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Oh GOD.............Liberals ranting on How Great they are in California.........ignoring they are leaving in droves there and have the worst homeless problem in the Nation......while taking on the largest number of illegals in the Nation.

Have another thread on this subject..........didn't see this one.

The Homeless people of California
Just because Mr. T pities the fool, doesn't mean we all have to. :D Lol! Obviously there is a problem there, and you don't want to acknowledge. Typical leftist. Like I said, it's pretty sad but if you guys are okay with it, then I don't care. :dunno:
Why dont worry about California giving the federal government more than it takes ? Or when California GDP is getting and bigger than lot of wealthy countries ? Or when we export technology that helps you and millions around the world ?

Why do you want to pretend as if there are no problems with homelessness in California? People don't like it when problems are ignored and/or denied to even exist. The fact here is that California has a big problem with homelessness and it is starting to invade the "wealthy" areas of the state too. You can continue to ignore it, or you can demand that your state do something to solve the problem. I live on the opposite coast, so it has no effect on me personally, so if you think homelessness is not a problem, then whatevs.
Do many homeless people go to California from other states? If so, maybe it is more liberal in their attitude toward the unfortunate and hobbo types.
What is solution? Ship them back where they came from? Would that be legal?

I don't know. If I knew the solution for homelessness, I would probably be a very rich lady. :D I just find it strange that SOME people would rather pretend a problem doesn't exist instead of acknowledging it and attacking it. That is nothing but blatantly ignorant.

Nobody is saying it doesn't exist. It exists everywhere. It's not a liberal or conservative or red state blue state problem, it's a human problem. It's an American problem with few good solutions that anyone is willing to pay for. It requires mental health spending, spending on shelter and, low cost housing. It requires rent control and drug treatment programs. It exists. Now what do we DO about it?

The governors of 30+ states are Republicans. They seem to have absolutely no responsibility for anything that happens in those states they govern. Texas has been a subsidiary of the GOP for about 30 years….never has a Texas Governor—Clemets, Bush, Perry, Abbott—done one thing about the homeless.

San Francisco

Yes, your touristy images are really making an impression on us, especially after we've seen the pictures of the "hidden" San Francisco. Kind of like any other "trendy resort" reserved for the rich and wealthy in any 3rd world country that has a nice beach. ;)

Of course all of the images that I post are accessible by anyone. So you make yet another false statement. You can't help yourself.

California has problems. California is beautiful. That is why there is so many people out there.
Alabama has problems. Alabama is ugly. That is why it is largely rural.

I'd take California any day.

Your "images" are postcards, fool.

Your image is ugly.

Your ignorance is ugly.
It's just sad. The incessant, blatant lies from the right.
Bwahaha! Even the hard core left-wing New York Times is acknowledging that it is so bad in California, the people of San Francisco are ready to turn to Republicans to bail them out (as the American people always do when left-wing leadership forces them to hit rock bottom).
SAN FRANCISCO — In this deeply liberal California city, frustration over crises around housing and homelessness is bringing some on the left a little further right.
But hey...keep pretending there is no problem CC and keep claiming it is all “incessant, blatant lies from the right” (even when it’s from the New York Times)! :laugh:

Troubles in San Francisco Push Some Voters to Think Republican
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
California losers are the same pieces of shit that lost their minds when asked to pay their fair shair of federal taxes. The SALT changes brought out their true colors. Greed.
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
California losers are the same pieces of shit that lost their minds when asked to pay their fair shair of federal taxes. The SALT changes brought out their true colors. Greed.
They and New York have some of the highest property taxes in the Nation..........when those were removed from the Federal Tax Reductions they screamed fowl.................because they would have to pay more..............Yet they have forever demanded more taxes on the rich..........those living in inflated priced mansions can't write off the high taxes anymore..............and are pissed.............Hypocrisy at it's best.
On the other thread on this issue I looked up house Cali........versus Alabama and then Texas.........and found that I could buy anywhere from 8 to 10 houses for the same price of a similar or even lesser house in California..............................

