California chef won't serve customers wearing MAGA hats

The MAGA hat wears, trump supporters, and right-wing "Christian" types are the ones who have pushed discrimination and shunning. So who cares what happens to these people who do not believe in the United States and our values.They deserve a taste of their own medicine.

Until the commies invaded the Democrat party, our values used to be to practice your politics without retaliation.
What "commies" invaded the Democratic Party (notice that I spelled it correctly because I am educated), oh person who is so proud to aim a gun at the camera, how macho!)?

Please explain the current republicans.and their love of discrimination and attacks on their fellow Americans. Please be advised that there are over 320 million Americans.We are of both sexes and a wide variety of races, ethnicities, and religions, as well as those who do not embrace a religion.

The Commies are you--you people who took a nearly fair party and turned it so far left Putin laughs.

We are a country of both sexes? THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO YOU. There are only two sexes!!!!

We don't attack our fellow Americans. We don't tell people not to come to our establishments simply because they have a different political view. Our adults are not attacking some kid eating a hamburger just because he has a hat on. We don't attack people in the street because they support our President. Your side does that.

"Folks, if you ever want to know what the Democrats are involved in, just note what they accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

The commie is Viktor Knavs, and he has the direct line number to the President.
I don't wear a MAGA hat out in public because democrats are insane, violent, and full of hate.

Or is it you support hate.
Anyone wearing a MAGA hat is devoted to the vibrant return of the US economy and optimism for the American people. And the poster is right. It is dangerous to wear for Liberals cannot get over the fact they lost in the presidential election and act like the damn fools they are.

I think it would be amusing for twenty or so people come into the restaurant, take forever to order, the 10 minutes after they order, they all put on their hats at a designated "Reveal TIme" so the restaurant can push them out after preparing their food and getting nothing for the meal. Yes!
It appears that you are advocating for government force in some situations when you are sympathetic to the cause or beliefs of the person being excluded from services, but you're okay with government sitting on its ass in other situations.

I am within my right to refuse to serve fat people. But, fat black people are protected by government force.

Amazon sells a pink (!) baseball cap with the words printed on it TRUMP 2020. I'm seriously considering getting one and wearing it in public; remember, women get to wear hats inside, though men aren't supposed to. So I could wear it anywhere ----

What do people think of that? I can remember when people wore "I Like Ike" buttons in church. Political expression just was not viewed as a problem---it was considered mildly humorous. Now women get on TV and say a MAGA hat is "triggering," whatever that means. Upsetting, I guess. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone shocked or upset me by what they said or did; I'd be a rich lady. Now I guess people are supposed to walk on tiptoe, and in fact, that's what we're all doing. There are NO political bumper stickers anymore: at least not in Maryland, I can tell you. How much trouble will I get into if I wear my pink Trump hat? Might be fun to try it and see.

These days everybody is wound too tight. It's just like this Northam thing. Who cares really? I understand that Republicans are just trying to rub it in Democrats faces, but racism it's not.

Back in the 70's and 80's, we all made jokes about race and ethnicity. We all had a sense of humor at the time. It wasn't that offensive. But now they are bringing up something that happened 30 years ago when environment was not as tense, and judging it using todays values.

Look what liberalism has done to this country. You can't joke about anything, you can't laugh at everything, and you can't even wear a certain Fn hat if you desire. Liberalism is destroying this country.
Making America great again is about paying American workers a living wage.
It would be much easier for American workers to demand such a wage when the job market is not flooded by non-Americans who are not investing in America, but sending their earnings to their homeland.


Arrest, trial, jail for employers hiring illegals, including tRump. Obama did to a much greater extent than tRump.

While tRump was hiring illegal aliens, Obama was deporting more illegal aliens than any other sitting President in history.

The H-1B visa which costs American job was signed into law by baby bush.

