I Like To Wear My MAGA Hat Just To See People's Reactions

Well, Moonglow, I'm just sayin' that I think the MAGA hats are going to be one of the quickest fads to fade after Trump leaves office in 2020.
The hat is more than just about Trump.

It is about fighting back against left wing idiocy, insanity and oppression.

If a Democrat somehow does win against Trump you will see a lot more MAGA hats than you saw initially.

It is about fighting back against left wing idiocy, insanity and oppression.

I'd like to see your history book.
I live in a county that voted for Trump by a huge margin. I travel all over the region on a regular basis.

I have seen ZERO dopey MAGA hats on people going about their daily business. The only time I’ve seen them is when groups of morons get together for some kind of political event.

You fuckers wear them to provoke a reaction...but only when you have back up.

If Trump won by a huge margin there then there is no reason for people there to be wearing them.

That’s nonsense.

The MAGA hats are basically implied at that point.

It is far different when I wear my #walkaway t-shirt or my Trump for President t-shirt in the middle of Hillary island, where I live.
yeah.....the media snaps their fingers and you bark like a dog on command.

Anyone else consider the possibility that the MAGA hat is going to go the way of the pet rock in a couple of years?
I doubt that. Those hats are going to be sought after by future generations of political memorabilia collectors simply because of the hilarious way they trigger LWNJs.
Like people collect KKK memorabilia.
The KKK was formed by Democrats to terrorize and kill Republicans.

Hell, the fucking Nuremberg laws in Nazi Germany were modeled after the racist laws that the Democratic party in America passed and enforced. Don't try to put that racist shit on Republicans, or America in general, you fucking party of slavery supporter.

Democrats are scum.

I see a lot of this where misguided republicans try to take credit for being the defenders of blacks and freedom fighters of old, but those were the old times and those were decent republicans, not the racist republicans of today. The south actually turned from democrat to republican in response to the civil rights goings on which they wanted no part of. The south flipped from blue to red state back in the '60s and have been red ever since. Pretty good link below explaining it in more detail.

Why did Democrats lose the white South?
Anyone else consider the possibility that the MAGA hat is going to go the way of the pet rock in a couple of years?
I doubt that. Those hats are going to be sought after by future generations of political memorabilia collectors simply because of the hilarious way they trigger LWNJs.
Like people collect KKK memorabilia.
The KKK was formed by Democrats to terrorize and kill Republicans.

Hell, the fucking Nuremberg laws in Nazi Germany were modeled after the racist laws that the Democratic party in America passed and enforced. Don't try to put that racist shit on Republicans, or America in general, you fucking party of slavery supporter.

Democrats are scum.

I see a lot of this where misguided republicans try to take credit for being the defenders of blacks and freedom fighters of old, but those were the old times and those were decent republicans, not the racist republicans of today. The south actually turned from democrat to republican in response to the civil rights goings on which they wanted no part of. The south flipped from blue to red state back in the '60s and have been red ever since. Pretty good link below explaining it in more detail.

Why did Democrats lose the white South?
duh...One day back in da 60s all the Democrats became Republicans and all the Republicans became Democrats... derp derp.. duh

You are a party of slavery supporting idiot.
Anyone else consider the possibility that the MAGA hat is going to go the way of the pet rock in a couple of years?
I doubt that. Those hats are going to be sought after by future generations of political memorabilia collectors simply because of the hilarious way they trigger LWNJs.
Like people collect KKK memorabilia.
The KKK was formed by Democrats to terrorize and kill Republicans.

Hell, the fucking Nuremberg laws in Nazi Germany were modeled after the racist laws that the Democratic party in America passed and enforced. Don't try to put that racist shit on Republicans, or America in general, you fucking party of slavery supporter.

Democrats are scum.

I see a lot of this where misguided republicans try to take credit for being the defenders of blacks and freedom fighters of old, but those were the old times and those were decent republicans, not the racist republicans of today. The south actually turned from democrat to republican in response to the civil rights goings on which they wanted no part of. The south flipped from blue to red state back in the '60s and have been red ever since. Pretty good link below explaining it in more detail.

Why did Democrats lose the white South?
Why do you idiots swallow everything the media tells you? How do you know it's a "good link"? lol, you don't, it just tells you what you want to hear, so you parrot it as fact. Modern society will soon be the most ignorant people since the cavemen.
Anyone else consider the possibility that the MAGA hat is going to go the way of the pet rock in a couple of years?
I doubt that. Those hats are going to be sought after by future generations of political memorabilia collectors simply because of the hilarious way they trigger LWNJs.
Like people collect KKK memorabilia.
The KKK was formed by Democrats to terrorize and kill Republicans.

