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A libertarian in favor of government control of a person's body. Hypocrite.
Since you’re so deeply uneducated, we made a very simple graphic for you. We’re not in favor of government “controlling a person’s body”. We’re in favor of government stopping fascists such as yourself from taking the life of someone else.

No libertarian makes one person the slave to another.
Motherhood isn’t “slavery”. The fact that you people literally have to make shit up and constantly change the definition of words just proves you’re on the wrong side of the issue and you know it.

People on the side of truth and facts don’t need to resort to those disgusting tactics.
Vintage Dumbocrat right here ☝️ . Says “it’s about time” to unlimited infanticide but thinks violent criminals shouldn’t face consequences.
Life in prison isn’t a consequence ? You’re fraudulent post is obvious.
And killing a baby is murder, idiot.

By the way, don’t call others an “idiot” when you’re so fucking uneducated, you fail to place a comma after suicide.
You guys murder people all the time. Passing bills that keep everyone from affording copays for life saving drugs is second degree murder.
Sure am. So which unborn child has committed a crime worthy of being executed.

Here you are virtue signaling comparing Charles Manson to an unborn baby.
2 million in prison. 5% are completely innocent. Do the math.
They are just as innocent and repugnants aren’t interested.

Says the party who is a responsible for thousands of dead children by being * against post natal child care Funding.
So, you’re going to kill pregnant women in order to bring a child to birth who has no chance of survival ? You’re going to do away with birth control too. There are pregnant young girls who would die during the birthing process after being raped you’re now going to kill. Congrats. You’ve reached the level of stupidity.
2 million in prison. 5% are completely innocent. Do the math.
They are just as innocent and repugnants aren’t interested.

Says the party who is a responsible for thousands of dead children by being * against post natal child care Funding.
So, you’re going to kill pregnant women in order to bring a child to birth who has no chance of survival ? You’re going to do away with birth control too. There are pregnant young girls who would die during the birthing process after being raped you’re now going to kill. Congrats. You’ve reached the level of stupidity.
Just because you say so.........sure ...........sure.......
Life in prison isn’t a consequence ? You’re fraudulent post is obvious.
No. It’s not. At all.

And let’s not forget that “life in prison” doesn’t even exist. You Dumbocrats keeps letting violent criminals out on parole.
You guys murder people all the time. Passing bills that keep everyone from affording copays for life saving drugs is second degree murder.
Nobody has ever passed a bill that keeps someone from “affording” life saving drugs. You’re clearly a Chinese or Russian disinformation account because all you do is push asinine propaganda.
No. It’s not. At all.

And let’s not forget that “life in prison” doesn’t even exist. You Dumbocrats keeps letting violent criminals out on parole.
Idiot. Judges decide sentences, not politicians. . Parole boards decide when prisoners are eligible for parole. How many times have you ever actually researched anything and not just listened to Tucker.
No. It’s not. At all.

And let’s not forget that “life in prison” doesn’t even exist. You Dumbocrats keeps letting violent criminals out on parole.
Your ignorance is stunning. Violent crimes like first degree murder are often given life sentences w/o parole. How long have you been living under the Tucker rock of ignorance.
“Oftentimes, a violent crime like murder will result in a life sentence without the possibility of parole.”
Nobody has ever passed a bill that keeps someone from “affording” life saving drugs. You’re clearly a Chinese or Russian disinformation account because all you do is push asinine propaganda.
The gop almost never passes any bills that support child care after birth.
Nobody has ever passed a bill that keeps someone from “affording” life saving drugs. You’re clearly a Chinese or Russian disinformation account because all you do is push asinine propaganda.
BTW, if I were Russian, you and Trump would be falling all over yourselves taking my advice… usual.
Idiot. Judges decide sentences, not politicians. .
Bwahahaha!! Man you are so damn dumb. Politicians decide penal codes. Judges merely rule based on the range of said code (ie if murder carries a 25 to life sentence, the Judge will rule in that range decided by politicians).

A judge cannot arbitrarily decide a sentence 🤦‍♂️
Parole boards decide when prisoners are eligible for parole. How many times have you ever actually researched anything and not just listened to Tucker.
Please stop talking now. You’ve absolutely humiliated yourself. You’ve shown the world that you’re ignorant about all of this subject matter.
Judges merely rule based on the range of said code (ie if murder carries a 25 to life sentence, the Judge will rule in that range decided by politicians).
What an ignorant post. It’s the judge that decides the sentence. You just listed a range, 25-life. Now crawl back under a rock and think who decides the sentence form 25 to life. .
Your ignorance is stunning. Violent crimes like first degree murder are often given life sentences w/o parole. How long have you been living under the Tucker rock of ignorance.
“Oftentimes, a violent crime like murder will result in a life sentence without the possibility of parole.”
Says the fucking clown who just posted that “Judges decide penal codes” :lmao:

Violent crimes like murder used to carry life sentences. Before you leftist became extremists.

Seventy-six fucking thousand let out early - including violent criminals. You should really tune into Tucker Carlson so you’ll stop being so deeply ignorant. Your master’s have controlled your weak and simple mind so completely, they have you believing that the man providing facts is the “boogeyman” :laugh:
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