Which party promotes working Americans?
Making America great again is about paying American workers a living wage.
It would be much easier for American workers to demand such a wage when the job market is not flooded by non-Americans who are not investing in America, but sending their earnings to their homeland.


Arrest, trial, jail for employers hiring illegals, including tRump. Obama did to a much greater extent than tRump.

While tRump was hiring illegal aliens, Obama was deporting more illegal aliens than any other sitting President in history.

The H-1B visa which costs American job was signed into law by baby bush.

Which party promotes working Americans?
The Republicans!
I don't wear a MAGA hat out in public because democrats are insane, violent, and full of hate.

Or is it you support hate.
Anyone wearing a MAGA hat is devoted to the vibrant return of the US economy and optimism for the American people. And the poster is right. It is dangerous to wear for Liberals cannot get over the fact they lost in the presidential election and act like the damn fools they are.

I think it would be amusing for twenty or so people come into the restaurant, take forever to order, the 10 minutes after they order, they all put on their hats at a designated "Reveal TIme" so the restaurant can push them out after preparing their food and getting nothing for the meal. Yes!

Sixty-percent plus of the US economy is middle class spending. Vibrant return of the US economy would be American workers making a living wage.

Those that wear the MAGA hat support the guy that hires illegals and put a communist in the White House.
Because how he is dressed supports a representative. I can only imagine how the left would have reacted six years ago if some Republican restaurant owner said he refused to serve anybody with a Hope and Change shirt on. The Pussy hats would have been marching full force.

Couldn't get anywhere with your false analogy before, so you had to have another go.

Of course, the divisive message of White supremacy and exclusion associated with MAGA is exactly as disruptive and contemptible as "Hope and Change". Or is it?

Ludicrous. But then, look at you! Without the constant stream of false analogies and equivalences you would be buried under the depravity you feel compelled to defend, 24/7.

There is nothing false about my analogy. When Ears ran the country, nobody could say a negative thing about him without being called racist. Now your point is because the Commies associated supremacy or exclusion with Trump, nobody should be allowed to wear a hat supporting him.

Well that is how Satan works, just brainwash people and whatever you say makes it truth.
I don't wear a MAGA hat out in public because democrats are insane, violent, and full of hate.

Or is it you support hate.
Anyone wearing a MAGA hat is devoted to the vibrant return of the US economy and optimism for the American people. And the poster is right. It is dangerous to wear for Liberals cannot get over the fact they lost in the presidential election and act like the damn fools they are.

I think it would be amusing for twenty or so people come into the restaurant, take forever to order, the 10 minutes after they order, they all put on their hats at a designated "Reveal TIme" so the restaurant can push them out after preparing their food and getting nothing for the meal. Yes!

Sixty-percent plus of the US economy is middle class spending. Vibrant return of the US economy would be American workers making a living wage.

Those that wear the MAGA hat support the guy that hires illegals and put a communist in the White House.
Oh wow! A communist in the White House? That would be Van Jones, right? I don't think he has decided to run yet.
The MAGA hat wears, trump supporters, and right-wing "Christian" types are the ones who have pushed discrimination and shunning. So who cares what happens to these people who do not believe in the United States and our values.They deserve a taste of their own medicine.

Until the commies invaded the Democrat party, our values used to be to practice your politics without retaliation.
What "commies" invaded the Democratic Party (notice that I spelled it correctly because I am educated), oh person who is so proud to aim a gun at the camera, how macho!)?

Please explain the current republicans.and their love of discrimination and attacks on their fellow Americans. Please be advised that there are over 320 million Americans.We are of both sexes and a wide variety of races, ethnicities, and religions, as well as those who do not embrace a religion.

The Commies are you--you people who took a nearly fair party and turned it so far left Putin laughs.

We are a country of both sexes? THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO YOU. There are only two sexes!!!!

We don't attack our fellow Americans. We don't tell people not to come to our establishments simply because they have a different political view. Our adults are not attacking some kid eating a hamburger just because he has a hat on. We don't attack people in the street because they support our President. Your side does that.

