Jackson Hole? Did you notice that everyone spoke English? Did you notice there were no shitty diapers or Modello cans lining the stray pit bulls roaming neighborhoods?
That’s because there’s no wetbacks in Wyoming...weird huh?
Wyoming relies on charity from blue states to exist

That’s weird...


You do realize State Revenue between, for example California vs. Montana is quite different?
So according to your chart Wyoming has roughly 700 people homeless compared to 5,000,000 people homeless in California..


I went through Wyoming last year & there were way more cattle than people. All the cattle I saw were homeless. 100,000 Cows Freeze to Death in Snowstorm. The people houses were shacks with a wood stove.

Trump spending tax payer money in DC giving it to wealthy oligarchs, driving up house prices sending poor workers to live the streets.

Did you see any filthy wetbacks raping and killing Americans in WY?
Did you go through Jackson Hole? Did you notice that everyone spoke English? Did you notice there were no shitty diapers or Modello cans lining the stray pit bulls roaming neighborhoods?
That’s because there’s no wetbacks in Wyoming...weird huh?
Wyoming relies on charity from blue states to exist

That’s weird...


This shit played has been posted many times before...notice your map doesn’t indicate what the Fed aid is allocated for.
Do you think Wyoming or Montana or South Dakota with their population has the money to spend on big interstate highways that connect Seattle to Chicago?
Chicago and Seattle need those highways so the Fed subsidizes these states. Simple shit for third graders.
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
Fake news

California is our wealthiest state by far


I wonder if the 30% living in squalor on a Cup O Noodles diet in Mexifornia give two shits about the states GDP?
Ya ignorant fuck.
15 bucks an hour wont do shit for the cost of living in that hell hole!
Yes, it will. Higher paid labor pays more in local taxes to help fund local government.

So just how much is tent rental and the associated taxes in mexifornia these days?
not enough; you read the study. it is the economic reason for a higher minimum wage.

Ya really gonna bring that shit up?
Higher paid labor pay more in Taxes and create more in Demand.

This person is just to needy, lol.

What do I mean?

He/she needs the government to do EVERYTHING for him/her. Tell them what to earn! Tell them what to drive, tell them what kind of toilet paper to use also I imagine.

And WHO/WHOM do they think is smart enough in government to tell them what to do?

Why Auntie Maxine, Hilly, Fancy Nancy, and Chucky Shmucky! You know, those BRILLIANT geniuses on the left that have created so many businesses and jobs.

This is our future if we allow the far Left ANY kind of power.

Mississippi is still the poorest state, and TX is about even with CA. You just pick on Ca because Trump does. Whatever Trump does you say. Florida has a poop map and TX has just as many homeless.

Ca has 10 million more people.
I will pick on any state that has over 460 billion in debt.
It means they ain't doing it right.
What about a state that has a $1.5 trillion debt summary according to its own State Tresurer? California State Treasurer Debt Watch

Mississippi is still the poorest state, and TX is about even with CA. You just pick on Ca because Trump does. Whatever Trump does you say. Florida has a poop map and TX has just as many homeless.

Ca has 10 million more people.
I will pick on any state that has over 460 billion in debt.
It means they ain't doing it right.
What about a state that has a $1.5 trillion debt summary for the past 30 years, according to its own State Tresurer? California State Treasurer Debt Watch

CA State Treasurer says the last 12 months are:

State of California
$12.9 Billion
Issued in the last 12 months
Debt issued by State and its agencies​

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