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They don't pretend to be a "university" at all :lmao:

But...thank you for illustrating to the world that yet again, you speak out without having even the slightest fuck'n clue about the subject matter!
Gee, Goober, they put U after their handle on their web site. Maybe you didn’t notice. And you have a clue after quoting from a website of delusiinal Humpers of made up shit ?
Made up spit.
At least you were honest enough to preface you disinformation with "made up spit".

As far as the video though, millions have fled California (including businesses such as Oracle, HP, and Tesla)
pragerU is a conservative blog/ think tank.
Exactly. So 100% accurate. Cool. Glad we agree.
They aren’t anything more then a computer version of a check out counter tabloid.
And yet you're wholly incapable of disputing even a single item in all of their content! Oops!!
Yeah...the letter "U". Does that letter completely freak you out or something? Does it shut down your brain?
is this an example of hard core MAGA Trump Humpers thinking for themselves and using logic ? This is your evidence ?
Dagosa thinks she can apply to attend Prager U because they have a little "U" at the end :lmao:

Damn that is funny shit. Imagine thinking anything with a "U" is automatically a university/college 🤦‍♂️
I see you’re devoting two paragraphs to explain away what a Goober you are using pragerU not prager U as a reference. At least look at their own letter head. Goober.
people want to live there so bad thousands are leaving every week...I live in tenn in new sub division and all my neighbor are from california and damned glad to be here too

You're hilarious. They moved to Tenn for the same reason northerners moved to Fla., no state income tax. They’re losers. California is happy to send losers to Tenn a high crime ridden state.
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Made up spit.
pragerU is a conservative blog/ think tank. They aren’t anything more then a computer version of a check out counter tabloid.
Goober, they aren’t even a real university….but donate to them as they ask and get your Trump shit.
Yep, people aren't leaving by the thousands, businesses aren't moving elsewhere, Mexicans can't vote and hold give jobs and homelessness isn't out of control. Oh yeah, and a 60 thousand dollar house here doesn't cost over half a mil there. Yeah, pos. It's all good in that shit hole.
I see you’re devoting two paragraphs to explain away what a Goober you are using pragerU not prager U as a reference. At least look at their own letter head. Goober.
Hint: their letterhead doesn't imply they are a university/college either :lmao:
Yep, people aren't leaving by the thousands, businesses aren't moving elsewhere, Mexicans can't vote and hold give jobs and homelessness isn't out of control. Oh yeah, and a 60 thousand dollar house here doesn't cost over half a mil there. Yeah, pos. It's all good in that shit hole.
Shit hole ? Worse places to live ? Red states.
Yep, people aren't leaving by the thousands, businesses aren't moving elsewhere, Mexicans can't vote and hold give jobs and homelessness isn't out of control. Oh yeah, and a 60 thousand dollar house here doesn't cost over half a mil there. Yeah, pos. It's all good in that shit hole.
10 worse STATEs to live in. Mostly red shit holes.
Notice the trend ? No California, Nearly ALL red states. Cat got your tongue bubba.

New Mexico
West Virginia
South Carolina
Yep, people aren't leaving by the thousands, businesses aren't moving elsewhere, Mexicans can't vote and hold give jobs and homelessness isn't out of control. Oh yeah, and a 60 thousand dollar house here doesn't cost over half a mil there. Yeah, pos. It's all good in that shit hole.
The very nature of liberalism is to deny all reality. Weirdest fuck'n religion ever conceived by man.
Shit hole ? Worse places to live ? Red states.
Imagine thinking that that paying $60,000 for a piece of shit home on a tiny sliver of land is "worse" than paying $1.7 million for that same piece of shit home on that same tiny sliver of land.

Liberalism is the most bizarre mental illness.
Shit hole ? Worse places to live ? Red states.

10 worse STATEs to live in. Mostly red shit holes.
Notice the trend ? No California, Nearly ALL red states. Cat got your tongue bubba.

New Mexico
West Virginia
South Carolina
Keep lying shit stain, it's all you got.
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