Hell, the fucking Nuremberg laws in Nazi Germany were modeled after the racist laws that the Democratic party in America passed and enforced. Don't try to put that racist shit on Republicans, or America in general, you fucking party of slavery supporter.

Democrats are scum.

I see a lot of this where misguided republicans try to take credit for being the defenders of blacks and freedom fighters of old, but those were the old times and those were decent republicans, not the racist republicans of today. The south actually turned from democrat to republican in response to the civil rights goings on which they wanted no part of. The south flipped from blue to red state back in the '60s and have been red ever since. Pretty good link below explaining it in more detail.

Why did Democrats lose the white South?
Republicans never changed......Democrats simply changed tactics.
Democrats are still the same bigots they've always been.
They just talk like they give a shit about folks, but every time they get a chance to prove it, they fail or go on vacation.

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When I see the MAGA hat I don’t have any issues of “offense” like racism or some other bigotry even though those concepts are obviously tied to the hat. When I see the hat, I just think, god, that person is stupid.
Without even speaking to the person?......and you think the stupid one is wearing the hat?......wow.....
Wearing a symbol of ignorance is no reason to think the person wearing it has any brains.
Depends on who set up the ignorance standards.
Christ, these fuckers are saying the flag or the national anthem is racist......not knowing that this is exactly what Russia (or any enemy of the USA) wants them to think.
Lol who exactly said the flag and anthem were racist?
Lol who exactly said the flag and anthem were racist?
Um, several. Google is your friend.

One of many, many examples:

‘The Star-Spangled Banner’s’ racist lyrics reflect its slave owner author, Francis Scott Key
Should anyone really care? Why would anyone care to whine about someone claiming the anthem is racist? Don’t be drama queens and move on with your lives lol
You asked, I answered.

Then I get the standard deflect/pivot/attack tactic.

Right on cue, thanks.
Lol who exactly said the flag and anthem were racist?
Um, several. Google is your friend.

One of many, many examples:

‘The Star-Spangled Banner’s’ racist lyrics reflect its slave owner author, Francis Scott Key
Should anyone really care? Why would anyone care to whine about someone claiming the anthem is racist? Don’t be drama queens and move on with your lives lol
You asked, I answered.

Then I get the standard deflect/pivot/attack tactic.

Right on cue, thanks.
Lol so me asking a follow up question is me deflecting? Yes, dude, congratulations. You fixed my wagon with that link!
Lol who exactly said the flag and anthem were racist?
Um, several. Google is your friend.

One of many, many examples:

‘The Star-Spangled Banner’s’ racist lyrics reflect its slave owner author, Francis Scott Key
Should anyone really care? Why would anyone care to whine about someone claiming the anthem is racist? Don’t be drama queens and move on with your lives lol
You asked, I answered.

Then I get the standard deflect/pivot/attack tactic.

Right on cue, thanks.
Lol so me asking a follow up question is me deflecting? Yes, dude, congratulations. You fixed my wagon with that link!
Sure did, thanks.

I don't wear it very often, but I like driving to work wearing my MAGA hat. This morning I wore it thru the gate on post. Last week I got a smile but this morning the soldier looked at me like he just smelled a fart. That was a special moment. I also have several Keffiyahs (Arabic Headdress For Men) and I'd be willing to bet I could get the same reaction I got from this dickhead.

You see I can tell how stupid and small-minded a person is when they fall for these fads. They're purely media created.
Think how easy it is to make someone go spastic over a piece of headgear. MAGA hats are a perfect example.

If you think about it, abortion is a fad. If you explain to a teenager a practice of killing babies by cutting their heads off while they're still alive, they'll get all grossed out. It seems pretty damned brutal. But if you say it's an abortion....well they'll just say it's cool cuz their teacher says so.

Then there's Affirmative-Action. The practice of showing favoritism for one race over another wouldn't go over too well if it's favoring whites....but when it's blacks who are being favored, well then it's cool beans.

But what does it tell us when a person gives in to fads. We must first understand what a fad is. Fads are objects or behaviors that achieve short-lived popularity but fade away. Without a leftist press these fads would never take off, much less continue on for decades. But people who give in to fads are really just weaklings when it comes to brainpower. What does it tell us about these people?

  • They help us become popular
  • They give us a feeling of belonging to a group
  • Some call this behavior "Joining the Bandwagon"
  • Most of the time it's because of peer pressure
  • Social mania.....or temporary insanity..take your pick

Usually well-adjusted folks get tired of fads. People with compulsive personalities tend to take fads to extremes.....and this is when it becomes dangerous. The attacks on the Covington Catholic kids is a prime example of this kind of dangerous behavior. In an overreaction to a MAGA hat wearing kid, Democrats were literally calling for their deaths. Some of the rich and famous fell into this trap. Some still haven't admitted to themselves that they overreacted and refuse to admit they were wrong....even after proof they were wrong is everywhere now.

