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Your 2nd grader response is really compelling. It also confirms that everything I said was 100% true as you couldn't provide the slightest response to dispute it.
Nor do I give a shit. Guess you didnā€™t catch it. I donā€™t dispute a dogā€˜s fart either. Itā€™s what they do and itā€™s how you Humpers think. No logic, just bullshit.
Wrong. The United States already pays more per capita for healthcare then any industrialized nation in the world, all of whom have universal healthcare. And we die earlier.
There was nothing ā€œwrongā€ about what I said. We are in fact $32 trillion in debt and you would in fact rather fuck over future generations so you could get some ā€œfreeā€ shitā€.

Just saying ā€œwrongā€ ( :rolleyes: ) to facts donā€™t change those facts, clown.
Be your ass. You bozos have run up deficits for decades trying to keep everything free for you.
Conservatives donā€™t even pretend that anything is ā€œfreeā€. Conservatives deal strictly in reality, while liberals deal in fantasy 24x7.
Hey bozo, the poor are not hoarding all the money.
Exactly dumb shit. So why would you cry to make the poor to pay for the education of the wealthy? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
Think of how profoundly ignorant that is. It would be the greatest transfer of wealth from the poorest among us to the wealthiest among us, in US history.
Holy shit!! He admits it. He actually wants to transfer wealth from the poorest to the wealthiest!!

Typical leftist. Make the poor even poorer so they are beholden to government for even their most basic needs.
Nor do I give a shit. Guess you didnā€™t catch it. I donā€™t dispute a dogā€˜s fart either. Itā€™s what they do and itā€™s how you Humpers think. No logic, just bullshit.
Thatā€™s what everyone says after their ignorance has been exposed šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
There was nothing ā€œwrongā€ about what I said. We are in fact $32 trillion in debt and you would in fact rather fuck over future generations so you could get some ā€œfreeā€ shitā€.
Thanks to all the recessions and tax cuts from Reagan on. No one has run up the debt more then republicans.
Just saying ā€œwrongā€ ( :rolleyes: ) to facts donā€™t change those facts, clown.
Speaking of clowns, Trump is selling his trinkets. You buying ?
Conservatives donā€™t even pretend that anything is ā€œfreeā€. Conservatives deal strictly in reality, while liberals deal in fantasy 24x7
Really ? They make tax cuts all the time pretending it will grow the economy and reduce the deficit. Never has. They still expect the liberals to save their Medicare and SS and fund their infrastructure. Republicans have no plan, never did.
Exactly dumb shit. So why would you cry to make the poor to pay for the education of the wealthy? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
ā€œCry ?ā€
Holy shit!! He admits it. He actually wants to transfer wealth from the poorest to the wealthiest!!
The gop has been transferring it out of the middle class for decades.
Typical leftist. Make the poor even poorer so they are beholden to government for even their most basic needs.
Itā€™s the gop that is proposing a 30% federal sales tax so even the poor will have to pay 1/3 of their low salary. Sounds like something you could vote for.
There was nothing ā€œwrongā€ about what I said. We are in fact $32 trillion in debt and you would in fact rather fuck over future generations so you could get some ā€œfreeā€ shitā€.

Just saying ā€œwrongā€ ( :rolleyes: ) to facts donā€™t change those facts, clown.

Conservatives donā€™t even pretend that anything is ā€œfreeā€. Conservatives deal strictly in reality, while liberals deal in fantasy 24x7.

Exactly dumb shit. So why would you cry to make the poor to pay for the education of the wealthy? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
Think AGW and post about future generations.
Holy shit!! He admits it. He actually wants to transfer wealth from the poorest to the wealthiest!!

Typical leftist. Make the poor even poorer so they are beholden to government for even their most basic needs.
How does that work ? Itā€™s the gop that gave 85% of the tax cuts to the top 20% of the wage earners ?
Itā€™s the GOP that deregulated and cut services since Reagan leading to 10 of the past 11 recessions. Tell us what better way to fk the working poor and the middle class.
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There was nothing ā€œwrongā€ about what I said. We are in fact $32 trillion in debt and you would in fact rather fuck over future generations so you
Mainly because of the lack of fiscal discipline of the republicans who literally give away the store to their big ticket donors. When Amazon et al pays no federal income taxes, thatā€™s wealth shifting. When Bush recession results in nearly 90% of the workers laced off were from the middle class, thatā€™s wealth shifting. When Trump like other realtors brags that he LOVES Recessions where he can buy up properties for pennies on the dollar, later to be sold back to the middle class after they have been bailed out by deficit causing bailout loans from the fed, thatā€™s wealth shifting. Stick it up your ass.
GOP proposes 30% federal sales tax
Thatā€™s what everyone says after their ignorance has been exposed šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚
Really ? You parade the idiot Trump withhis massive tax cuts FOR THE RICH and complain about someone else ? Your brain, if there is one, is working in reverse
Holy shit!! He admits it. He actually wants to transfer wealth from the poorest to the wealthiest!!

Typical leftist. Make the poor even poorer so they are beholden to government for even their most basic needs.
You have ā€œholy shitā€...Amazing.
Pre-COVID, most of us were fairing far better under that ā€œclownā€ than under the current one.
Thanks to Obama every economic indicator was improving. Trump just rode the wave. When he had a crisis, just like Bush, he folded like tent. High deficits and poor judgement leave you no wiggle room. Both were incompetent. The difference was, twice impeached Trump IS a criminal and a traitor.
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Pre-COVID, most of us were fairing far better under that ā€œclownā€ than under the current one.
Covid relief, infrastructure the gop govs are bragging about and record employment numbersā€¦ā€¦we need more clowns like Biden and fewer idiots like Trump the fool.
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Covid relief, infrastructure the gop govs are bragging about and record employment numbersā€¦ā€¦we need more clowns like Biden and fewer idiots like Trump the fool.

Your side of the aisle is just not very smart. It is as simple as that. No understanding of the underlying markets and the economy.
The shit-hole state of California refuses to accept that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology. No matter how much they fail, they just cry that they failed because there wasn't enough liberalism šŸ¤¦

Three years later and millions are still fleeing the state like it's a fuck'n third-world nation.
The shit-hole state of California refuses to accept that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology. No matter how much they fail, they just cry that they failed because there wasn't enough liberalism šŸ¤¦

Three years later and millions are still fleeing the state like it's a fuck'n third-world nation.
Californians are buying up Washington and Idaho.
The shit-hole state of California refuses to accept that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology. No matter how much they fail, they just cry that they failed because there wasn't enough liberalism šŸ¤¦

Three years later and millions are still fleeing the state like it's a fuck'n third-world nation.
Made up spit.
pragerU is a conservative blog/ think tank. They arenā€™t anything more then a computer version of a check out counter tabloid.
Goober, they arenā€™t even a real universityā€¦.but donate to them as they ask and get your Trump shit.
Goober, they arenā€™t even a real universityā€¦.but donate to them as they ask and get your Trump shit.
They don't pretend to be a "university" at all :lmao:

But...thank you for illustrating to the world that yet again, you speak out without having even the slightest fuck'n clue about the subject matter!
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