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Patriot, my Friend, why do you bother to reply to his inane posts? WHY???

The poor thing doesn't know "then" from "than." I had to take him off IGNORE LIST to read his ignorance:

"They aren’t anything more then a computer version of a check out counter tabloid.
Goober, they aren’t even a real university….but donate to them as they ask and get your Trump shit." -Dagosa

He writes and thinks at the sixth grade level. Socialism is for the poor and the ignorant to embrace and champion.
Mr dufus chem. Tell us all about the periodic table.
Leftist ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb to keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/ Alex Jones/ Brietbart/ Infowars/ Stormfront/ Gateway/ Hannity/ Rush

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump!

20. Science denier! But men can menstruate and have babies.

always the same with you scum.
You did this for typing practice right ? It’s unreadable.
The facts that they post to enlighten you uneducated folk! 10 posts in and you're still unable to dispute even a single piece of content from them. Oops!
I know you think you make sense in your own little mind.
I'm not the one who thought that PragerU was trying to pass themselves off as a "university" :lmao:
Another lie. But keep trying. You’re foolish enough to use this sham. They scammed you, admit it. You used them for a reference. I didn’t.
Everything is "unreadable" when one is illiterate 🤷‍♂️
“One”, You must be referring to that ignoramus chem engineer who thinks that every high school and university misnamed the periodic table. I’m sure you don’t get it because you’re probably just as ignorant about chemistry as he is. Just like you were taken in by U, you’re also taken in by someone who calls himself an engineer. Change your name from p@triot to Gullible.

He’s afraid, just like you.
You're hilarious. They moved to Tenn for the same reason northerners moved to Fla., no state income tax. They’re losers. California is happy to send losers to Tenn a high crime ridden state.
The people leaving California are all taxpayers. The people staying and immigrating are tax takers. California is rapidly approaching a social structure identical to central and southern American countries. A few very rich and a horde of poor.
I do! The "trend" is that the list was composed by the same liberals who deny all reality!

I mean, only a liar would put Alaska as being worse to live in than California. Aside from being infinitely more beautiful than California, Alaska has infinitely less crime, much lower taxes and cost of living, a gabillion times cleaner air and water, and it doesn't have problems keeping the electricity on :laugh:
The only downsides to Alaska that I see are the Vulture-sized mosquitos and long, cold winters.
The people leaving California are all taxpayers. The people staying and immigrating are tax takers. California is rapidly approaching a social structure identical to central and southern American countries. A few very rich and a horde of poor.
Eventually they’ll go from the sixth greatest economy in the world to fifth. Then you’ll have a real reason to complain.
Eventually they’ll go from the sixth greatest economy in the world to fifth. Then you’ll have a real reason to complain.
Nope, the people leaving are the ones working in the tech industry and the skilled trades supporting it. California’s economy will drop to the level of where it was in the nineteen twenties. Tech and Aerospace built California and tech is leaving and aerospace left decades ago. Movies and TV shows are not even filmed there anymore. Soon, all that will be left is farming and even it is suffering because there is a water shortage since the state government hasn't built a water project since Pat Brown’s Lars term as governor while the population has increased nearly a hundredfold. Of by the way Pat Brown was Jerry ( Governor Moonbeam)’s father whose last term ended in 1967.
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The only downsides to Alaska that I see are the Vulture-sized mosquitos and long, cold winters.

Nope, the people leaving are the ones working in the tech industry and the skilled trades supporting it. California’s economy will drop to the level of where it was in the nineteen twenties. Tech and Aerospace built California and tech is leaving and aerospace left decades ago.
That’s what they said when it was number seven in the world.
At least you were honest enough to preface you disinformation with "made up spit".

As far as the video though, millions have fled California (including businesses such as Oracle, HP, and Tesla)

Exactly. So 100% accurate. Cool. Glad we agree.

And yet you're wholly incapable of disputing even a single item in all of their content! Oops!!

There are plenty of videos on YouTube thoroughly debunking PragerU. Nihilistic Liberalism might be full of shit, but so is "right-wing" cronyism and religious conservatism. You Christian fascists have your own set of bullshit beliefs, practices, and policies. Both the Dems and Pubs are full of it.
There are plenty of videos on YouTube thoroughly debunking PragerU. Nihilistic Liberalism might be full of shit, but so is "right-wing" cronyism and religious conservatism. You Christian fascists have your own set of bullshit beliefs, practices, and policies. Both the Dems and Pubs are full of it.
Commie, people and businesses are leaving California by the ton. Your lies don't change that.
Commie, people and businesses are leaving California by the ton. Your lies don't change that.

Captardo, it doesn't matter if Musk and others leave. California is still one of the wealthiest states in the union:

The wealthiest states are the most liberal or leftist leaning (although they're not really leftists). The poorest states are the most conservative and religious. The states with the lowest standard of living for most people are the most right-wing conservative ones (the bible belt states), which serve the rich at the expense of the poor and working class. Nonetheless, you are erroneously conflating American liberalism with communism or Marxism, when it has nothing to do with that. The liberals might lean a little bit towards the left, but they're not leftists. Let me educate you Captardo by asking some simple questions:

Are the Dems for universal healthcare? NO.
Are the Dems for nationalizing all of the major centers of economic power in America (Banks, Energy/All Uitilies, Transcom, Big Pharma, Mining/Minerals Extraction/Fossil Fuels, Space Infrastructure/Logistics/Exploration/Colonization)? NO.
Are the Dems for providing everyone in America with a tuition-free education? NO.
Are the Dems for recognizing housing, food, and employment as inherent human rights? No.
Are the Dems, Are the Dems...No No No....

Did they support Bernie Sanders, one of the most leftist politicians we have? No, they got rid of him. How about Nader? No. The establishment Dems HATE SOCIALISM. Hate it. They're not Marxists, yet they're liberals. They throw crumbs at the problem. The right-wing republicans throw nothing or feces at the problem, like a chimp at the zoo. They don't do a darn thing. At least the liberals do a little bit more for the poor and working class, but they're still, at the end of the day, FULL OF SHIT TOO. They're all full of it.
You're right. You're right. But I just keep thinking I can educate the low-IQ left 🤷‍♂️
He is beyond hope. He simply continues to drag every discussion down to the depths
of stupidity and hopelessness, giggling as he depresses thinking people.
You can do more for the middle of the roaders by addressing them with moderation.
The rancor he brings out achieves nothing and leaves you frustrated, always.
Evil is like that.
The people leaving California are all taxpayers. The people staying and immigrating are tax takers. California is rapidly approaching a social structure identical to central and southern American countries. A few very rich and a horde of poor.
My dear friend, a retired dentist, moved from Orange County, California to Nashville, Tennessee two years ago.
He just played golf with three other strangers and all were California expatriates, within the last two years.
Happily living in Tennessee, which rejected Al Gore for President, putting George Bush in the White House.
Gore was their own favorite son. Brilliant, those Tennessee folk I tell ya.
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