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This is the new version of “your racist if you don’t adopt the left’s totalitarian ideology” :rolleyes:

You don’t get to “decide” to commit murder, you low-IQ imbecile

We don’t have Roe v Wade anymore, snowflake 🤣 The Supreme Court just overturned that Nazi genocidal nonsense!!

It’s not her body and science can prove that. DNA take from a fetus in the womb shows:
  1. It is a human being
  2. It is not part of the mother, but a separate and unique human
Stop denying science, you low-IQ imbecile

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You’re still anti woman. Whether to full term is NOT YOUR DECISION. How stupid are you ? You can’t tell a woman what to do with her body. Are you prepared to charge a woman with murder Whose birth will jeopardize here life, is a cicf8m of rape or is 12 years old when she is raped. You’re recoltingly wrong. We went through this for decades before Roe V Wade. Young girls were butchered trying to resolve their pregnancy when they were made pregnant against their will and had their health in jeopardy

Yep…and federal judges make up a fraction of all judges across the US.

You’re so dumb, it’s literally breathtaking. Not even sure how it’s possible to live on the US and not know that the judges where you live are elected. Their fucking campaign commercials run constantly each election cycle.
The judges here are a
pointed dufus.

Mainly in southern backward states like Mississippi are they elected
You’re still anti woman.
Proving you wrong doesn’t make me “anti-woman”. It makes you ignorant.
Whether to full term is NOT YOUR DECISION.
The fuck it isn’t. 🤣
  1. It take two to make a baby, stupid
  2. The Supreme Court just said it is my decision!
You can’t tell a woman what to do with her body.
And we’re not. We could give a fuck what someone does with their own body. The baby is not their body.
Are you prepared to charge a woman with murder
We went through this for decades before Roe V Wade.
Yep, and now we’re correcting that mistake. History will look at you baby murdering thugs with the same contempt and disgusting that we do the Jew murdering Nazis.
Young girls were butchered trying to resolve their pregnancy
Good. They deserve it for being so fucking ignorant. A pregnancy is not something to “resolve”. It’s something to celebrate.
You are pro-propaganda and anti-informed
If the Judge could decide the sentence, he could give a murderer 24 hours in prison and a life sentence to someone for stealing a pack of gum.

But a judge can’t do that - because politicians decide penal codes, you low-IQ imbecile :laugh:
How ignorant are you. You just gave a range of 25-life and then said the judge decides the sentence. Hilarious. The judge decides the sentence.
Uh-oh!! Looks like someone is already trying to weasel out of their ignorant comments. First you said “judges are appointed”:
Judges are appointed, they aren’t elected.
After I exposed your ignorance there and humiliated you, now you’re trying to backpedal
Mainly in southern backward states like Mississippi are they elected
No snowflake. Every local judge is elected. 🤣
Proving you wrong doesn’t make me “anti-woman”. It makes you ignorant.

The fuck it isn’t. 🤣
  1. It take two to make a baby, stupid
  2. The Supreme Court just said it is my decision!

And we’re not. We could give a fuck what someone does with their own body. The baby is not their body.


Yep, and now we’re correcting that mistake. History will look at you baby murdering thugs with the same contempt and disgusting that we do the Jew murdering Nazis.

Good. They deserve it for being so fucking ignorant. A pregnancy is not something to “resolve”. It’s something to celebrate.

You are pro-propaganda and anti-informed
Your anti woman. You don’t trust woman to save their own lives when their health is at risk, babies are severely deformed or won’t even survive the birth. There are underaged Girls who are raped and may not even survive the birth themselves, and you want them to die. You’re anti woman.
Uh-oh!! Looks like someone is already trying to weasel out of their ignorant comments. First you said “judges are appointed”:

After I exposed your ignorance there and humiliated you, now you’re trying to backpedal

No snowflake. Every local judge is elected. 🤣
Local judge ? Really ? That’s a new one.
You’re still anti woman. Whether to full term is NOT YOUR DECISION. How stupid are you ? You can’t tell a woman what to do with her body. Are you prepared to charge a woman with murder Whose birth will jeopardize here life, is a cicf8m of rape or is 12 years old when she is raped. You’re recoltingly wrong. We went through this for decades before Roe V Wade. Young girls were butchered trying to resolve their pregnancy when they were made pregnant against their will and had their health in jeopardy

How many times do you ignorant liars need to be told that the fetus is a totally separate human being. You're sick.
Local judge ? Really ? That’s a new one.
It’s really not. They’ve existed since the US was founded. More illustration of your profound ignorance.

For fucks sake man, taking a civics course at a local community college. I’ll even pay for it. Or at the very least, turn on Tucker Carlson for once.
Your anti woman. You don’t trust woman to save their own lives when their health is at risk, babies are severely deformed or won’t even survive the birth. There are underaged Girls who are raped and may not even survive the birth themselves, and you want them to die. You’re anti woman.
Your anti-woman. You’re so threatened by women, you want them slaughtered in the womb so you won’t have to deal with them in life.
Your anti-woman. You’re so threatened by women, you want them slaughtered in the womb so you won’t have to deal with them in life.
Huh ? That’s a dumb statement. By definition, they is no woman in a womb. It’s a fetus.
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