But this is just the latest example of the sort of dangerous insane actions of leftists. And in almost every case it's been attacks against kids or the elderly.

So keep it up people. Keep hating a friggen hat. A hat that is just part of a presidential campaign. I promise it won't cause an STD or insanity......in the wearer that is.

My daughter has a license plate that shows her political views. Every day she is accosted by conservative drivers. They shout swears at her, give her the finger, cut her off at high rates of speed on the highway (attempted murder).


cons are obviously murderous scum.
When I see the MAGA hat I don’t have any issues of “offense” like racism or some other bigotry even though those concepts are obviously tied to the hat. When I see the hat, I just think, god, that person is stupid.
Without even speaking to the person?......and you think the stupid one is wearing the hat?......wow.....
Wearing a symbol of ignorance is no reason to think the person wearing it has any brains.
Depends on who set up the ignorance standards.
Christ, these fuckers are saying the flag or the national anthem is racist......not knowing that this is exactly what Russia (or any enemy of the USA) wants them to think.
Lol who exactly said the flag and anthem were racist?


I put them on scarecrows in the back of my property and use them for target practice to see what the local goobers reactions are. Some of the looks on hunters faces this year were priceless.

What happened when you woke up?

I don't wear it very often, but I like driving to work wearing my MAGA hat. This morning I wore it thru the gate on post. Last week I got a smile but thismorning the soldier looked at me like he just smelled a fart. That was a special moment. I also have several Keffiyahs (Arabic Headdress For Men) and I'd be willing to bet I could get the same reaction I got from this dickhead.

You see I can tell how stupid and small-minded a person is when they fall for these fads. They're purely media created.
Think how easy it is to make someone got spastic over a piece of headgear. MAGA hats are a perfect example.

If you think about it, abortion is a fad. If you explain to a teenager a practice of killing babies by cutting their heads off while they're still alive, they'll get all grossed out. I seems pretty damned brutal. But if you say it's an abortion....well they'll just say it's cool cuz their teacher says so.

Then there's Affirmative-Action. The practice of showing favoritism for one race over another wouldn't go over too well if it's favoring whites....but when it's blacks who are being favored, well then it's cool beans.

But what does it tell us when a person gives in to fads. We must first understand what a fad is. Fads are objects or behaviors that achieve short-lived popularity but fade away. Without a leftist press these fads would never take off, much less continue on for decades. But people who give in to fads are really just weaklings when it comes to brainpower. What does it tell us about these people?

  • They help us become popular
  • They give us a feeling of belonging to a group
  • Some call this behavior "Joining the Bandwagon"
  • Most of the time it's because of peer pressure
  • Social mania.....or temporary insanity..take your pick

Usually well-adjusted folks get tired of fads. People with compulsive personalities tend to take fads to extremes.....and this is when it becomes dangerous. The attacks on the Covington Catholic kids is a prime example of this kind of dangerous behavior. In an overreaction to a MAGA hat wearing kid, Democrats were literally calling for their deaths. Some of the rich and famous fell into this trap. Some still haven't admitted to themselves that they overreacted and refuse to admit they were wrong....even after proof the were wrong is everywhere now.

But this is just the latest example of the sort of dangerous insane actions of leftists. And in almost every case it's been attacks against kids or the elderly.

So keep it up people. Keep hating a friggen hat. A hat that is just part of a presidential campaign. I promise it won't cause an STD or insanity......in the wearer that is.

I wear mine in downtown LA...the wetbacks, weirdos and filthy degenerates piss their fucking pants...It’s priceless shit.

I took one off a fat greasy guy in a state park and shit in it.

When you returned to reality, you've realized those were your underwear.
I live in a county that voted for Trump by a huge margin. I travel all over the region on a regular basis.

I have seen ZERO dopey MAGA hats on people going about their daily business. The only time I’ve seen them is when groups of morons get together for some kind of political event.

You fuckers wear them to provoke a reaction...but only when you have back up.

If Trump won by a huge margin there then there is no reason for people there to be wearing them.

That’s nonsense.

The MAGA hats are basically implied at that point.

It is far different when I wear my #walkaway t-shirt or my Trump for President t-shirt in the middle of Hillary island, where I live.
yeah.....the media snaps their fingers and you bark like a dog on command.

Oh dear....someone is triggered now. :itsok:

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