California AG: Employers who Cooperate With Federal Immigration Raids Will be Prosecuted

Pot head Jerry might get his wish when the only industries left in California will be related to the manufacture of narcotics.
I see bad things in that California AG's future.

Come on Sessions. Do your job.
Here's the law:

(a) Except as otherwise required by federal law, an employer, or a person acting on behalf of the employer, shall not provide voluntary consent to an immigration enforcement agent to enter any nonpublic areas of a place of labor. This section does not apply if the immigration enforcement agent provides a judicial warrant.
(b) An employer who violates subdivision (a) shall be subject to a civil penalty of two thousand dollars ($2,000) up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) for a first violation and five thousand dollars ($5,000) up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each subsequent violation. If a court finds that an immigration enforcement agent was permitted to enter a nonpublic area of a place of labor without the consent of the employer or other person in control of the place of labor, the civil penalty shall not apply. “Violation” means each incident when it is found that subdivision (a) was violated without reference to the number of employees, the number of immigration enforcement agents involved in the incident, or the number of locations affected in a day.
(c) This section shall not preclude an employer or person acting on behalf of an employer from taking the immigration enforcement agent to a nonpublic area, where employees are not present, for the purpose of verifying whether the immigration enforcement agent has a judicial warrant, provided no consent to search nonpublic areas is given in the process.
(d) The exclusive authority to enforce this section is granted to the Labor Commissioner or the Attorney General and enforcement shall be through civil action. Any penalty recovered shall be deposited in the Labor Enforcement and Compliance Fund.
(e) This section applies to public and private employers.
Look at the fascists pile on, all trying to out-fascist each other. Anyone opposing TheParty must be arrested and prosecuted!

States' rights? Those were forgotten when Trump took office. The Trumpflakes aren't even pretending not to be hypocrites.

California will likely win this, just as they almost always do. That's what happens when the law, morality and public opinion are on your side. It's generally something only liberals experience, so conservatives won't be familiar with it.
In truth, you have to wonder where the 10th ends and the Federal Government begins.

If we have an attitude that this is the federal government's job, then this law won't pass muster.
All they need do is start locking them up.

new cali 1.jpg
States' rights? Those were forgotten when Trump took office. The Trumpflakes aren't even pretending not to be hypocrites.
The 10th ammendment applies to give states jurisdiction over anything not defined as a federal power by the constitution

Guess what? Immigration enforcement is clearly defined as a power of the executive branch in the constitution

Try again

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