"Folks, if you ever want to know what the Democrats are involved in, just note what they accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

The commie is Viktor Knavs, and he has the direct line number to the President.

Oh please, the US Communist Party endorsed your last several presidential contenders and Sanders. If it's one thing Commies hate, it's capitalists......but then again, so do liberals.
It appears that you are advocating for government force in some situations when you are sympathetic to the cause or beliefs of the person being excluded from services, but you're okay with government sitting on its ass in other situations.

I am within my right to refuse to serve fat people. But, fat black people are protected by government force.

Amazon sells a pink (!) baseball cap with the words printed on it TRUMP 2020. I'm seriously considering getting one and wearing it in public; remember, women get to wear hats inside, though men aren't supposed to. So I could wear it anywhere ----

What do people think of that? I can remember when people wore "I Like Ike" buttons in church. Political expression just was not viewed as a problem---it was considered mildly humorous. Now women get on TV and say a MAGA hat is "triggering," whatever that means. Upsetting, I guess. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone shocked or upset me by what they said or did; I'd be a rich lady. Now I guess people are supposed to walk on tiptoe, and in fact, that's what we're all doing. There are NO political bumper stickers anymore: at least not in Maryland, I can tell you. How much trouble will I get into if I wear my pink Trump hat? Might be fun to try it and see.

These days everybody is wound too tight. It's just like this Northam thing. Who cares really? I understand that Republicans are just trying to rub it in Democrats faces, but racism it's not.

Back in the 70's and 80's, we all made jokes about race and ethnicity. We all had a sense of humor at the time. It wasn't that offensive. But now they are bringing up something that happened 30 years ago when environment was not as tense, and judging it using todays values.

Look what liberalism has done to this country. You can't joke about anything, you can't laugh at everything, and you can't even wear a certain Fn hat if you desire. Liberalism is destroying this country.

Are you saying that hate speech was more social accepted in the 70's and 80's than it is today? Seems some of us have grown in those that didn't vote for the guy that condones grabbing women by the pussy and hiring illegal aliens.
It appears that you are advocating for government force in some situations when you are sympathetic to the cause or beliefs of the person being excluded from services, but you're okay with government sitting on its ass in other situations.

I am within my right to refuse to serve fat people. But, fat black people are protected by government force.

Amazon sells a pink (!) baseball cap with the words printed on it TRUMP 2020. I'm seriously considering getting one and wearing it in public; remember, women get to wear hats inside, though men aren't supposed to. So I could wear it anywhere ----

What do people think of that? I can remember when people wore "I Like Ike" buttons in church. Political expression just was not viewed as a problem---it was considered mildly humorous. Now women get on TV and say a MAGA hat is "triggering," whatever that means. Upsetting, I guess. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone shocked or upset me by what they said or did; I'd be a rich lady. Now I guess people are supposed to walk on tiptoe, and in fact, that's what we're all doing. There are NO political bumper stickers anymore: at least not in Maryland, I can tell you. How much trouble will I get into if I wear my pink Trump hat? Might be fun to try it and see.

These days everybody is wound too tight. It's just like this Northam thing. Who cares really? I understand that Republicans are just trying to rub it in Democrats faces, but racism it's not.

Back in the 70's and 80's, we all made jokes about race and ethnicity. We all had a sense of humor at the time. It wasn't that offensive. But now they are bringing up something that happened 30 years ago when environment was not as tense, and judging it using todays values.

Look what liberalism has done to this country. You can't joke about anything, you can't laugh at everything, and you can't even wear a certain Fn hat if you desire. Liberalism is destroying this country.

Are you saying that hate speech was more social accepted in the 70's and 80's than it is today? Seems some of us have grown in those that didn't vote for the guy that condones grabbing women by the pussy and hiring illegal aliens.

