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Says the fucking clown who just posted that “Judges decide penal codes” :lmao:

Violent crimes like murder used to carry life sentences. Before you leftist became extremists.

Seventy-six fucking thousand let out early - including violent criminals. You should really tune into Tucker Carlson so you’ll stop being so deeply ignorant. Your master’s have controlled your weak and simple mind so completely, they have you believing that the man providing facts is the “boogeyman” :laugh:
No one cares about your rant.
The gop almost never passes any bills that support child care after birth.
That’s because they don’t need to. Everything a child would ever need after birth was written into the US Constitution 246 years ago.

Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Press
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
The Right to be Secure in your Persons and Effects

And so on and so on and so on.
The gop almost never passes any bills that support child care after birth.
By the way, you just admitted you lied. Not passing bills to give you something is not the same as passing bills making it impossible for you to afford something.

Like all on the left, all you do is lie and push propaganda.
Right. The judge decides the sentence. You’re slowly getting there dufus.
If the Judge could decide the sentence, he could give a murderer 24 hours in prison and a life sentence to someone for stealing a pack of gum.

But a judge can’t do that - because politicians decide penal codes, you low-IQ imbecile :laugh:
Furthermore, Judges are politicians, you fucking high school dropout. They are public servants who run for office and get elected or voted out. 🤣

Seriously man, your ignorance is astounding. Truly astounding.
Another dumbass. Judges are appointed, they aren’t elected.
Bwahahaha!! Man you are so damn dumb. Politicians decide penal codes. Judges merely rule based on the range of said code (ie if murder carries a 25 to life sentence, the Judge will rule in that range decided by politicians).

A judge cannot arbitrarily decide a sentence 🤦‍♂️

Please stop talking now. You’ve absolutely humiliated yourself. You’ve shown the world that you’re ignorant about all of this subject matter.
you obviously have nothing to add. You’ve been proven wrong again.
So you’re pro-propaganda once you’ve been defeated with facts and science.
YOU ARE ANTI WOMAN. The child bearing woman makes the decision. . We have roe v Wade because anyone one else trying to make the decision is unacceptable. YOU can’t tell a woman what to do with here own body in this case. In states where Roe v Wade is overturned, it will be a zoo. Conservatives will lose elections because of this violation of woman’s rights.
By the way, you just admitted you lied. Not passing bills to give you something is not the same as passing bills making it impossible for you to afford something.

Like all on the left, all you do is lie and push propaganda.
More made up shit.
Another dumbass. Judges are appointed, they aren’t elected.
Bwahahaha!!! Federal judges are appointed ass-hat - and they don’t hear criminal cases.

Your local DA is elected and the judge who he brings cases before is elected.

You really are so ignorant, that it’s breathtaking.

Another dumbass. Judges are appointed, they aren’t elected.

you obviously have nothing to add. You’ve been proven wrong again.
. Federal judges hear federal crimes. Until 1832 all judges were appointed. The majority of judges are appointed, not elected.
This is the new version of “your racist if you don’t adopt the left’s totalitarian ideology” :rolleyes:
The child bearing woman makes the decision. .
You don’t get to “decide” to commit murder, you low-IQ imbecile
We have roe v Wade because anyone one else trying to make the decision is unacceptable.
We don’t have Roe v Wade anymore, snowflake 🤣 The Supreme Court just overturned that Nazi genocidal nonsense!!
YOU can’t tell a woman what to do with here own body in this case.
It’s not her body and science can prove that. DNA take from a fetus in the womb shows:
  1. It is a human being
  2. It is not part of the mother, but a separate and unique human
Stop denying science, you low-IQ imbecile

Bwahahaha!!! Federal judges are appointed ass-hat - and they don’t hear criminal cases.

Your local DA is elected and the judge who he brings cases before is elected.

You really are so ignorant, that it’s breathtaking.

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Federal judges hear federal. D8mes. That some judges are elected is an exception adopted since the constitution was founded. The vast majority of ALL JUDGES ARE APPOINTED.
Federal judges hear federal crimes.
Yep…and federal judges make up a fraction of all judges across the US.

You’re so dumb, it’s literally breathtaking. Not even sure how it’s possible to live on the US and not know that the judges where you live are elected. Their fucking campaign commercials run constantly each election cycle.
The vast majority of ALL JUDGES ARE APPOINTED.
Bwahahaha!! A fraction of all judges are appointed, you fucking high school dropout.

And those appointed are often hearing lower court challenges, almost never ruling on sentencing for criminal cases 🤣
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