California declares statewide emergency 200k evacuated, deploying every resource available

I'll bet Iowa, N. Carolina and Arizona aren't looking that bad to the morons in Sacramento now.
Their extreme ignorance and hubris have come back to bite them on their asses.
I moved to California in '63 and watched the state peak and then sharply decline and got out in 2015.
Just in time I would say.
Socialists in Commiefornia already discussing the seizure of PG&E and turning into a state owned entity.

Prolly started all these fires to set the stage for it.

A move like that fits perfectly into Socialists agendas. Commandeer the utilities, then the food supply chain, then businesses.

The Ultimate State of Control. They already have a Dictator who ignores the will of the people.
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Socialists in Commiefornia already discussing the seizure of PG&E and turning into a state owned entity.
Gav Newsom is holding press conferences attacking PG&E.
California governor slams PG&E, saying 'greed,' 'mismangement' led to widespread power cuts

He wasn't quite as tough on them when he was urging bail outs and cost sharing for the energy monopoly.
California Governor Seeks to Protect Utilities From the Cost of Wildfires

PG&E has become the tar baby that has ensnared the Fancy Dan governor of California. He was predicting the end of the republican party not too long ago (he must think the rest of America is like isn't, thank God).
Now it looks like his socialist sanctuary empire is burning down around him. California itself is what's in trouble.
California's Newsom takes aim: GOP destined for 'waste bin of history'

It couldn't happen to a nicer ideologue dunce.

Power cut off everywhere. 100 mph winds. Half the state going up in flames again. A pretty sad state of affairs brought about mostly by progressive environmentalism which has prevented proper land and forest management for many years along with (IMO as a former electrical engineer), a shortsighted grid design ill equipped to deal with early downed power line detection and fire suppression (there are ways it can be done). Nature is always the great equalizer.

And yet they keep telling me how great California is!

^^^^^^This, but the MEDIA is blaming Man Made Climate Change! LOL! Their crazy enviro whackos got them into this!

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