Not at all, its just that people used to have a sense of humor. I lived back then, and the voice of my generation was Don Rickles. He would never be accepted today by millennials, that's probably why he keeled over dead in the prime of life.
It appears that you are advocating for government force in some situations when you are sympathetic to the cause or beliefs of the person being excluded from services, but you're okay with government sitting on its ass in other situations.

I am within my right to refuse to serve fat people. But, fat black people are protected by government force.

Amazon sells a pink (!) baseball cap with the words printed on it TRUMP 2020. I'm seriously considering getting one and wearing it in public; remember, women get to wear hats inside, though men aren't supposed to. So I could wear it anywhere ----

What do people think of that? I can remember when people wore "I Like Ike" buttons in church. Political expression just was not viewed as a problem---it was considered mildly humorous. Now women get on TV and say a MAGA hat is "triggering," whatever that means. Upsetting, I guess. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone shocked or upset me by what they said or did; I'd be a rich lady. Now I guess people are supposed to walk on tiptoe, and in fact, that's what we're all doing. There are NO political bumper stickers anymore: at least not in Maryland, I can tell you. How much trouble will I get into if I wear my pink Trump hat? Might be fun to try it and see.

These days everybody is wound too tight. It's just like this Northam thing. Who cares really? I understand that Republicans are just trying to rub it in Democrats faces, but racism it's not.

Back in the 70's and 80's, we all made jokes about race and ethnicity. We all had a sense of humor at the time. It wasn't that offensive. But now they are bringing up something that happened 30 years ago when environment was not as tense, and judging it using todays values.

Look what liberalism has done to this country. You can't joke about anything, you can't laugh at everything, and you can't even wear a certain Fn hat if you desire. Liberalism is destroying this country.

Are you saying that hate speech was more social accepted in the 70's and 80's than it is today? Seems some of us have grown in those that didn't vote for the guy that condones grabbing women by the pussy and hiring illegal aliens.

Not at all, its just that people used to have a sense of humor. I lived back then, and the voice of my generation was Don Rickles. He would never be accepted today by millennials, that's probably why he keeled over dead in the prime of life.

It went on all the time. It was an ice breaker. Black guys would come back to work from a holiday and ask us if we had a "white" Christmas? I remember one place where I worked, two black girls worked in the shipping office upstairs. For Thanksgiving, our company bought us all frozen turkeys. So I seen one of the shipping girls outside making her way to the stairs with two turkeys. Of course I knew she was bringing one back for her coworker and friend. But just as a joke, I asked her how come she got two turkeys and I only got one? She smiled and said "because I'm black!"

Today you can't do any of those kinds of things.
It appears that you are advocating for government force in some situations when you are sympathetic to the cause or beliefs of the person being excluded from services, but you're okay with government sitting on its ass in other situations.

I am within my right to refuse to serve fat people. But, fat black people are protected by government force.

Amazon sells a pink (!) baseball cap with the words printed on it TRUMP 2020. I'm seriously considering getting one and wearing it in public; remember, women get to wear hats inside, though men aren't supposed to. So I could wear it anywhere ----

What do people think of that? I can remember when people wore "I Like Ike" buttons in church. Political expression just was not viewed as a problem---it was considered mildly humorous. Now women get on TV and say a MAGA hat is "triggering," whatever that means. Upsetting, I guess. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone shocked or upset me by what they said or did; I'd be a rich lady. Now I guess people are supposed to walk on tiptoe, and in fact, that's what we're all doing. There are NO political bumper stickers anymore: at least not in Maryland, I can tell you. How much trouble will I get into if I wear my pink Trump hat? Might be fun to try it and see.

These days everybody is wound too tight. It's just like this Northam thing. Who cares really? I understand that Republicans are just trying to rub it in Democrats faces, but racism it's not.

Back in the 70's and 80's, we all made jokes about race and ethnicity. We all had a sense of humor at the time. It wasn't that offensive. But now they are bringing up something that happened 30 years ago when environment was not as tense, and judging it using todays values.

