California chef won't serve customers wearing MAGA hats

More intolerance and bigotry from the folks who constantly posture as the defenders of tolerance and inclusion.
Because how he is dressed supports a representative. I can only imagine how the left would have reacted six years ago if some Republican restaurant owner said he refused to serve anybody with a Hope and Change shirt on. The Pussy hats would have been marching full force.

Couldn't get anywhere with your false analogy before, so you had to have another go.

Of course, the divisive message of White supremacy and exclusion associated with MAGA is exactly as disruptive and contemptible as "Hope and Change". Or is it?

Ludicrous. But then, look at you! Without the constant stream of false analogies and equivalences you would be buried under the depravity you feel compelled to defend, 24/7.

There is nothing false about my analogy. When Ears ran the country, nobody could say a negative thing about him without being called racist. Now your point is because the Commies associated supremacy or exclusion with Trump, nobody should be allowed to wear a hat supporting him.

Well that is how Satan works, just brainwash people and whatever you say makes it truth.

No, you idiot, it's because the MAGA hat has become a symbol of hate, racism, and white supremacy. Just like the Swatsika under the Nazi Party. People are having the same reaction to MAGA hats as they did to Hitler's swastikas.

Aw, bullshit.

That tale is just something told by libs to demonize any opposition to Hard Core Socialism.

The entire Leftist plan is to try and delegitimize any voice against their extremism
I said that he thinks he can, yes.

Okay. Apparently his staff and partner have weighed in and now he's not at all sure he can, at least if he wants to keep the restaurant open.

The question I have is, is this legal? Apparently not if it's a black. Maybe not if it's a campy homosexual or weird tranny --- not clear. Can he ban people who come in without shirt or shoes? It's a long-standing convention, but it probably has never been tested in law (because it would be silly). So.....what about a hat? What about a hat with a political slogan? Does anyone know whether you can just ban someone from your place of business pour les beaux yeux, as the French say---for his blue eyes? If I wear my pink TRUMP 2020 hat, can people throw me out with impunity or can I sue them? This is suddenly a big issue in our society, and I don't think we know the answer!
so no shirt and shoes is a health issue, so every business has that option.

Wouldn't it be more to the point for government to issue a list of valid reasons for discriminating?
I think government should stay out of other private business practices.

It should have said others
No, you idiot, it's because the MAGA hat has become a symbol of hate, racism, and white supremacy.

What caused that hat to mean white supremacy?

You better have some good evidence, or you are admitting to being a goddamn mindless idiot.


I think its the fact that Kanye wears the MAGA hat that makes it a symbol of white supremacy?

Because how he is dressed supports a representative. I can only imagine how the left would have reacted six years ago if some Republican restaurant owner said he refused to serve anybody with a Hope and Change shirt on. The Pussy hats would have been marching full force.

Couldn't get anywhere with your false analogy before, so you had to have another go.

Of course, the divisive message of White supremacy and exclusion associated with MAGA is exactly as disruptive and contemptible as "Hope and Change". Or is it?

Ludicrous. But then, look at you! Without the constant stream of false analogies and equivalences you would be buried under the depravity you feel compelled to defend, 24/7.

There is nothing false about my analogy. When Ears ran the country, nobody could say a negative thing about him without being called racist. Now your point is because the Commies associated supremacy or exclusion with Trump, nobody should be allowed to wear a hat supporting him.

Well that is how Satan works, just brainwash people and whatever you say makes it truth.

No, you idiot, it's because the MAGA hat has become a symbol of hate, racism, and white supremacy. Just like the Swatsika under the Nazi Party. People are having the same reaction to MAGA hats as they did to Hitler's swastikas.

The only people who made MAGA such a symbol are your brainwashing media and Commie politicians who outright called him a racist like Commie Sanders. I really don't blame people for thinking like that. Weak minds are like play dough. You just shape it in whatever form you want it to be. And I hope Trump sues each and every person who made that statement about him in public. The only goal of the left is to separate this country and keep them separated as much as possible.
Amazon sells a pink (!) baseball cap with the words printed on it TRUMP 2020. I'm seriously considering getting one and wearing it in public; remember, women get to wear hats inside, though men aren't supposed to. So I could wear it anywhere ----

What do people think of that? I can remember when people wore "I Like Ike" buttons in church. Political expression just was not viewed as a problem---it was considered mildly humorous. Now women get on TV and say a MAGA hat is "triggering," whatever that means. Upsetting, I guess. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone shocked or upset me by what they said or did; I'd be a rich lady. Now I guess people are supposed to walk on tiptoe, and in fact, that's what we're all doing. There are NO political bumper stickers anymore: at least not in Maryland, I can tell you. How much trouble will I get into if I wear my pink Trump hat? Might be fun to try it and see.

These days everybody is wound too tight. It's just like this Northam thing. Who cares really? I understand that Republicans are just trying to rub it in Democrats faces, but racism it's not.

