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Hahahahahahaha!! So Judges don’t really “decide the sentence” after all, uh snowflake? They are bound by the penal codes chosen by elected politicians.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
What a dufus. If the penal. If the penal code decided the sentence there would be no need for a judge at the sentencing sumbass.

You seem to be struggling with who actually does the sentencing. Name some cases where a judge did not decree the final sentence at a sentencing hearing.
The Democrats have embraced extremism. It’s good to see the church pushing back against these extremists!! And in California of all places!
What a dufus. If the penal. If the penal code decided the sentence there would be no need for a judge at the sentencing sumbass.

You seem to be struggling with who actually does the sentencing. Name some cases where a judge did not decree the final sentence at a sentencing hearing.
So you are once again claiming that a Judge can give life for the first time offense of stealing a pack of gum? 🤣
Again, DNA taken from the baby in the womb proves:
  1. It’s a human
  2. It’s a unique and separate life
  3. It’s male or female
Like all on the left, you continue to deny science.
That was wasted post. It doesn’t matter. It’s the woman who carry’s the fetus who makes that DECISION. You don’t believe woman should make that decision. You’re against woman. It’s not the gov., it’s not you you, it’s not me. It’s the WOMAN who bears the fetus who decides.
That was wasted post. It doesn’t matter. It’s the woman who carry’s the fetus who makes that DECISION. You don’t believe woman should make that decision. You’re against woman. It’s not the gov., it’s not you you, it’s not me. It’s the WOMAN who bears the fetus who decides.
And she needs to know what the truth is. Her fetus is a living human, not her body.
And killing a baby is murder, idiot.

By the way, don’t call others an “idiot” when you’re so fucking uneducated, you fail to place a comma after suicide.
Terminating a zygote is not murder. Choosing family size is the choice of the mother and who she chooses in that decision.

It's not yours.
Your ignorance is stunning. Violent crimes like first degree murder are often given life sentences w/o parole. How long have you been living under the Tucker rock of ignorance.
“Oftentimes, a violent crime like murder will result in a life sentence without the possibility of parole.”

Which then results in parole anyway..

Charles Manson was sentenced to death, then the sentence was commuted to Life without the possibility of parole. Charlie died just before his 27th parole hearing.

Sounds an awful lot like 26 possibilities for the most heinous killer in California history.

See, you fascists LIE, about EVERYTHING.
That was wasted post. It doesn’t matter. It’s the woman who carry’s the fetus who makes that DECISION. You don’t believe woman should make that decision. You’re against woman. It’s not the gov., it’s not you you, it’s not me. It’s the WOMAN who bears the fetus who decides.
Discrimination? Microaggression? Propaganda? These are common labels against pro-lifers. Anyone arguing for the rights of the unborn can expect to be characterized as enemies of women, of liberty, and of human rights. Sometimes we can learn from these accusations and pick better terms or listen with more charity. Other times, these labels just don’t fit. Or worse, they are baseless slander.

I would like to suggest that the abortion debate is riddled with a problematic term: “fetus.” At best, this term is a harmless shorthand way to refer to a “human fetus,” “fetal human,” or the “child-in-utero,” and other non-discriminatory terms. At worst, and it’s often used this way, it’s a misleading rhetorical move designed to instill dehumanizing prejudice against the unborn. Either way, we can do better.

Some may call the term “fetus” a “microaggression,” although I’m not a big fan of that concept.[1] My grievance with this term is that it’s typically a subtle but deliberate spin in verbiage intended to relocate the discussion away from any possible implication of human rights. The net effect of that rhetoric, if left unchecked, is a dehumanizing prejudgment about the status of the unborn, as if this “fetus” isn’t really a human being. This use of terms can even be a kind of discrimination. It isn’t discrimination in the sense of breaking a law or violating someone’s civil rights. But it does qualify as verbal discrimination because it is dehumanizing and prejudicial language."

Terminating a zygote is not murder. Choosing family size is the choice of the mother and who she chooses in that decision.

It's not yours.
Again, using terms like "zygote" is a pathetic attempt to dehumanize the unborn, and is the only way you can justify the killing of that unborn human baby in the womb.

Damn, so P@triot is trying to have men replace women?

What is it you Nazi fucks say? The only good woman is a man?



The child bearing woman makes the decision. . We have roe v Wade because anyone one else trying to make the decision is unacceptable.

We have Roe v Wade because congress could not pass such a law, so a corrupt SCOTUS crafted law in defiance of the Constitution

YOU can’t tell a woman what to do with here own body in this case. In states where Roe v Wade is overturned, it will be a zoo. Conservatives will lose elections because of this violation of woman’s rights.


The law created by the Burger court is being overturned. That is a national level decision. You really are quite ignorant. The judiciary has no authority to create law so a legitimate court is throwing the illegal and unconstitutional law out. NO state will still have Roe, you drooling retard. All states will have the constitutionally guaranteed power to craft law as seen fit by the citizens of that state.

Meanwhile, you Nazi fucks will continue your war against women.
Again, using terms like "zygote" is a pathetic attempt to dehumanize the unborn, and is the only way you can justify the killing of that unborn human baby in the womb.
So you're smarter then medical science ? You don’t even use the medical terms. You a pediatrician or a buffoon ? What are you going to do ? Lock up every pregnant woman so if any exercise too strenuously or fall down during pregnancy and abort you can charge them with second degree murder ? All you people who want to deny a woman’s right to her own body decisions are idiots. It’s really about the poor.wealthier hypocrites will just go out of state and have an abortion when her health is in danger……you’ll just let poor women die.
Discrimination? Microaggression? Propaganda? These are common labels against pro-lifers. Anyone arguing for the rights of the unborn can expect to be characterized as enemies of women, of liberty, and of human rights. Sometimes we can learn from these accusations and pick better terms or listen with more charity. Other times, these labels just don’t fit. Or worse, they are baseless slander.

I would like to suggest that the abortion debate is riddled with a problematic term: “fetus.” At best, this term is a harmless shorthand way to refer to a “human fetus,” “fetal human,” or the “child-in-utero,” and other non-discriminatory terms. At worst, and it’s often used this way, it’s a misleading rhetorical move designed to instill dehumanizing prejudice against the unborn. Either way, we can do better.

Some may call the term “fetus” a “microaggression,” although I’m not a big fan of that concept.[1] My grievance with this term is that it’s typically a subtle but deliberate spin in verbiage intended to relocate the discussion away from any possible implication of human rights. The net effect of that rhetoric, if left unchecked, is a dehumanizing prejudgment about the status of the unborn, as if this “fetus” isn’t really a human being. This use of terms can even be a kind of discrimination. It isn’t discrimination in the sense of breaking a law or violating someone’s civil rights. But it does qualify as verbal discrimination because it is dehumanizing and prejudicial language."

Make it short. Your post is boring.
Hahahahahahaha!! So Judges don’t really “decide the sentence” after all, uh snowflake? They are bound by the penal codes chosen by elected politicians.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Wow. You can post emojis. That makes you a real winner., in your own mind.
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