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The fetus isn't her body. Gonna play dumb now, huh.
You really are dumb when it comes to medical science. The fetus is dependent upon the woman’s body for life. It’s her decision whether or not to be the host. Any other POV is a dead end filled with contradictions.
You’re ignorant. Not only that, but you’re anti woman.
Prove me wrong, dick nose. When a woman is pregnant, she has a separate human life living inside her. Go ahead, prove me wrong, you fucking retarded goat.
You really are dumb when it comes to medical science. The fetus is dependent upon the woman’s body for life. It’s her decision whether or not to be the host. Any other POV is a dead end filled with contradictions.
Is the fetus a separate human being?
Your anti-woman. You’re so threatened by women, you want them slaughtered in the womb so you won’t have to deal with them in life.
You’re taking away a woman’s right to choose, not me. I never remember saying that I performed abortions, you idiot.
You’re taking away a woman’s right to choose, not me. I never remember saying that I performed abortions, you idiot.
It's not a right. It's either legal or illegal. You don't understand the Constitution.
It's not a right. It's either legal or illegal. You don't understand the Constitution.
Either a woman has the right to control her own body, or she doesn’t. Guess you don’t understand the constitution. Maybe, you’ll take away their right to vote next.
Either a woman has thevright to control her own body, or she doesn’t. Guess you don’t understand the constitution. Maybe, you’ll take away their right to vote next.
You skipped a post, asshole. Answer #2207.
Either a woman has the right to control her own body, or she doesn’t. Guess you don’t understand the constitution. Maybe, you’ll take away their right to vote next.
If she gets pregnant without wanting to get pregnant, then she doesn't really have control of her own body in the first place, dip shit. Nap time for you.
If she gets pregnant without wanting to get pregnant, then she doesn't really have control of her own body in the first place, dip shit. Nap time for you.
Like rape victims, including young girls and a plethora of other conditions that you would force women to lose their right to choose. You’re a beauty. You want govt control over women’s bodies. I hope this post gets into the next election cycle.
Like rape victims, including young girls and a plethora of other conditions that you would force women to lose their right to choose. You’re a beauty. You want govt control over women’s bodies. I hope this post gets into the next election cycle.
How many women get pregnant from rape every year?
It's not a right. It's either legal or illegal. You don't understand the Constitution.
You’re ignorance is stunning. You’re denying the fundamental right of a woman to choose her life over that of another. If the baby endangers her well being, she has the right to terminate the pregnancy at any time. Just because you choose to call a fetus “ innocent” has nothing to do with a woman’s right to choose her own well being over that of another. It’s no different then you choosing NOT to save an innocent child drowning in a raging river because you cannot see yourself surviving or even putting yourself at risk of bodily harm. How many pregnancies have you gone through ? . The right to choose is the woman’s and hers alone.

Now, you’re prepared to call that choice “ murder” ? That’s ignorant.
How many women get pregnant from rape every year?
Does it matter ? There were 126,000 rape cases reported. These woman till now we’re free to make a choice and have a pregnancy test. Then they we’re free to choose. Now you‘re forcing women to do what ? Have a pregnancy test then no choice ? You’re ignorant. Until you get raped yourself whether you’re a man or a woman, you have no fking idea what you’re talking about. You’ve just lost another right.
You’re ignorance is stunning. You’re denying the fundamental right of a woman to choose her life over that of another. If the baby endangers her well being, she has the right to terminate the pregnancy at any time. Just because you choose to call a fetus “ innocent” has nothing to do with a woman’s right to choose her own well being over that of another. It’s no different then you choosing NOT to save an innocent child drowning in a raging river because you cannot see yourself surviving or even putting yourself at risk of bodily harm. How many pregnancies have you gone through ? . The right to choose is the woman’s and hers alone.

Now, you’re prepared to call that choice “ murder” ? That’s ignorant.
You don't understand what a Constitutional right is. No where in the Constitution is abortion said to be a "right". Abortion was legalized by the Federal government. If something is legalized, it can also be made illegal. Do you understand that?
How many women get pregnant from rape every year?
The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101.

Now take 5% of 126,000. Need help ?
Does it matter ? There were 126,000 rape cases reported. These woman till now we’re free to make a choice and have a pregnancy test. Then they we’re free to choose. Now you‘re forcing women to do what ? Have a pregnancy test then no choice ? You’re ignorant. Until you get raped yourself whether you’re a man or a woman, you have no fking idea what you’re talking about. You’ve just lost another right.
Show the post where I said a woman had to birth her child from a rape. Go ahead.
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