Their prices are INSANE..............why people are leaving in droves.............can't afford to live there. Those unable to flee are pitching tents..................better than nothing at all................they still work but have no home........probably saving every cent to haul ass too.............
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
California losers are the same pieces of shit that lost their minds when asked to pay their fair shair of federal taxes. The SALT changes brought out their true colors. Greed.
They and New York have some of the highest property taxes in the Nation..........when those were removed from the Federal Tax Reductions they screamed fowl.................because they would have to pay more..............Yet they have forever demanded more taxes on the rich..........those living in inflated priced mansions can't write off the high taxes anymore..............and are pissed.............Hypocrisy at it's best.
I would love to audit the tax returns of every elected offical. You know they are cheating. Back to liberal hypocrisy... They clamored for higher taxes and cried when they received what they demanded. Silly group of idiots.
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
California losers are the same pieces of shit that lost their minds when asked to pay their fair shair of federal taxes. The SALT changes brought out their true colors. Greed.
They and New York have some of the highest property taxes in the Nation..........when those were removed from the Federal Tax Reductions they screamed fowl.................because they would have to pay more..............Yet they have forever demanded more taxes on the rich..........those living in inflated priced mansions can't write off the high taxes anymore..............and are pissed.............Hypocrisy at it's best.
I would love to audit the tax returns of every elected offical. You know they are cheating. Back to liberal hypocrisy... They clamored for higher taxes and cried when they received what they demanded. Silly group of idiots.
The issue of California homelessness and high prices screwing the poor gets the left unhinged........not that that is anything abnormal for them............LOL..........but when you point out how their policies screw the poor in their states they go off the reservation...........

They have screwed the people they say they are Champions of.............and put many on the streets and caused many to flee..........Millions to flee.............Just like Detroit were 1.5 million left the dang place after they destroyed it. The only reason the population of California is stable is because illegals are flocking to the place. Even with the high prices there the illegals get 20 people together and all rent one house...........LOL ..........hell they do it here in Alabama........I see It up the road from me........they have one house and one car...............they work at the nurseries.........

Anyways............they have inflated the prices so high that now they have changed the propaganda to LIVING WAGES........................because they have jacked up the cost for everything. Stupidity in motion.
Failed left-wing policy continues to drive companies, jobs, and people out of California. It is well on its way to becoming the next Venezuela (or Detroit - take your pick).
Insane individual and corporate taxes: California's state tax is at 8.25%, income tax goes as high as 13.3%, and corporate taxes are at 8.84%. Out-of-control taxes and policies have driven countless companies out of California in the last two years, including Carl's Jr., Toyota, Nissan, Jamba Juice and Chevron.
It is unreal watching the left destroy economies, jobs, communities, nations and lives.

Democratic disaster: 7 progressive policies that are driving the California mass exodus
California continues to fail its citizens because of the idiot radical progressives.
California is failing its citizens one by one: deteriorating quality of life, crumbling roads and bridges, an underperforming education system, ballooning pension obligations for government workers, political cronyism and unfriendly policies that are driving businesses out of state.
More and more, Californians are looking to conservative policies to bail them out of the nightmare.

This is why Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper wants to break California into three
The shit-hole state of California strikes again. The state isn’t even capable of providing clean, healthy drinking water to our veterans in a hospital.
Legionella, the bacteria that can cause Legionnaire’s disease, was found in the water that supplies the water fountains at Pettis VA Medical Center in Loma Linda, California, according to recent water safety tests.
California is a complete and total embarrassment to the United States. Progressive policy has turned it into a third-world nation.

Legionella bacteria discovered in California VA hospital’s water fountains
No surprise here. California is #2 in states with the most psychopaths. Also not a surprise - 8 of the top 10 states for psychopaths are the most radical left-wing states (California, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, etc.).

Left-wing policy will produce psychopaths every time. That's what happens when you reject God, eliminate liberty, promote promiscuity, embrace the murder of babies, support sexual deviance, break up the family structure, and facilitate poverty.

States with the Most Psychopaths - State Rankings for Most Psychopaths
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