California Academy of Sciences Driector: "Explaining the science isnt working"

Didn't the great leader of the scientific consensus crowd Al Gore predict that we would all be dead by now as global warming wrote death and destruction on all we know?:)

No- but the skeptics have been making lies like that ever since Al Gore warned about the dangers of global warning.
SO AL Gore is now lying from his own lips and is a denier?

You guys are comical.. You've been punked by your own cult leaders and you cant even see it..
Global Warming will soon enough be the only issue that matters. The Sixth mass extinction is already underway, the fact that most people don't know this and you can't see species going extinct by the hour doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Reality cannot be ignored and soon enough all of the human race will understand the reality.


And the empirical evidence says your a deceiver.. The next mass extinction will come from an ice age, super volcano or a meteor...
I wonder if the guy from NAS know the term "political whore"... They have sold themselves to the agenda of the rabid left.. And he wonders why no one will listen to them....
Even k00k leaders are finally recognizing that their side is losing huge.......and I have to laugh. I said 10 years ago these bozo's need a plan B.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Global Warming will soon enough be the only issue that matters. The Sixth mass extinction is already underway, the fact that most people don't know this and you can't see species going extinct by the hour doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Reality cannot be ignored and soon enough all of the human race will understand the reality.


And the empirical evidence says your a deceiver.. The next mass extinction will come from an ice age, super volcano or a meteor...

Says the message board angry.

On the other side? 97% of the world's most renowned physicits, chemists, oceanographers, and biologists.

Oh who to believe.
“I hate to sound like a wet blanket, but this is nice. It’s well-intentioned, but it won’t do anything,” says Jon Foley, executive director of the California Academy of Sciences. “We’re being bad scientists—not in how we look at our climate data but in how we look at our communication data.” He says scientists are wrong to hope that simply explaining the science again will change the minds of politicians who have not listened before."

Top U.S. Science Organizations Hammer Congress on Climate Change—Again

:2up: :coffee::2up: :coffee: :2up::coffee:

Yep...........year after year, the top science organizations lob bombs at congress about "doing something" about climate change.

And year after year.........nobody is caring and the bozo's left looking like this.........:desk:

So.........lets call a spade a spade...............who's not winning?:eusa_dance:

Listen to this guy. He's a virtual CChange marketing genius.

He says the 31 organizations would do better to target their message to mayors, philanthropists, Silicon Valley billionaires and other people in power who have shown a willingness to engage with the evidence.

If you want something important done efficiently, promptly, and cost efficiently -- DON'T go to Congress. Take your case to the MARKETPLACE. Where things often get done WITHOUT drama and force. Even if the science is SCREWED up -- SOME things still MIGHT be worthwhile to do.

I'm all for that. He's a rare voice of reason from the panicking herd.
“I hate to sound like a wet blanket, but this is nice. It’s well-intentioned, but it won’t do anything,” says Jon Foley, executive director of the California Academy of Sciences. “We’re being bad scientists—not in how we look at our climate data but in how we look at our communication data.” He says scientists are wrong to hope that simply explaining the science again will change the minds of politicians who have not listened before."

Top U.S. Science Organizations Hammer Congress on Climate Change—Again

:2up: :coffee::2up: :coffee: :2up::coffee:

Yep...........year after year, the top science organizations lob bombs at congress about "doing something" about climate change.

And year after year.........nobody is caring and the bozo's left looking like this.........:desk:

So.........lets call a spade a spade...............who's not winning?:eusa_dance:
When the climate scammers fly to the other side of the world in their private jets to attend a climate change award ceremony......
When they start acting like its a crisis, I'll think about start listening.

Kinda the same here -- but a different slant. When the CC activists are MORE AFRAID of GW than they are of Nuclear Power -- I will start listening...
Global Warming will soon enough be the only issue that matters. The Sixth mass extinction is already underway, the fact that most people don't know this and you can't see species going extinct by the hour doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Reality cannot be ignored and soon enough all of the human race will understand the reality.


And the empirical evidence says your a deceiver.. The next mass extinction will come from an ice age, super volcano or a meteor...

Says the message board angry.

On the other side? 97% of the world's most renowned physicits, chemists, oceanographers, and biologists.

Oh who to believe.
and that 97% represents again? Oh yeah, 75 out of 77 folks is all. :bye1:
Global Warming will soon enough be the only issue that matters. The Sixth mass extinction is already underway, the fact that most people don't know this and you can't see species going extinct by the hour doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Reality cannot be ignored and soon enough all of the human race will understand the reality.


And the empirical evidence says your a deceiver.. The next mass extinction will come from an ice age, super volcano or a meteor...

Says the message board angry.

On the other side? 97% of the world's most renowned physicits, chemists, oceanographers, and biologists.

Oh who to believe.

But to what end s0n?

How about...........spectacular fAiL. Its nothing more than a hobby so I suppose one can take bows for that. But in the real world, the 97% isn't mattering for dick.

None of the progressive assholes in here can come up with one link showing us where the "consensus" is mattering in the real world?

Solar and Wind combined are still a joke.........well under 5% of meeting our electricity needs and all reputable projections ( including the Obama EIA :bye1: ) put it at 10% max decades from now!!:oops-28:

So the 97% can keep taking bows..........nobody is caring!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

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