Back in the 70's and 80's, we all made jokes about race and ethnicity. We all had a sense of humor at the time. It wasn't that offensive. But now they are bringing up something that happened 30 years ago when environment was not as tense, and judging it using todays values.

Look what liberalism has done to this country. You can't joke about anything, you can't laugh at everything, and you can't even wear a certain Fn hat if you desire. Liberalism is destroying this country.

Are you saying that hate speech was more social accepted in the 70's and 80's than it is today? Seems some of us have grown in those that didn't vote for the guy that condones grabbing women by the pussy and hiring illegal aliens.

Not at all, its just that people used to have a sense of humor. I lived back then, and the voice of my generation was Don Rickles. He would never be accepted today by millennials, that's probably why he keeled over dead in the prime of life.

I didn't think this was still around, but I found it and thought (since you were around during that time) it might bring back some hilarious memories and support our point of how easy going we were about race and ethnicity in this country.

Now that was funny. Just who was offended by that and tell me why.

Back then skits like that were no big deal. Could you imagine something like that coming out on primetime television today? And I don't mean cable either. It would be on every news broadcast across the nation and possibly a discussion for weeks.

The leftists sucked the humor right out of this country with their political correctness. Even people on the left like Jerry Seinfeld made similar comments. I imagine sometime down the road if liberals get full control of this country, smiling in public will be against the law.
So what do you suppose would have happened if somebody seven years ago walked into a restaurant with a shirt that said Hope and Change, and was then refused service?

Hope and change doesn't represent hate, MAGA does.

Of course it represents hate; hate of our country.

If you married a short brunette, and told her you wanted her to die her hair blonde, change her makeup, wear shoes that made her look taller, did you really love that woman at all? Of course not. You don't change things you love, you only change things you hate like Obama did of our country.

Yes, MAGA represents hate of the United States.

Sure, because when you hate something you make it great again. It is to laugh.

The way you make a country great is promoting all of it's citizenry. The great orange lizard with the red hat is doing no such thing.
Perhaps you are right.

However you have no one else to blame but democrats.They were promoting select people in this nation at the expense of others LONG before Trump and they push to make it worse.

Hence the election of Trump to jam a huge middle finger in the face of democrats who promote and cater only to minorities at the expense of whites and refuse to promote unity or all people.
San Mateo restaurant owner says customers will not be served if they are wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat.


Kenji Lopez-Alt of Wursthall Restaurant tweeted that it would be the "same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate."

The tweet has gotten mixed reactions. Some people say refusing to get to know someone or serve someone based on what they're wearing is unfair. Other replies on Twitter support the chef and say they're now more likely to go to the restaurant.

Restaurant owner won't serve customers wearing MAGA hats

If bakeries can refuse to serve LGBTQ customers - why can't this restaurant refuse to serve racists? Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

Mods: I tried to do a search but couldn't find an existing thread. I apologize if I have duplicated.

Fluck that bigoted mother flucker and the horse he rode in on....
San Mateo restaurant owner says customers will not be served if they are wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat.


Kenji Lopez-Alt of Wursthall Restaurant tweeted that it would be the "same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate."

The tweet has gotten mixed reactions. Some people say refusing to get to know someone or serve someone based on what they're wearing is unfair. Other replies on Twitter support the chef and say they're now more likely to go to the restaurant.

Restaurant owner won't serve customers wearing MAGA hats

If bakeries can refuse to serve LGBTQ customers - why can't this restaurant refuse to serve racists? Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

Mods: I tried to do a search but couldn't find an existing thread. I apologize if I have duplicated.
I check in once a month or so and discover you are as fucking stupid as ever. Anyone that wants to make America great is a racist? Fuck you tard.
San Mateo restaurant owner says customers will not be served if they are wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat.


Kenji Lopez-Alt of Wursthall Restaurant tweeted that it would be the "same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate."

The tweet has gotten mixed reactions. Some people say refusing to get to know someone or serve someone based on what they're wearing is unfair. Other replies on Twitter support the chef and say they're now more likely to go to the restaurant.

Restaurant owner won't serve customers wearing MAGA hats

If bakeries can refuse to serve LGBTQ customers - why can't this restaurant refuse to serve racists? Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

Mods: I tried to do a search but couldn't find an existing thread. I apologize if I have duplicated.
/——/ Reminds me of when democrat restaurant owners wouldn’t serve Blacks.

Yeah, and then those Democrats switched to Republicans.
Lies, sweet sounding lie are all you have. What a little punk bitch.
San Mateo restaurant owner says customers will not be served if they are wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat.


Kenji Lopez-Alt of Wursthall Restaurant tweeted that it would be the "same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate."

The tweet has gotten mixed reactions. Some people say refusing to get to know someone or serve someone based on what they're wearing is unfair. Other replies on Twitter support the chef and say they're now more likely to go to the restaurant.