Look what liberalism has done to this country. You can't joke about anything, you can't laugh at everything, and you can't even wear a certain Fn hat if you desire. Liberalism is destroying this country.

Are you saying that hate speech was more social accepted in the 70's and 80's than it is today? Seems some of us have grown in those that didn't vote for the guy that condones grabbing women by the pussy and hiring illegal aliens.
If someone acts the fool in his early years, it has to be weighed with what he is able to bring to this country. So go ahead and fixate on what is in the past while I concentrate what he has brought to this country and continues to work for all of it's citizens, not just those who hav socialistic views.
It appears that you are advocating for government force in some situations when you are sympathetic to the cause or beliefs of the person being excluded from services, but you're okay with government sitting on its ass in other situations.

I am within my right to refuse to serve fat people. But, fat black people are protected by government force.

Amazon sells a pink (!) baseball cap with the words printed on it TRUMP 2020. I'm seriously considering getting one and wearing it in public; remember, women get to wear hats inside, though men aren't supposed to. So I could wear it anywhere ----

What do people think of that? I can remember when people wore "I Like Ike" buttons in church. Political expression just was not viewed as a problem---it was considered mildly humorous. Now women get on TV and say a MAGA hat is "triggering," whatever that means. Upsetting, I guess. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone shocked or upset me by what they said or did; I'd be a rich lady. Now I guess people are supposed to walk on tiptoe, and in fact, that's what we're all doing. There are NO political bumper stickers anymore: at least not in Maryland, I can tell you. How much trouble will I get into if I wear my pink Trump hat? Might be fun to try it and see.

These days everybody is wound too tight. It's just like this Northam thing. Who cares really? I understand that Republicans are just trying to rub it in Democrats faces, but racism it's not.

Back in the 70's and 80's, we all made jokes about race and ethnicity. We all had a sense of humor at the time. It wasn't that offensive. But now they are bringing up something that happened 30 years ago when environment was not as tense, and judging it using todays values.

Look what liberalism has done to this country. You can't joke about anything, you can't laugh at everything, and you can't even wear a certain Fn hat if you desire. Liberalism is destroying this country.

Are you saying that hate speech was more social accepted in the 70's and 80's than it is today? Seems some of us have grown in those that didn't vote for the guy that condones grabbing women by the pussy and hiring illegal aliens.

You object to somebody hiring illegal aliens but no objection to keeping them out with a wall. Hate speech was never acceptable, however if somebody did engage, it was their right to do so as an American.
It appears that you are advocating for government force in some situations when you are sympathetic to the cause or beliefs of the person being excluded from services, but you're okay with government sitting on its ass in other situations.

I am within my right to refuse to serve fat people. But, fat black people are protected by government force.

Amazon sells a pink (!) baseball cap with the words printed on it TRUMP 2020. I'm seriously considering getting one and wearing it in public; remember, women get to wear hats inside, though men aren't supposed to. So I could wear it anywhere ----

What do people think of that? I can remember when people wore "I Like Ike" buttons in church. Political expression just was not viewed as a problem---it was considered mildly humorous. Now women get on TV and say a MAGA hat is "triggering," whatever that means. Upsetting, I guess. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone shocked or upset me by what they said or did; I'd be a rich lady. Now I guess people are supposed to walk on tiptoe, and in fact, that's what we're all doing. There are NO political bumper stickers anymore: at least not in Maryland, I can tell you. How much trouble will I get into if I wear my pink Trump hat? Might be fun to try it and see.

These days everybody is wound too tight. It's just like this Northam thing. Who cares really? I understand that Republicans are just trying to rub it in Democrats faces, but racism it's not.

Back in the 70's and 80's, we all made jokes about race and ethnicity. We all had a sense of humor at the time. It wasn't that offensive. But now they are bringing up something that happened 30 years ago when environment was not as tense, and judging it using todays values.