Restaurant owner won't serve customers wearing MAGA hats

If bakeries can refuse to serve LGBTQ customers - why can't this restaurant refuse to serve racists? Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

Mods: I tried to do a search but couldn't find an existing thread. I apologize if I have duplicated.
/——/ Reminds me of when democrat restaurant owners wouldn’t serve Blacks.

Yeah, and then those Democrats switched to Republicans.
Lies, sweet sounding lie are all you have. What a little punk bitch.

What lies?
San Mateo restaurant owner says customers will not be served if they are wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat.


Kenji Lopez-Alt of Wursthall Restaurant tweeted that it would be the "same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate."

The tweet has gotten mixed reactions. Some people say refusing to get to know someone or serve someone based on what they're wearing is unfair. Other replies on Twitter support the chef and say they're now more likely to go to the restaurant.

Restaurant owner won't serve customers wearing MAGA hats

If bakeries can refuse to serve LGBTQ customers - why can't this restaurant refuse to serve racists? Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

Mods: I tried to do a search but couldn't find an existing thread. I apologize if I have duplicated.
/——/ Reminds me of when democrat restaurant owners wouldn’t serve Blacks.

Yeah, and then those Democrats switched to Republicans.
Lies, sweet sounding lie are all you have. What a little punk bitch.

What lies?
/——/ The kid that racist democRATs switched to the GOP. When did Al Gore SR, William Fulbright And Robert KKK Byrd switch to the GOP?
Exactly and it's the assholes who wear MAGA hats for the sole purpose of flaming.

I wonder if you participated in the recent thread on this.
No one can argue with a straight face that people wearing the MAGA hats are making a fashion statement only, with no underlying political message.

How do you define "inflammatory" in a way that prevents "disruption" in a business so as to legally set up the pretext to discriminate?

Who gets to decide what actions or attire is "flaming" so as to apply equally?

The business owner decides what they will tolerate in their place of work. If you wish to patronize their establishment, you should respect that or move on.
Unless of course you don't bake a cake for a gay couple.

Which of course has nothing to do with a hat.
Your position is confused and without merit.

A dress code has nothing to do with denying service based on race, gender, religion or sexual preference. That is codified.
In fact, the MAGA hat wearer is welcome once the hat is removed.

Just like the gay customers are welcome as soon as they drop their demand for a custom congratulatory gay "wedding" cake.

No. Not "just like". Not in any way.

If course it is. There is zero evidence the baker refused to serve gay customers, zero evidence he targeted gay customers. He refused one product and would have refused it had the straight mother of one of the couple come in and requested a cake for a gay "wedding". Thus, it was not gay customers he was refusing (as the customer would be straight), but the event he was objecting to. Same as your claim that the customer is welcome as long as he takes off the hat. Just as with the bakery case, it is not the customer that is objectionable, it is the event or message.

Or is nuance only acceptable in certain cases?
More imagination as fact.
It's not the same in any way. It was in fact a gay couple he refused. Regardless, accommodation laws apply to people, not attire. Some resaurants require a jacket. Some don't allow shorts or flip flops. They aren't refusing anyone for who they are but for how they're dressed.

Because how he is dressed supports a representative. I can only imagine how the left would have reacted six years ago if some Republican restaurant owner said he refused to serve anybody with a Hope and Change shirt on. The Pussy hats would have been marching full force.

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Great. That changes nothing.
Your position is confused and without merit.

A dress code has nothing to do with denying service based on race, gender, religion or sexual preference. That is codified.
In fact, the MAGA hat wearer is welcome once the hat is removed.

Just like the gay customers are welcome as soon as they drop their demand for a custom congratulatory gay "wedding" cake.

No. Not "just like". Not in any way.

If course it is. There is zero evidence the baker refused to serve gay customers, zero evidence he targeted gay customers. He refused one product and would have refused it had the straight mother of one of the couple come in and requested a cake for a gay "wedding". Thus, it was not gay customers he was refusing (as the customer would be straight), but the event he was objecting to. Same as your claim that the customer is welcome as long as he takes off the hat. Just as with the bakery case, it is not the customer that is objectionable, it is the event or message.

Or is nuance only acceptable in certain cases?
More imagination as fact.
It's not the same in any way. It was in fact a gay couple he refused. Regardless, accommodation laws apply to people, not attire. Some resaurants require a jacket. Some don't allow shorts or flip flops. They aren't refusing anyone for who they are but for how they're dressed.
again, he didn't refuse the cake. He refused the message on the cake. fk can't you idiots ever get the facts correct?

Baker who refused to make cake for gay wedding: 'I don't discriminate'

"“I don't discriminate against anybody — I serve everybody that comes in my shop,” Phillips said. “I don't create cakes for every message that people ask me to create."

Great. That has nothing to do with a hat. Public accomodation laws protect people. Not attire.

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