Look what liberalism has done to this country. You can't joke about anything, you can't laugh at everything, and you can't even wear a certain Fn hat if you desire. Liberalism is destroying this country.

Are you saying that hate speech was more social accepted in the 70's and 80's than it is today? Seems some of us have grown in those that didn't vote for the guy that condones grabbing women by the pussy and hiring illegal aliens.

Not at all, its just that people used to have a sense of humor. I lived back then, and the voice of my generation was Don Rickles. He would never be accepted today by millennials, that's probably why he keeled over dead in the prime of life.

I didn't think this was still around, but I found it and thought (since you were around during that time) it might bring back some hilarious memories and support our point of how easy going we were about race and ethnicity in this country.

It appears that you are advocating for government force in some situations when you are sympathetic to the cause or beliefs of the person being excluded from services, but you're okay with government sitting on its ass in other situations.

I am within my right to refuse to serve fat people. But, fat black people are protected by government force.

Amazon sells a pink (!) baseball cap with the words printed on it TRUMP 2020. I'm seriously considering getting one and wearing it in public; remember, women get to wear hats inside, though men aren't supposed to. So I could wear it anywhere ----

What do people think of that? I can remember when people wore "I Like Ike" buttons in church. Political expression just was not viewed as a problem---it was considered mildly humorous. Now women get on TV and say a MAGA hat is "triggering," whatever that means. Upsetting, I guess. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone shocked or upset me by what they said or did; I'd be a rich lady. Now I guess people are supposed to walk on tiptoe, and in fact, that's what we're all doing. There are NO political bumper stickers anymore: at least not in Maryland, I can tell you. How much trouble will I get into if I wear my pink Trump hat? Might be fun to try it and see.

These days everybody is wound too tight. It's just like this Northam thing. Who cares really? I understand that Republicans are just trying to rub it in Democrats faces, but racism it's not.

Back in the 70's and 80's, we all made jokes about race and ethnicity. We all had a sense of humor at the time. It wasn't that offensive. But now they are bringing up something that happened 30 years ago when environment was not as tense, and judging it using todays values.

Look what liberalism has done to this country. You can't joke about anything, you can't laugh at everything, and you can't even wear a certain Fn hat if you desire. Liberalism is destroying this country.

Are you saying that hate speech was more social accepted in the 70's and 80's than it is today? Seems some of us have grown in those that didn't vote for the guy that condones grabbing women by the pussy and hiring illegal aliens.

Not at all, its just that people used to have a sense of humor. I lived back then, and the voice of my generation was Don Rickles. He would never be accepted today by millennials, that's probably why he keeled over dead in the prime of life.

I didn't think this was still around, but I found it and thought (since you were around during that time) it might bring back some hilarious memories and support our point of how easy going we were about race and ethnicity in this country.

Now that was funny. Just who was offended by that and tell me why.
Because how he is dressed supports a representative. I can only imagine how the left would have reacted six years ago if some Republican restaurant owner said he refused to serve anybody with a Hope and Change shirt on. The Pussy hats would have been marching full force.

Couldn't get anywhere with your false analogy before, so you had to have another go.

Of course, the divisive message of White supremacy and exclusion associated with MAGA is exactly as disruptive and contemptible as "Hope and Change". Or is it?

Ludicrous. But then, look at you! Without the constant stream of false analogies and equivalences you would be buried under the depravity you feel compelled to defend, 24/7.

There is nothing false about my analogy. When Ears ran the country, nobody could say a negative thing about him without being called racist. Now your point is because the Commies associated supremacy or exclusion with Trump, nobody should be allowed to wear a hat supporting him.

Well that is how Satan works, just brainwash people and whatever you say makes it truth.

No, you idiot, it's because the MAGA hat has become a symbol of hate, racism, and white supremacy. Just like the Swatsika under the Nazi Party. People are having the same reaction to MAGA hats as they did to Hitler's swastikas.

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